Rutgers Student Sues Imus, Claiming Radio Host Harmed Her Reputation

August 16, 2007

  • August 20, 2007 at 7:14 am
    brian says:
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    Mary B.

    Thank you for pointing that out for me. I was going to use “orientation” instead “preference”. I thought that “preference” was more appropriate because I viewed “orientation” as being who you are, not necessarily who you are attracted to but in the means of who you are, male or female. I appreciate the feedback and will use the proper term going forward. I always enjoy opportunities to see things though other peoples eyes, opinions and experiences. I am greatful to your response and will use this knowledge in the future. Thanks again, Brian

  • August 20, 2007 at 8:36 am
    Galled says:
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    To the original author, let’s talk about pride. Why is it that certain people ALWAYS play the race card EVERYTIME it’s convenient? My theory is it’s because they lack the ability to EARN pride and respect through legitimate means. They’ve been whining about racism forever but have done little to promote the race. This girl talks about her REPUTATION? As what? She’s no national celebrity and isn’t a professional athlete. She wasn’t attacked personally and has no damages. Her lawsuit should be tossed but we all know that no judge in his right mind would do that because it would be RACIST. I know of no other race that plays this kind of stupid game.

    Apparently, the higher education of this girl has failed. “IF” she is so insecure and pretentious to allow one comment to scar her for life, she needs professional help. Life it tough. If she chooses to be a victim she will be. This entire episode has damaged the African image, not helped it.

  • August 20, 2007 at 8:42 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    I know all about nonstandard language but that does not diminish the need for standards…your argument, taken to its ultimate conclusion, makes for some interesting results: eat S**T, can 4 billion flies be wrong???

  • August 20, 2007 at 8:50 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    thanks for summing that up so well; BRAVO!

  • August 20, 2007 at 10:59 am
    Greyboomer says:
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    Galled’s comments hit the nail squarely on the head. I can only add that the only reason no other race plays this stupid game is the race card only has “trump” status when it is played from the hand of only one race.

  • August 20, 2007 at 11:11 am
    WooWooWoo says:
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    Correct, GreyBoomer–and far too much time on their hands to bemoan their own circumstances.

    Get over it African Pride. There is not all that much about which to be proud anyway. Athletic prowess is nice, but intellectual prowess is much better.

  • August 20, 2007 at 2:11 am
    brian says:
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    I don’t understand today’s society. We live in very sue happy world. You could look at someone the wrong way and before you know it you are in court defending your actions and it may have nothing to do with situation for which you are being sued for. Do I believe that Imus was in the wrong? Yes. Do I believe that the firing of him was justified? To an extent, yes. I don’t understand how there was a breach of contract. Maybe because I don’t know how his contract reads. What I don’t understand is how this destroyed this young woman’s reputation. Especially since the only media attention given to her was in regards to the comments that Imus made. Now I realize that what he said put some negative implications on the team but it wasn’t put on her from an individual stand point. My next question is, because of Imus’s comments has she been unable to continue her playing career at Rutgers? Can she not complete her degree because of these comments? Will she be unable to get a good job or possibly play in the WNBA? My answer is, I don’t think so. In fact I think this lawsuit has damaged her reputation more than Imus’s comments. Before this lawsuit I honestly believe that if she were to pursue her dreams, especially with the image of how she conducted herself after the comments were made, which by the way was very admirable, she could have done anything. Now because of this lawsuit some employers may be more hesitant to offer her a job, not to say that that is right, but unfortunately with today’s sue happy world everyone needs to protect themselves. P.S. I am a white man and I am not a racist. I believe that everyone should be treated equal and I do not believe that color, religion, sex or even sexual preference should ever define a person. It is there character and they way they present that character that should define them. I don’t believe that she is presenting that character very well right now. Take this for what it is worth as this is my opinion.

  • August 20, 2007 at 2:22 am
    WooWooWoo says:
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    Don’t try to understand it–because it makes no sense. These are a group of blatently self-conscious people whose only claim to fame will ever be this. They are just trying to milk it, and Imus, for all that they can.

  • August 20, 2007 at 6:17 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Here is the first listing for the misspoken word ‘irregardless’.

    -The origin of irregardless is not known for certain, but the consensus among references is that it is a blend of irrespective and regardless, both of which are commonly accepted standard English words. By blending these words, an illogical word is created.

    Kind of like my friend who ‘unlaunches’
    his boat.

    Doesnt the first amendment protect 50
    cent and Don Imus both?

  • August 20, 2007 at 6:20 am
    brian says:
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    Thank you for commenting, WooWooWoo. However, contrary to your remarks I do want to understand it better, mainly because it doesn’t make any sense. One thing I have always believed in was, always try to get to the root of the problem. Question the question. What is the true issue here? Is it truely a race issue? Is it truly about what is right? Or is this about revenge? The comments have been made, the apologies have been accepted but this delayed, adverse reaction does bring up a lot of other questions. The question she is going to have to answer now, is how these comments destroyed her reputation? In what ways has she suffered and how has she suffered them? What damage did these comments actually make? I think that a lot of people have made a lot of interesting and relevant points, but I think that the main point that we are missing is not about who or what she is but why is she doing what she is doing? No one really knows for sure. Sure we all have our opinions and lot of times that is all we have but, is this truely the type of person she is? Was she talked into this by a money hungry lawyer? Does she truly believe that she was wronged and if so, why are none of her teammates joining her in this so-called “circus”? Was she influenced by people highly regarded in the public eye? Or did she just decide that this was the only way to right a wrong? Again, we don’t know for sure. I have to admit that at times I can be too judgemental and arrive at that judgement too quickly, as I am sure a lot people have done and continue to do. What I don’t want to do, is judge this young woman before I get a chance to find out the true reason behind this lawsuit and how this suit is to help her and help correct this situation? Maybe I will never get the answers to these questions but I can always try to find them. I am not sure what gain she plans to get from this. Either by means of monetary value or for the sake of values, I certainly hope this isn’t another person trying to abuse the system to find themselves a meal ticket. Although my intuition is hinting to me that she is doing this for herself and for monetary reasons, I can always hope that this is not the case. But I truely won’t know until everything unfolds. Even though I am a white man I know for a fact that racism is still alive and not just in the minority community, it exists everywhere. Even though I am not a racist, I can say that I have unfortunately been in contact with people who are and it disturbs me that people are still being taught in the ways of ignorance and bigotry. I don’t know if racism will ever truely be eliminated. I can certainly hope we can all get to a point where race, religion, sex or even sexual preference has no bearing on how we look at or treat each other. With that being said I will close with this quote, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you”. If we could ever realize how true and powerful this quote actually is and apply it in our everyday lives…I think that we could see a brighter tomorrow, not only for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children. Let’s make the world a brighter place for you and me. Thanks, Brian.

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