Tennessee Mosque Fire Being Investigated

August 31, 2010

  • September 1, 2010 at 1:32 am
    Chill! says:
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    Polly…there is a little three letter word in our vocabulary that I think would help you relax…chill…get a grip…it’s call SEX. You should try it sometime..seems like you need to relax a bit…

  • September 1, 2010 at 1:39 am
    CT Agent says:
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    Why did the Imam of the NYC mosque that they want to build just get back from the Persian Gulf….from a trip that was funded by the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT?? WE paid for that trip–no one has a problem with that? Oh yeah…he went there to promote peace. What an effing joke.

  • September 1, 2010 at 1:43 am
    Arthur says:
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    There’s no call for that CRAP chill. ” Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt” Mark Twain

  • September 1, 2010 at 1:46 am
    Chill! says:
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    Wow…you are ALL uptight!! Relax, man…you’ll live longer. But thanks for the quote!

  • September 1, 2010 at 3:57 am
    Joe D. says:
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    Anybody ever notice that in 99% of cases the term “terrorist” is preceded by the word “Islamic”? And it was that group of hate mongers that ruthlessly murdered 3,000 American civilians on 9/11. They preach only hate, death, and jihad. That’s their sole purpose in life and they don’t value that much either. I think “Ritchie’s” comments are spot on.

    By continuing to dress in their native garb and babble in their native language they will continue to be viewed with suspicion. America is no longer the “melting pot” our founding fathers envisioned. It’s become a mossaic of disparate immigrants who have no interest in becoming American.

  • September 1, 2010 at 5:00 am
    J says:
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    Since when did people who think like Polly give a dam about honoring the foundations of this country OR the constitution in the first place?

    It is, literally, mindnumbing to sit and listen to a liberal argue anything in the alignment of the consitution or in scope with the foundation. Basically you get an advocate of big government & central authority trying to cite a document(s) created for the very purpose to contradict the establishment they vote to create.

    Do they have the right to build? Yes. Is it right? No. Its ethically repulsive. Other generations and era’s wouldn’t have tolerated that behavior because we had a collective moral conviction. (Thank you multiculturalism)

    Unfortunately today we have people who, egotisically, believe themselves to be compasssionate and tolerant. So much to a blind fault they are tolerant of a population who is intolerant of them.

    To me; it seems the very devices & principles used to build us up are being distorted/perverted/abused to tear us down from the inside out.

  • September 1, 2010 at 6:57 am
    cassandra says:
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    Stop picking on Polly. Arthur, stop preaching, J stop the liberal bashing. As usual, the very serious issues brought out here have been subsumed by the Christian religious preacher, the liberal basher, the Muslim hater, et. al.

    Who mentioned the sharia, which is the Islam law practiced by some who believe in Islam? THAT is the serious issue that we will confront soon, especially since we have a precedent of allowing certain religious/cultural groups to not follow the law (the Amish comes to mind). Regardless of what you think about Islam, sharia is feudal and misogynistic and cruel. Already we have seen issues on the burqa surface. I also read about a t case a few years ago where Muslim female students requested that men and boys be prohibitred from watching intramural sports games that these girls partidipated in since it was against their religion to be viewed by non family males. And the stupid school granted that! What about the civil rights of the husbands and brothers that wanted to see their daughters play? there have also been other accommodations as well.

    The serious issue of the erosion of the “American vision” was brought up and glossed over as people picked on Polly and liberals. This is very serious, because with the influx of immigrants with very disparate cultures (among them some Muslim sects) we are eroding our commonality, our American perceptions, and our common purpose. Without our “American myths” we cannot purposely endure. Any cultural anthropologist can tell you this. The individual that stated that we are no longer a melting pot but a mosiac is probably very right…and we are letting this happen in the guide of “bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.” In the days when my grandparents immigrated, you had to have a useful skill in order to do so that could be used in this country. Not so anymore. In those days English was the common language and everyone had to learn it to get along. The fact that we allow groups to not integrate linguistically in this country is sadly misguided…and I say this as a card carrying liberal. that our court system has to provide a gazillion language interpreters is sadly misguided.

    Please note that I am not making judgments or dumping on various religious, cultural or ethnic groups here nor is that my intent. But we can see what the heavy influx of Hispanics has done to our culture…and these are folks that share more with us than most cultures. We see what happened in Minneapolis when the primarily Muslim cab drivers refused to carry passengers coming from bars since it was against their religion. Thankfully, the cab companies put an end to that one. I do not intend to pick on Muslims here, but to merely demonstrate how our laws (NOT religious beliefs) are being tested by groups pressing for special considerations.

    There are fine lines here and my personal belief is that you get to keep your cultural differences as long as they conform with the common laws practiced, you do not impede the rights of others, you learn the laws and the language of the land. Tolerance needs to be practiced within certain boxes that are usually circumscribed by laws.

    Do not lose sight of the real issues here that we will confront in the future especially if our government maintains and open door policy and continues to allow really very different cultures into this country en masse. Again, I am making no judgment of these groups nor impugning them, it’s just that we are diluting our own culture too much.

    As for the NY mosque issue, i personally believe that although the Imam has the right to build that center where he wants to, he is not being neighborly by forcing it down the throats of those who are very sensitive to its placement near Ground Zero…which, i suspect is the majority of us. What a wonderful gesture it would be if the Imam announced that he was discontuing his plans….is that too much to ask from the citizens of the country that accepted him, provides a safe environment in which to practice his relgion, and an (apparent) very decent means of support????

  • September 2, 2010 at 7:21 am
    Arthur says:
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    Polly, you made the “choice” when you spread your legs. Didn’t you!

  • September 2, 2010 at 7:31 am
    Polly says:
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    Yes I did. Then I made another choice. That was 35 years ago and I have never regretted it. But you don’t know which choice I made, do you?

  • September 2, 2010 at 8:00 am
    Donovan says:
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    Cassandra: speaking of “wonderful gestures” …. how about the pompous old pus bag Imam start dealing with the realities of his alleged religion and the idiots who are prostituting it. Muslims can’t cast a blind eye to the Islamic terrorists whose only purpose in life is to kill Westerners. As long as that rabid pack of animals is allowed to thrive, people will be suspect of Muslims and Islam. NOT ONCE has the Imam denounced and condemned the heinous acts of his countrymen.

    We’re beyond “gestures”. Most of us remember the last “gesture” from the Muslim world on 9/11.

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