Rutgers Student Sues Imus, Claiming Radio Host Harmed Her Reputation

August 16, 2007

  • August 17, 2007 at 8:48 am
    Greyboomer says:
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    The stupidity of this suit speaks volumes to the quality of education being gained by this student athlete. I only hope she is not in pre law, the world does not need more lawyers to use the civil system as their personal lottery. The character and reputation of the team was enhanced by the way they originally dealt with the situation, a class act for sure. Somebody waves the idea of money to be made from the situation and all class goes out the window.
    Would it not be refreshing to hear she intends to use the proceeds from this suit for scholarships for her less fortunate peers and her attorney is working pro-bono?
    OK, enough said, I need to go check under my pillow and see what the tooth fairy left me.

  • August 17, 2007 at 9:17 am
    Anon says:
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    No, what’s dividing the country is people like you who perpetuate racism with things like “African Pride” instead of American pride. How long have you been a citizen of the United States? Unless you were born in Africa you’re not African. My former employer was African and he was white. Chances are high that you’re a natural born American, but that’s beside the point.

    What would happen if someone called my mother a name? Well, actually I’d move on with life. See, it’s part of living as a civilized citizen in a sometimes uncivilized world.

    As for calling me a name… go for it. I’ve pretty much heard every Polish joke known to man and laughed at most of them, same for Irish jokes. They don’t affect me because I can seperate myself from the sterotype and work to prove them wrong.

    It seems the “entitlement people” want the sterotypes to stick around so they can use them to “woe is me” their way to force people to feel sorry for them.

    BTW: America isn’t hated all over the world because of Imus.

  • August 17, 2007 at 9:27 am
    rc says:
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    Imus didnt make money….he sued to get back SOME of the money he lost….get with the program BB…he should have never been fired in the first place…..he did wrong, but FIRING HIM…that was a ridiculous over reaction by all involved.

  • August 17, 2007 at 9:50 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I can’t stand Imus so if he damaged a reputation, I was surprised because I was not aware of his comments, let alone who he was talking about. My radio never made it to his rants because of my tastes.

    The point is that this young lady met with Imus, he apologized and she supposedly accepted it, then goes on Oprah, and now files suit? No integrity there; if she wanted to “protect” her reputation, she should have indicated that the apology was not enough!

    As for the bad ol’ racists making life miserable for you minorities, see the post by *SIGH* in this article or the FedEx article. Take the time to use your brain to understand what the real issue is that minorities face. Williiam Raspberry commented once (paraphrase)that as long as blacks lean on the crutch of racism, they will never learn to walk without help. Slavery remains where those whose chains have been broken continue to be beholden to the system that made them.

    She can thank Imus and her attorney for making sure we all know who she is and what’s she’s about. No need to finish college now! More to the point, she has a reputation now….you figure it out.

  • August 17, 2007 at 9:59 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    Been called names all my life and learned to live with it. Never had a thought to sue anyone for anything. If you offend me, I usually just avoid you…life is too short to make so much over so little. I don’t think her reputation was damaged until she got into this…you can guess what I think of her reputation now….

  • August 17, 2007 at 10:15 am
    African Pride Redux says:
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    Ooop, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!

    My mother is Nigerian and Father is South African who immigrated to the States when I was quite young. Married to Native American so therefore I am quite well rounded in racial abuse. Sorry to burst your bubble!

  • August 17, 2007 at 11:10 am
    Anon says:
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    Okay… I stand corrected, but not “burst”. You were born in Africa but, since you said “quite young”, I’ll assume you mean that most of your formative years were spent in the US making you more an American than an African.

    Do you have dual citizenship?

    Half of my family fled the Nazi’s and came to the country with the clothes on their back, the other half came from Ireland in the mid-1800’s. That’s my ancestory but I’m an American. Both you and my experiences are completely different having grown up in America than anyone who grew up in our family’s ancestoral homelands.

  • August 17, 2007 at 12:56 pm
    African Pride says:
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    Your comment is complete semantics. We are discussing the here and now. I would have been fine if people just kept to the “let name calling just roll of your back” and the money angle. What pissed me off the most if that people continually used the racial epithet in the subject line.

    I just happen to agree that as an African-American I am completely embarassed by the music being played on the airwaves by rappers and other of the hip-hop community BUT 70-80% of the buyers of said music are WHITE. No one should be a party to the ignorance spewed by 50 Cent, Imus, David Duke (honorable mention) or anyone else.

    I wish we could “all get along” but I’m afraid a can of worms has opened by my remarks. Apparently I was ignorant of the fact that people use an insurance website to say salacious things about people of others with no regards for those of us who enjoy being informed. It’s a very sad state of affairs irregardless. I meant what I said as I am sure everyone else meant what THEY said.

    It is thank God still a free country and everyone is entitled to their opinion but I will say that I am completely shocked by the issue of money and race. I believe in testing new employees for sure but with all my degrees I am still a female and even with some white features still painted as lazy and self-serving. I guess we forgot about Enron.

  • August 17, 2007 at 1:47 am
    ME says:
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    Get real… this is not about race, only those that play that game think so… They like the pity-party they throw themselves when they can use it & want everyone to feel so sad because they have been through so much. Well, let me tell ya my side… I have been called names by other races… people that did not know me… had they taken the time to get to know me before passing judgment based on the color of my skin, they would not have said the things they did. But on the other side of that, people that do know me call me names too, they are just more suited to my personality & not my ethnic heritage.

    I hope that some of you will take things into consideration & withhold your remarks if they are derogatory regarding race, religion, sex, sexual preferences, etc… stop & think before you speak & speak with knowledge, not from ignorance or to show just how ate up with it you really are.

    God Bless all & I hope that you will learn that judgment is better left up to Him!

  • August 17, 2007 at 3:05 am
    american pride says:
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    African Pride-
    I am very sorry to inform you that irregardless is not a real word. Look it up “irrelevant”=not relevant “classless”=without class-irregardless is a double negative and therefore not a word.

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