Sen. Clinton Favors Federal Disaster Backup Fund, ‘Rebuilding’ FEMA

May 23, 2007

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:02 am
    Dawn says:
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    The ONLY recourse they have is name calling and critiques of our grammar.

    Remember, Bush was the one that stood on the deck of a carrier and announced to the world \”We have succeeded\” in Iraq. If there are still \’followers\’ (as in sheep) they will turn a blind eye to the obvious and concentrate on the positive. Yes, Bush signed the bill to help NO in 4 days. Yes, the National Guard was there with supplies. BUT- big BUT, here- the food spoiled and the help sat around until the President signed the paper. So what good did it do for them to be there if they couldn\’t do anything for 3 days? A bunch of people in uniform standing around waiting for orders is NOT the same thing as being there. But Bush followers will stick to the absolute fact that they were there. HELP, actual help that actually DID something, took 5 days. the city and state officials had NO WAY TO ASK FOR HELP THROUGH \’PROPER CHANNELS\’. With no electric, no building, no phones they were left standing in front of a camera and begging the world to help. So \’oops, sorry, we never received your email\’ doesn\’t cut it, except with the \’followers\’.

    Great grandparents would be fuming at everything. We didn\’t attack countries unprovoked 50 years ago. Officials that lied got caught, and nobody cared about their sex lives. Votes actually counted and not who raised the most money or preached from the bible loud enough. And everybody that came to our country was expected to WORK. Not live on welfare. (don\’t forget speaking English wasn\’t an \’option\’ either) But people that worked and stayed loyal to their companies actually got to KEEP their jobs until retirement. DOWNSIZING didn\’t happen. Factories took care of their employees IN AMERICA. Not putting Americans out of work in order to send our money to South America.

    And it goes back to \’we feel entitled\’. HELL YES I FEEL ENTITLED. I pay a fortune for health insurance. I am entitled to a test to see if I have cancer. My autistic son is entitled to be treated for the NEUROLOGICAL (not psychological) disorder that he has. ($350 an hour w/out insurance) Men feel that they are entitled to the pill so they can have sex. I also feel entitled to some of the billions that we send to other countries that I PAY IN TAXES.

    So if all they can do is preach Bush and critique our grammar, we\’re wasting our breath.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:05 am
    ad says:
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    Thank you compman for the voice of reason.

    I am from New Orleans, and I can tell you that RAL, Mary R, Way to go!, Dawn, … have no idea what they are talking about as far as Katrina.

    The city of New Orleans has been run by Democrats for decades. So the welfare state can be attributed to the Democrats. No ifs, ands or buts here. Try to find the last Republican mayor.

    The crime problem, drugs and murder were disgusting. This may be on the way to being cleaned up, many thanks to the federal government. No more slaps on the wrist for murder. Case in point, today\’s news, a man 25 years old murdered 5 people and was put away by the feds for violating his parole, carrying a fire arm. Five murders and on the streets.

    The welfare state was unbelievable. Compman\’s correct when he says give a man a fishing pole, because if you give them the fish they do not take care of themselves. And the number of children out of wedlock. Within the past two weeks, a 25 year old with 7 illigitimate children arrested for murder. Do the math on how this grows!

    The people that were left behind were wards of the state. Democrat\’s fault! People that worked and had a livlihood left with their families and started immediately rebuilding.

    On another topic, will you all stop the moaning and groaning on Bush. This has nothing to do with President Bush, unless you know something I don\’t know. Is he running again? This has to do with new politicians running, so redirect your thoughts on who should be the next President. You\’re only following the media mantra when you do this, which is a diversion from the real issues.

    Finally, I am a woman, and I guarantee you I would never vote for Hillbilly Clinton. She\’s has expressed her desire for a socialist state, even since her college years. Her running the show as President, along with a Democratic majority, is probably the end of this country as we know it. Chavez\’s rule is probably very attractive to the Dems.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:26 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    I also have to say thanks compman for the truth. All one need do is look at the stark difference as to how the hurricane was handled in Mississippi versus in New Orleans. Even the western portions of Lousisiana handled Rita better that New Orleans handled anything. No, New Orleans had its hand out and did not and would not do for themselves. There were some in New orleans that did, but the whiners and complainers were teh ones who sat on their a**es and waited for the gov\’ment to do everything for them.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:33 am
    Compman says:
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    If my memory serves me right, this was part of an interview on 60 minutes with Ray Nagin on the 1st anniversary of Katrina. I believe this is also when he called the WTC site a hole in the ground.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:39 am
    Compman says:
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    Guess I need a cup of coffee

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:50 am
    ANE says:
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    Oops, Maybe you should go over that interview again.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:53 am
    ad says:
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    Nagin has made more comments to be ashamed of than you can imagine. The latest I know of was an insult to Philadelphia. I have it because I sent it to someone I know there:

    Nagin apologizes for Philly remark
    April 23, 2007
    Associated Press
    New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin criticized the cleanliness of Philadelphia after a visit to the city last week. On Sunday, he apologized for his remarks.
    \”Let me tell you something. You ought to go to Philly and you will appreciate how clean New Orleans is,\” Nagin said Saturday to a crowd of New Orleans residents concerned about the city\’s recovery from Hurricane Katrina.
    \”Just go and walk around Philly a little bit and you will appreciate,\” Nagin said. \” … We still have some work to do but we definitely beat them by a long shot.\”
    Nagin struck a different tone when he was in Philadelphia on Thursday, thanking the city for providing shelter to displaced New Orleans residents after the storm.
    The mayor and officials of his administration came to Philadelphia to learn about the city\’s efforts to demolish blighted buildings and replace them with new developments. …

    He is SOOO inept.

    I\’m out of here. Back to work.

  • May 24, 2007 at 2:57 am
    Mary R. says:
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    August 28, 2006 Meeting with state officials.
    Mr. Bush declared four days after the storm, \”I don\’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees\” that gushed deadly flood waters into New Orleans. But the transcripts and video show there was plenty of talk about that possibility, and Mr. Bush was worried, too.

    Watch the video and try to explain why it still took to long to get federal aid.

    Hurricane Katrina struck the New Orleans area early morning August 29, 2005.

    Thursday, September 1
    U.S. Senate passes a relief package.

    September 2
    Tired and angry people stranded at the convention center in New Orleans welcome a supply convoy carrying food, water and medicine.

    President Bush visits Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, and later signs a $10.5 billion disaster relief bill.

    September 3
    Officials in New Orleans clear tens of thousands of evacuees from the Louisiana Superdome and Ernest Morial Convention Center (Full story), where they were living under squalid conditions with little food or water.

    September 9
    Authorities begin distributing debit cards worth $2,000 at the Houston Astrodome, a process that is beset by confusion and will be phased out after a few days.

    Please do not judge a whole community based on the actions of a few people. Not everybody bought beer and porn with their debit card. Alot of people lost everything they had. They lost their homes, jobs, and some even lost their family members. It\’s not easy being poor and having to start all over again, especially when you have childern. But with every disaster there are those who commit fraud and waste government aid. However, we shouldn\’t punish the majority of people who are honest and who are struggling and needing help.

  • May 24, 2007 at 3:38 am
    RAL says:
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    Mary….You are so right, too many people are ready to categorize the entire community based on what a few do. Most of the people are honest in any community. A lot of these people do not even have transportation, so how do they leave? Lets not bring up the buses, who would drive them? If the Corps would have built the levees, properly the city would not have flooded. There is plenty of blame to go around, but what good does that do. Lets stop playing the blame game and use our energy to do something constructive.

  • May 24, 2007 at 3:56 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    You obviously have no explaination as to why all of the problems were in metropolitan New Orleans only. Slidell, Burris, Grand Isle, South Plaquemines Parish, Cut Off, Houma, Hammond, Lake Charles (Rita), Lafayette(Rita) and Missisippi did not experience anything like those in New Orleans. Truth is those in New Orleans did nothing to help themselves and waited on someone to help them. Like they are still doing today. They even shot at those trying to deliver supplies. Now quit trying to justify the un-justifiable!

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