FedEx Settles Race Bias Class Action for $55 Million

August 15, 2007

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:01 am
    oh please says:
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    Oh please. Let’s be honest. We all know the corporate world does not expect ‘minorities’ to be successful. We know there are tactics used to keep people of color where we think they should be.

    I work with dumb people who are not minorities everyday. Let’s be serious…it is not what we know, but who we know and what we look like that really matters. ‘Non-minorities’ know other dumb people who look just like them and just because they are not black or latino they get the job…and keep the job. They, unlike people of color, never have to prove themselves because being anything other than black or latino is generally all that is required.

    Corporations need to wake up and eliminate discrimminating practices and people who discrimminate from their hiring process.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:04 am
    Coolnmellow says:
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    I knew that the insurance industry has bias. I just didn’t know that idiots with too much time on their hands would comment on issues they know nothing about.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:05 am
    Al says:
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    You’re a total dope. If you think that minorities are incapable of reading a map then you are a dope and a racist to boot. Why does someone’s skin color excuse him from adult responsibilities like being able to read a map? Do minorities lack map-reading DNA? You should go shoot yourself in the head. Aim at the hole that is already there.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:05 am
    corina says:
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    Finally. Finally someone like “oh please” gets it right on the mark!!! God Bless you.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:06 am
    Al says:
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    Ok, you read the same article we did, you tell us what we don’t learn from it, genius.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:10 am
    JB says:
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    Well for 23,000 class members it’s about $1800 each after who knows how many years. But the lawyers, poor souls, get $15 million. I really want discrimination to be outlawed / reduced but how or why does giving (probably) mainly white lawyers millions of dollars support this aim? To help them employ (in a non-discriminatory way of course)more minority servants in their mansions??
    Just curious…

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:10 am
    Patriot says:
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    Lousy attorneys, whining manorities that are so stupid they can’t read or write and then complain about descrimination!

    This is one reason companies seek employees overseas. In this case it would be rather difficult to farm out this type of service.

    We need to grab this country by the collar, get rid of this kind of tort malfeasence, and tell those that would rather be stupid we have a ticket for them on the next plane to anywhere they want to go.. Poor FEDx in this case.. And, I am not a big fan of most big businesses.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:11 am
    Sam says:
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    Totally employer that wants their employees to be capable of doing what the job entails is not a racist. Nor does that mean they are liberal. The liberals are usually fighting for the minorities and how they are so mistreated because they are expected to pass the same test we take.

    Would you like this type test to be omitted for entrance into the armed forces, the fire department or police department of your local city? I, personally, would prefer that the person saving my family’s lives to be tested to ensure that they have the minimum required aptitude to understand how to actually save a life…or in this case..deliver a package on time without getting lost because they can’t read at all…much less a map for goodness sakes. Also, I can assure you, there are white people that can’t read a map or this article too…this is just a simple case of the “race card” being played in order to collect some free money that isn’t deserved.

    We as potential customers of FedEx should expect that…especially since they advertise getting your package to you on time…I guess they have to take all that advertising down now…since they aren’t allowed to hire the employees that are capable of doing so…and that makes FedEx racists? Seriously?

    If that’s the case…I must be a racist too…

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:11 am
    *SIGH* says:
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    I am sick and tired of so-called “minorities” complaining that they don’t get things because of their color. I know many black and latino people that have well paying careers who would never say anything to this effect. And the reason why they don’t is because they, like everyone else, simply worked hard to get where they are. There is such an overwhelming effort to be politically correct in this country that minorities have become the majority. You don’t see white kids getting scholarships for being white. There is no caucasian college fund. They simply must maintain high grades. Which brings me again to working hard. So for all the white, black, and purple people out there who are mooching off the system…get off your a**, go get an education and EARN yourself some money instead of having the hard-working middle class people pay for all of your illegitamate children.

  • August 16, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Feroze Irani says:
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    If a company that is involved in delivery of material, and delivery time is of the essence, how do we expect them to hire people who cannot read the road map to figure out where they are or how they are supposed to reach the destination? How can they compete against other businesses?What is next? Hire people who cannot read names and addresses on the label? Otherwise you are discriminating? Wake up America and stop this madness before it ruins the very fabric of your existence. Stop giving in to those who claim to be “politically correct” and do what is “morally correct”.

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