Clinton Suggests Tapping Wages of Those Who Won’t Buy Insurance

February 5, 2008

  • February 5, 2008 at 10:47 am
    Anon says:
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    So you’re going to fine people for making a decision to not have health insurance just to bump the numbers?

    What about people who work for companies that do not offer health insurance? What about part timers?

    No wonder she’s struggling in the polls… most Americans don’t want this kind of heavy handed government involvement in their lives.

  • February 5, 2008 at 11:36 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Anon, my jaw dropped when I read this…how can you force someone to have insurance that doesn’t want it? I thought we lived in a free society…

    Personally, she lost my interest when she started running a “dirty” campaign with her husband. I’m tired of her telling me what’s wrong with everyone else. I could care less what she thinks about Obama, President Bush, etc…

    It’s pretty sad when you have to tear someone else down to make yourself look good.

    I’m not saying I’m voting for Obama now, but Hilary has certainly lost my vote.

  • February 5, 2008 at 11:50 am
    Dustin says:
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    I agree that this is not the way to “improve” on our health care system. Does it need some improvement? Sure. I don’t know of anything that is perfect that couldn’t use some tweaking. Personally, one way to get health insurance affordable is to reduce the med mal lawsuits, which drive up the premiums of the doctors. While I understand it goes much deeper than this, it is at least a start. There are certainly other ways to bring the price of health insurance down, but I don’t like her approach.

    Quite frankly, I am surprised at the lack of uproar this has received on this site today. Everyone must be working. :)

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:10 pm
    Anon Y Mous says:
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    I’m not saying I agree with her plan, but it seems to me our “free” society has created part of the problem – people expect “free” health care – and they get it
    at our (govt & others who have ins) expense. How would Nebraskan suggest we handle the person who “didn’t want” health insurance when they are sick or injured and can’t pay for the services ? other than lawsuits, which costs the govt and plaintiff, and considering they probably don’t have assets to collect anyway. Maybe we should start allowing health providers to turn them away ?
    Also, Nebraskan, the correct term is “couldn’t care less” if you “could care less” it means that you do care to some degree. Not trying to tear you down to make me look good :) just commenting

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:18 pm
    Dustin says:
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    Not sure how Billary will handle this, but I have seen that Obama has proposed a penalty or surcharge of around 50%. Not sure how I feel about that yet, but the problem you bring up is one to think about.

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:36 pm
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    Isn’t instituing a program like this just another name for socialism? We will take your hard earned wages and use them for something we feel that everyone needs to have, regardless of your personal needs.
    Yes, Social Security is socialism, so this isn’t the first time we have traveled this route, but I am very surprised their has not been more backlash for her plan. Who determines if a person “can afford to buy health insurance but doesn’t”?

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:50 pm
    KLS says:
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    Years ago when she first started talking about her universal health care plan it was socialist.

    I don’t like being forced to have coverage if I don’t want it, but I see both sides of the coin.

    I pay for other dead-beats to have coverage via my tax dollars, so why not pay for it out of my own paycheck for myself? Why not take it out of the dead-beats’ paychecks, too? It’s not a pleasant solution, but it’s more fair that what we have now.

    It’s like asking – do you want to be totally screwed or just sorta screwed? Totally ripped off or just sorta ripped off? Bad or worse?

    I voted this morning, but I wasn’t overjoyed at my choices. After spending months reading about the candidates and trying to make an informed decision, I still feel like those in the running don’t know the first thing about middle-class life in the United States.

    So I picked the candidate I felt had the most potential for being open-minded, reasonable, willing to compromise or make changes. Notice I didn’t list ‘honest’. Unfortunately, I’m way too jaded to think that’s a possibility. Guess we will see how it goes in November.

    Kudos to all of you who have posted so far and refrained from the tired-***, empty, nonsensical “All Liberals Are Idiots vs. All Conservatives Are Stupid” argument. That is SO worn out.

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:53 pm
    Dustin says:
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    I didn’t bring it up because it has been used so many times I thought it was common sense now. :) j/k

  • February 5, 2008 at 12:53 pm
    KLS says:
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    Since when is a$$ is swear word? I typed ‘tired-a$$’ and they censored me. Good grief!

    Helloooo, IJ… I’m what you call a “Grown Up”. If I want to say ‘a$$’, I’m going to say ‘a$$’. You don’t have to show it as ‘***’ like some Sunday school teacher’s hands over our eyes and ears. -groan-

    Sorry… that was off-topic. Moving right along.

  • February 5, 2008 at 1:00 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Anon Y Mous….forgive me for typing incorrectly…not trying to tear YOU down, but it must be nice to be perfect 100% of the time (i bet you never have sex do you because your too busy correcting grammar)

    and you don’t fix a problem by just forcing EVERYONE to have health insurance, that’s putting a bandaid on something that needs stitches. and how do you decide who can afford insurance and who can’t based off their gross income? What if Joe Schmoe and I make $50k a year, but Joe has to pay child support for 3 kids, has a car payment, student loans, a mortgage and credit card debt…..i hate to tell you this, but that stretches $50k pretty far and then to have Hillary come in and tell him he needs to pay for insurance on top of that because she wants to be able to say she “gave” everyone health insurance.

    my first suggestion is to stop giving free health insurance to illegal aliens. and the other suggestion is what someone else already said….stop all of these law suits against doctors that result in frivolous amounts of money being awarded (or maybe they could just hire you, Anon Y Mous, to stand over their shoulder and correct all of their mistakes)

    and furthermore….people need to realize that insurance isn’t free….it should be affordable, but shouldn’t necessarily be free.

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