Sen. Clinton Favors Federal Disaster Backup Fund, ‘Rebuilding’ FEMA

May 23, 2007

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:51 am
    Mary says:
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    AdjusterJoe & Mike:

    My grandmother wasnt able to finish high school b/c she had to stay home and care for her younger siblings. Typical story she got married had a baby, and got a divorce. She had to go on the system and get welfare and food stamps to care for my mom. She was not on the system for long when she got a job as a housekeeper, cleaning rich folks homes getting paid about $50/week. As soon as she inform the state that she was working they cut off her benefits and said they couldnt help her anymore. Her ex was abusive and kept stalking them which was why they had to move every so often. But somehow my grandma was able to raise my mom making only 50/week. After my grandmother got older and sick, medicare and medicaid paid to have someone to stay with her daily and her doctor and prescription medicenes. My mom had to get on the system for a short while because she had lost her job due to the company downsizing. My sister can not work and needs someone to stay with her all the time b/c she goes into seizures almost daily. Her disability was denied. Even I had to go on the system briefly when I was pregnant with my son. But me and my family has always managed to rise out of the system and take care of our own selves. Without the system, we wouldn\’t have been able to get back on our feet.

    Yes there are those who abuse the system but there are alot of people like Dawn and myself who used the help to get back on our feet.

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:52 am
    Jewel says:
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    As stupid as Joe is, he did ask you all questions as well. No one answered them. (I don\’t have the answers or I would help but he says he doesn\’t read my posts anyway- it\’s because I make him feel inadequate since I know how to present facts and argue logically… anyhow…). You both have points. I can understand how you would be annoyed at joe\’s comments though. He isn\’t very savvy. He blames others for things that he himself does on a regular basis. He is the quintessential pot… the one that is always calling the kettle black. I will say that even if you HAD answered his questions, he would still ignore most of yours. He\’s quite a character. I\’m sure his mom is so proud.

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:52 am
    ANE says:
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    Oh well, I guess we won\’t have the pleasure of Adjusterjoe\’s posts any longer! BooHoo!

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:53 am
    Jewel says:
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    It tells me he doesn\’t read a dam* thing you type. Again, it doesn\’t surprise me. He just reads one line and makes up the rest of your post. Hence, the word twisting- which he says you guys did to him. He should talk… but he is an ignorant buffoon- so I am sorry about that one…

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:57 am
    Jewel says:
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    Don\’t worry ANE- you will meet his rude posts again on another thread when you disagree with him. No matter what you are discussing with him, unless you take HIS side (which is the RIGHT side don\’t you know?) you will always be a stupid, ignorant person who twists his words and has no knowledge to understand even the simplest concept.

  • May 25, 2007 at 3:29 am
    ANE says:
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    I tried to answer a post of AdjusterJoe, but he ignored it………
    \”why it is that the people of Mississippi, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Burris, Slidell, Cut Off, Grand Isle, etc survived better, with less problems and in Mississippi with worse damage\”…….All of these areas are still having problems, the media just doesn\’t dwell on it. Lots of looting in Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Gulfport, but did not make news. I am not minimizing the damage in Mississippi, but the damage in LA compared to Ms was approximately 4 – 1. The damage is so much larger, maybe not worse in severity,but so many more people involved.
    I don\’t believe in free hand outs, but the majority of these people are not looking for free hand outs, but they do need help to get back on their feet. This was a natural disaster magnified by a man made disaster. I personally know so many people that have lost everything, including their family members, and I will not turn my back on them.

  • May 25, 2007 at 3:49 am
    Jewel says:
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    I do recall now that you posted about the lack of media coverage there. I can\’t say either way, but I can definitely see how they would play up NO and not even mention other areas. But, haven\’t you seen enough posts from joe to know that he won\’t consider that a fact because it WASN\’T on the news? Therefore, you still can\’t win with him. If it\’s not on the news, it\’s not true. The news ALWAYS tells the story EXACTLY the way it happened. No news stories in other areas means they did not loot. Ridiculous way of looking at your comment, isn\’t it? I get your point and think it was well put. adjusterjerk will just call you stupid. Don\’t worry though, Mary, Dawn and I get what you are saying. :)

  • May 25, 2007 at 4:03 am
    Dawn says:
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    He actually argued with himself at one point. He stated that the Fed Gov\’t should be responsible for bridges, roads, etc. Shouldn\’t that include levees? But he stated that the people of NO should have maintained the levees. Which way should it be?
    If he can\’t decide, I can\’t agree or argue on that point.

    I did answer him. The other states weren\’t under 20 feet of water for days. They had curfews. The National Guard was working the local police depts to stop looters and such. Some of the locals officials still had houses and places to stay, which in NO that wasn\’t the case.

    And I did agree that the Dems were slamming and not providing solutions, but since I agreed with him and didn\’t give him a reason to be nasty, I was still an idiot.

    When someone calls you and idiot when you agree with them, it tells you a LOT about that person. ;-)

    Gotta admit, he does liven up a boring afternoon.

  • May 25, 2007 at 4:10 am
    ANE says:
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    I guess we need the adjusterjerks in these posts to keep the humor in it!
    I think we all agree that a lot of improvements need to be made, but why the name calling,\”trailer park trash\”, \”Idoit\”, \”ignorant\”. This will not help the situation. It only angers people.
    Like my Dad use to say, \”Its a sad day when you have to make someone else look bad to make yourself look good.\”

  • May 25, 2007 at 4:12 am
    Jewel says:
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    Yes he does liven up a boring afternoon. After a while though, his stupidity is just beyond annoying.

    \”He actually argued with himself at one point.\” Too funny- and true! Of course, he will argue a levee isn\’t the same as a road, bridge, etc. and call you an idiot. Notice how you responded to his questions (I didn\’t read all your responses closely, but I didn\’t argue and insult you either ;) and he STILL hasn\’t answered YOUR ?\’s. It\’s only okay when he does it… this way he NEVER loses an argument.

    Someone else called him adjusterjerk. I think the name is fitting, don\’t you? :)

    Is it 5 o\’clock yet?!?!?

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