Clinton Suggests Tapping Wages of Those Who Won’t Buy Insurance

February 5, 2008

  • February 11, 2008 at 3:23 am
    Al says:
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    The scary thing is that Obama is the #1 most liberal member of the senate according to National Journal, while Hillary is only 16th.

  • February 11, 2008 at 3:31 am
    TAR says:
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    Hussein Obama has no health plan. He is relying on his oratory skills, which he says nothing during his campaign speeches. All he says he is the candidate of change. The problem also means we need a change in the House and Senate, as they are gumming up the process. What’s scary is the democraticly controlled Congress does not want to work with a Republican, they would rather increase taxes, adopt a socialize medicine plan to make Americans more reliant upon government, thereby growing government and increase spending. So the more money that Rangel, Dingel and Murtha can get out of ALL Americans the better.
    Bush naively has tried since day 1 to work with the democrats and they continue to burn him. So where is the change needed. With Pelosi and Reid leadership this country is headed down the wrong road.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:01 am
    Dick says:
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    Hey Tar Baby, spending has increased under Bush more than any other president. Huge deficite, crap economy, expensive useless war/

    You are the most dim witted republican weve seen yet.

    And you think Bush tried to work with the Democrats from day one? Read the news you fool.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:23 am
    lastbat says:
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    I’m wondering when, prior to them achieving a majority in Congress, Bush tried to work with Democrats. And even since then he’s just threatened to veto anything he doesn’t like, or vetoed it in a couple of cases, because the Dems don’t have a super-majority.

    All politicians do is increase spending. And quite frankly, since they all increase spending I’d rather have people who fund it in charge than those who try to hide it. Bush erased a record budget surplus that could have kept Social Security solvent and worked on the national debt and turned it into a debt so huge that we can barely pay the interest, let alone pay it off. Give me a “tax and spend” any day over a “borrow and spend”. I say that only because I don’t expect to ever see a “live within our means”.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:24 am
    TAR says:
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    Hey Dick, don’t be one now. By no means am I was giving Bush a pass on the spending issue. I think I’m a pretty good republican. Bush has certainly been a disappointment in his spending like a drunken sailor and his appeasement of the democrats thinking they will work with him (ala Ted Kennedy and Education Bill in 2002) Kennedy and Crats stabbed Bush right in the back after he passed the Education Bill. No Bush has been no fiscal conservative and that is quite disappointing. However, at this time I will take any Republican over a Clinton or Hussein. Especially with the two of them proposing more government takeover of the Free Enterprise System and our lives. And I will take a war wage in a crap hole like Iraq than in the streets of America (like NY, Boston or LA). This economy would be in the tank if we did not go on the offensive and fight terrorism over there. So stop your whining and take your head out of your a**. This country needs a real fiscal conservative in the White House and some misers in Congressional Chairs – we don’t need the Rangel types who are salivating to raise taxes and give us some kind of mantra about just taxing the “rich”. They are playing class warfare, you know that and I know that. But who ends up paying in the end? The upper middle and middle classes, since they make up the majority of the taxpayers. Heck, even good ole Charlie Rangel wants to re-define who’s a millionaire – if you make over $200K a year you’re now a millionaire. Why don’t they drop it to $161k a year, oh know than Congressman will be taxed more.
    So nice try Dickie Baby, I’ll take a conservative Republican who really wants to cut spending and believes in smaller government than your liberal buddies who want more control over our lives and higher taxes so we can be indentured to government! But no one has the gonads to stand up and tell it like it is, the money flowing into Washington DC and local and state governments has perverted the system and those in control of the almighty dollar. Thanks for caring!

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:26 am
    Dustin says:
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    I didn’t realize Saddam was running for president. Where have I been?

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:26 am
    Al says:
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    Crap economy? Unemployment rate and inflation lower than under Bubba.

    Deficit? There’s a war on, remember?

    Expensive, useless war? Are you saying he should have ordered a cheaper one? What’s your idea of a useful war, bombing Bosnia?

    Are you serious, you think that Bush hasn’t worked with the Democommies? The tax cuts passed congress, meaning it was a bipartisan effort. He let Teddy Chappaquidick Kennedy write his education bill No Child Left Behind. He became a democommie and supported amnesty for illegals aliens. He’s working with the democommies to hand out money to stimulate the economy.

    You are aptly named, Dick.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:29 am
    ad says:
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    Even more concerning is the types of Supreme Court Justices a liberal/Dem will put in. I’d wager that the Fairness Doctrine would become reactivated. This should concern you whether you’re a flipping liberal, a conservative, and anywhere in between. A Democrat President will be sure you never know what the thieves in Washington are doing, unless the controlling powers let you, meaning you’ll only know what the Republicans are doing. God help us all.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:30 am
    Dustin says:
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    Has a republican president really run a transparent washington either? Generally, all politicians hide what they are doing. Even more so under this admin.

  • February 11, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Al says:
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    “Bush erased a record budget surplus that could have kept Social Security solvent and worked on the national debt and turned it into a debt so huge that we can barely pay the interest, let alone pay it off.”

    Hmmm… maybe you’ll recall that the 9/11 attacks and subsequent stock market slide erased trillions of dollars in wealth, and greased the skids for the recession that began in Jan. 2000 – when Bubba was president. Maybe this had something to do with reduced tax receipts, ya think?

    And when was SS ever solvent? There’s no money in anyone’s account because the dems under LBJ began pumping its receipts into the general fund (AND taxing SS benefits). It is at best a ponzie scheme.

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