Sen. Clinton Favors Federal Disaster Backup Fund, ‘Rebuilding’ FEMA

May 23, 2007

  • May 25, 2007 at 10:42 am
    RAL says:
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    Yes there was looting, but you only hear about cities like NO, never about Gulfport, Biloxi, Hattiesburg. These cities do not make as big an impact as NO.
    But what about the contractors that were given licenses to loot and to rape! Blue Roof contracts that were lucrative enough to replace the roof! I could go on and on! Those are the real looters and rapers!

  • May 25, 2007 at 10:58 am
    ANE says:
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    The system does need to be revamped! I could tell so many stories. A friend\’s daughter was going to college and working at a part time job, single mom, tried to get assistance, \”sorry, can\’t help you, but if you quit your job, then we can help\”!
    A tenant of mine on HUD, could not afford to get a job because whenever she did, they would reduce or cut her assistance, and with gas prices it didn\’t pay for her to go out and work at min wages. No incentives!
    In many cases it is better to be on welfare.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:13 am
    Mary R. says:
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    I also dont believe in helping people who do not help themselves.

    The changes I believe that the United States can make is to help those who has a legitimate disability case get approved of at a much faster pace.

    -should take better care of the childern who are have in the system.

    -should rewrite the Medicare Part D plans so that it would be a better benefit to senior citizens.

    -need to raise the minimum wages here in the United States.

    -need do something to discourage companies from closing shops here in the US and moving to India and Mexico.

    -need to bring english back to the United States and stop catering to people who wants to live here but do not want to learn our language.

    -need a better health system where everyone can get quality healthcare and dont have to go to the bankrupcy court afterwards.

    -need to teach our childern in schools and at homes about how to manage their money so that they wont have to struggle to hard when they get out on their own.

    I\’m not a communist or a socialist but some of the things that Europe & Asia is doing is very beneficial to their citizens and it wouldn\’t hurt for us to take a look at it and use it as a model for what to do here.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:21 am
    Dawn says:
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    We all forgot the biggest one, IMHO.

    Stop sending billions of our dollars to other countries until everyone in this country (legally) is on their feet.

    And don\’t even get me started on the ones here waving their flags and screaming at me in their languages. You want to be here? Wave OUR flag and speak OUR language.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:29 am
    Compman says:
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    Mary & Dawn:

    You both must have had a great nights sleep. You both have very valid points. Mary, I agree with every point you made in your last post. We probably disagree with how to accomplish it, but at least we both want the same thing. Unfortunately, I don\’t think we can achieve all of those points in today\’s society. We have produced and keep producing an entitlement society that has been sucking on the gov\’t teet for so long, they do not know any better. Also, we have dumbed down our public education so bad that high school seniors are having a hard time passing 8th grade material. It\’s time to bring back mandatory school uniforms, 8 hour school days and to give the teacher the ability to control their classrooms without fear of a lawsuit from little Johnny\’s parents.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:39 am
    ANE says:
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    Teachers do need total control of classroom, but teaching these kids must start at home and many, many parents are afraid (or whatever the reason) to correct their kids. Today, the kids run the home! Too many parents want to be friends, let the kids have their friends, but they need parents.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:48 am
    Compman says:
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    Your are right ANE. Too many parents are afraid to discipline or dissapoint their kids. My two boys, I consider are pretty good kids, and they do get alot of things, but there are strings attached to all. Chores, grades, etc. I know I am doing a good job when one of them will argue with me when I tell them no and then they say that they hate me and that all their friends parents let their friends do stupid stuff. Yes, when they yell they hate me, it is music it my ears.

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:56 am
    ANE says:
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    Compman, good for you! My kids tell their kids how bad they had it and how bad they were treated and about the spankings, then I remind them of how good they turned out!

  • May 25, 2007 at 12:04 pm
    adjusterjoe says:
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    The MAJOR difffernece is the manner by which Dawn & Mary want to accomplish the goals. IT IS NOT THE G\’MENTS PLACE TO DO IT. Your hero Bill Clinton is trailer park trash and look where he got just by lying and cheating. He didn\’t require a g\’ment handout. Yeah, lets increase the minimum wage and move more jobs to Mexico and overseas.

  • May 25, 2007 at 12:07 pm
    Dawn says:
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    If not the Gov\’t, then who? What are they there for?

    You have a lot of disdain for us, but you have done nothing but insult and point fingers. What is YOUR solution, oh enlightened one?

    *holding my breath waiting for the secret he has that millions of us have missed*

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