Clinton Suggests Tapping Wages of Those Who Won’t Buy Insurance

February 5, 2008

  • February 5, 2008 at 2:43 am
    Willy says:
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    Hospitals used to be run by churches. When health care was a charity, the costs were manageable. Now the govt regulates it to death and runs hospitals, so it’s all screwed up.

    Used to be that schools were all private or church-run. Now the govt runs most of them and Johnny can’t read. Why’s that? Do you detect a pattern?

    UPS and FedEx do a marvelous job of delivering mail. Why does the USPS still deserve a monopoly on letters?

    I guess health care is in the same emanation of penubras in the Constitution as abortion.

    Oh, and Hillary Pantsuit Clinton’s plan is very similar to the one Romney foisted on Mass, and now Mass has the highest health insurance costs in the nation. The health insurance companies have made her the #1 recipient of their campaign contributions for a reason.

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:03 am
    Bang says:
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    Ok Hilary how about you fix ( or even come up with a plan to attempt to fix) the Social Security pothole before you go dig another one.

    I know you can’t talk about Social Security because the “Press” will kill you. Your husband as President and you as Senator ignored fixing Social Security for the last 16 years. HElloooo its bankrupt!

    Maybe if you and Bill had fixed one social economic problem the public would be inclined to let you try out health care.

    It just appears to the rest of us, you want more control over more of our money.

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:11 am
    Demos says:
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    The greatest measure of a societies success is the extent to which it is able to take care of it’s most vulnerable citizens! It seems to me that in the USA today, we collectively take our overall affluence as a right, and exhibit little empathy for those less fortunate then us. Imagine what we could accomplish as a society if everyone (rich and poor) colletively said “what can I do for you”, instead of “what can you do for me”. It has to start somewhere.

    Now, I don’t know if the answer to the question of how to provide quality health care to more or our citizens is what Sen Clinton suggested, but all I hear on these posts is a lot of complaining about why should I pay to help others. How about some realistic ideas on how we can help the uninsured!

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:12 am
    Sheila says:
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    Remember you already garnish my wages, its called taxes, this is no different than a tax. You already waste my tax money on things I dont need or want, like the war in Iraq.

    So I know if we didnt spend all that money in Iraq we would have more than enough already for universal health care AND a tax cut!!

    The real problem is that the pharm companies own the politicians and therefore we pay 10 times what we should to line their pockets.

    I guanrantee I could get elected If I just promised to make Martin Luther King Day a mandatory day off for all Americnas to be celebrated the day after the Superbowl.

    Also, if you want a war, you better go after China now, before they get any stronger, and before they call in the massive debt we owe them…..

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:13 am
    The Sage of Wonderland says:
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    Your point is well taken: governments are totally incompetent, dishonest and despicable at any task they undertake. No, I take that back; governments excel at three things. In fact they are the best of any entity in the world at these three: 1)Lying with every word they speak; 2) Stealing people’s property; & 3) Killing extremely large numbers of people (over 100 million in the 20th century alone killed by governments).

    Of course we all know that if governments ceased to exist (sarcasm ahead), you and everyone you know would instantly start eating babies, burning down your neighbors houses, raping everyone in sight, poisoning food supplies, create instant monopolies, destroy the roads, not take care of your health, and every other harmful act.


  • February 5, 2008 at 3:20 am
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    Ok, I am going to play devil’s advocate here. Wouldn’t it be better to have EVERYONE pay a small percentage of their paycheck for affordable insurance rather than have private insurance companies increase their rates and reduce coverage
    (a result from which I am suffering now).
    I am a firm beleiver of “what goes around, comes around”. Who do you think is paying for uninsured patients? Why do you think medical costs keep rising? Wouldn’t it be better if we all could benefit from better health care at an affordable price? I would like to hear Clinton elaborate on her plan and I know that this is something that won’t happen overnight. Does anyone else have any better ideas? Anything is worth a try if we are all to benefit from health care coverage. There are too many people who couldn’t care less about John Doe next door, but shouldn’t we start getting away from the “me, me, me” attitude? How about “all for one and one for all”?

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:20 am
    Dustin says:
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    Nice name, first off. Other than that I have to disagree with you. I don’t think we take our affluence as a right. In fact, I think that people who don’t have anything feel entitled to have something. They feel they have the right to be affluent, and that it should be handed to them! Perfect example: subprime meltdown! I don’t have a “right” to everything I have, but I sure as hell worked to get it and feel I deserve it because of that work. I also don’t think anyone else has the right to take away from me to give to someone else who won’t help themselves. I do understand that some people on welfare need it; however, it should be a temporary fix. Unfortunately, it has become like a drug that once on you are hooked. I like McCain’s idea that anyone on welfare be required to work 40 hours a week. That is great! Make people work their way out of their troubles. I don’t have an entitlement attitude, as I feel most of the people here do not. They have simply worked too hard to have their money taken away for some slack. I would also wager the true success of a nation is seen through its people’s ability to provide for themselves. Now I am off my soapbox. Carry on.

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:21 am
    Adjuster in New England says:
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    I agree as to Clinton being a good buddy with the Health Insurance Industry. You won’t see them fighting her this time around if she gets back to the White House like they did last time.

    Again, I don’t see no easy answers. Crack down on the malpractice suits and eliminate defensive medicine along with improvements in administrative costs and health care will still be very expensive. We could have 1980 or 1960 health care costs but does anyone want 1980 or 1960 health care? Remember when cancer always was a death sentence? Or no annual physicals covered by insurance to catch heart problems and cancers early on? I will pass on going back to the good old days.It gets more expensive and complicated each year because it gets it gets better each year.

    We can tweak the system some but it never is going to be cheap and we need to start from that point.

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:21 am
    Concerned says:
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    I have no problem paying for health care. I pay for it now. What I want is the same health care the President and the congress get. Make the playing field level. Trust me, if Congress has to have the same as everyone else, the coverage would be good for everyone. It follows suit with Social Security. Take away their government pensions and make put them under the same system as the rest of us and the SS problem would be fixed right quick!

  • February 5, 2008 at 3:21 am
    Willy says:
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    “what can I do for you”

    That’s funny, this is what I hear when I walk into any store WHERE PROFIT RULES. When I go into a govt agency I’m told where to sit, where to stand, what to give to whom, etc. Yes, let’s let the IRS run the hospitals!

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