FedEx Settles Race Bias Class Action for $55 Million

August 15, 2007

  • August 16, 2007 at 4:47 am
    steve says:
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    And tons of white people “burn the midnight oil” to obtain a better education, job, life, etc. You are not special just because you do it nor should you be rewarded for burning that oil via a B.S. lawsuit. Quit using your race as a crutch, get off your ***, grow up and get a life. I’m surprise you haven’t complained (and sued) IJ for discrimination since this site is in English but then again i suppose that’s on your race agenda as well.

  • August 16, 2007 at 4:50 am
    Andrew says:
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    The fact that everyone is now so far off the initial topic is a testament to how much racial tension there is in this country.
    Here are my two cents, As a Mexican/American I have seen racism in both the workplace and society as a whole, it exists, yes, but here I am still carving out my piece of the pie, the proverbial American Dream.
    To make any type of generalization about an entire race of people is a mistake.
    Some of you are correcting grammar like you invented the English language, some of you think because you were born here you created the Earth on which you walk.
    Sure the lawsuit is frivolous, sure I want my doctor to have a degree, sure the govt. is as corrupt as any other but you can be sure the playing field is not level and there are many ways to overcome it like hard work and like education. But don’t sit there behind your desk and try to pretend that there is no problem here and the reason non-caucasian people struggle is due to some lazy or inferior gene.

    Yes, education is free but it is not equal.

  • August 16, 2007 at 4:54 am
    Jules says:
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    Anybody who works in an office and/or corporate environment, hell any workplace setting, HAS to prove themselves everyday REGARDLESS of color. If you don’t prove your “worthiness” to the company then you will be canned, demoted, ect. You seem to keep confusing your race with your laziness.

  • August 16, 2007 at 5:06 am
    Human Pride says:
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    Andrew there is your first problem – your perception and it is extremely negative. Maybe you were not hired for a job because of the huge chip on your shoulder and not because of the color of your skin. Everyone is born equally (regardless of what you think) and people achieve their goals in life due to hard work, determination and discipline. Try using those traits next time instead of your race card.

  • August 16, 2007 at 5:44 am
    This bodes ill for the U.S.A. says:
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    Can you believe the number of posts to this story? The invective is palpable and I sit here in fear that the name-calling and race-baiting is going to spill over into violence. We’re in the 21st Century and with all the advancements in science, industry, medicine, government, and virtually all aspects of our daily lives, we’re still at each others’ throats just as if we crawled down out of the trees or walked out of our caves yesterday. Good thing we’re all posting anonymously and using phony names. Otherwise there would probably be some fistfights (or worse) out in the parking lot. The U.S. is supposed to be a “melting pot” but it’s clear from the angst in these posts that we’re anything but “melted” together. I’ve heard it said that unless people know and understand histoy, they’re bound to repeat it. From what I’ve seen here, we aren’t far from refighting old battles with new and improved varieties of hate. It seem to me to be a pretty simple concept that in order to do a job, you need to have some basic skills essential to the job. What happened in the case at issue was a settlement, and each side accomplished the settlement for their own reasons. No one has given up their racism (for the record, I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are two of the most racist human beings on the planet) and the hatred has obviously not abated – look at these posts. Incredible. I’m going to go down and get that job at FedEx whether I can do it or not. I’m entitled.

  • August 16, 2007 at 5:45 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    How do you know what MY ancestors did??? stop accusing me and mine of something they may not have done.

  • August 16, 2007 at 5:56 am
    Coolnmellow says:
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    I can see you arrogance and laugh at you because I know you really believe you and yours are entitled to our country. America was made great by many nationalities. That’s what makes us great because all of our ancestors left other countries and continents to come here and live the American dream. Some of our ancestors came here unwillingly and still made the best of it. Why can’t we all just get along?

  • August 16, 2007 at 5:59 am
    jesse says:
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    Racism as a Way of Life. Read the Lawsuit, fool. Your last sentence takes the “lamb’s wool off the wolf”.

  • August 16, 2007 at 6:25 am
    This bodes ill... says:
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    Jesse: What would you say if I told you I’m a black person?

  • August 16, 2007 at 6:39 am
    Andrew says:
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    “Human Pride”
    Where do you get this “maybe” nonsense from, you do not know me, so “maybe” taking off the rose colored glasses is a better idea rather than trying to analyze my (alleged negative) perception doc. And believe it, there is a huge chip on my shoulder…HUGE. Its exactly what drives my hard work, determination, discipline and overcoming adversity.
    Now lets consider your statement where everyone is born equal…You try putting words in my mouth, read my statement again and point out where I state “Everyone is not born equally”. Good luck in finding it.
    Spoon feeding time: I am stating that racism exists. I am not calling you a racist and I am not using the race card.

    Jules…do not think I forgot about you and your little jab about confusing my race with laziness…Why dont you tell me what you really mean? Are you implying that ME being a Mexican American is easily confused with being lazy? Please clarify.

    You two are so quick to make this a personal thing. I did not point the finger at you…I pointed it at the playing field. I did not finger you out as a racist I pointed the finger at racism.

    Get your facts straight or go write a policy.

    Andrew there is your first problem – your perception and it is extremely negative. Maybe you were not hired for a job because of the huge chip on your shoulder and not because of the color of your skin. Everyone is born equally (regardless of what you think) and people achieve their goals in life due to hard work, determination and discipline. Try using those traits next time instead of your race card.

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