Tennessee Mosque Fire Being Investigated

August 31, 2010

  • August 31, 2010 at 6:57 am
    Arthur says:
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    Just a man, a normal man, that’s failed and failed miserably in the past. Admits my shortcomings and sins, and for some reason ( by the grace of God ) finds himself with a loving wife and 3 beautiful little girls and financial blessings beyond my understanding. All the glory has to go to God. I didn’t do it, I don’t deserve it. I have to ask myself why me? So with that said, I honor him. Hate the sin,not the sinner. Someone has to define sin,who defines it for you? Man can’t or the definition will change with the wind (left or right).

  • September 1, 2010 at 7:13 am
    wudchuck says:
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    finally folks are making sense. we have to remember that we as an individual have rights and our beliefs and morals. what one person thinks is true, to another it may be wrong or false. in reality, if it does not break the law of man, we have to let the man upstairs decide on it. i bet you can find violence in any religion as well as compassion. i think sometimes folks take things too far out of text. how many mosques are there currently in the US? did we say no to all of them? no, but would that be the same as if someone said i could not build a church. it be like stating the lutherans can’t build a church next to the methodists or the catholic church next to the jehovah witness. sorry, i might not agree with the muslim religion, but i do respect they have a right to their ways. i might walk over and try to convert them to christianity or stay clear of them and have them watch my actions to show that i care about folks.

  • September 1, 2010 at 8:28 am
    Ritchie says:
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    Here’s “reality”. “Islamic” and “terrorists” go hand-in-hand. Always have, always will. We don’t need anymore evidence to support that observation. Nobody’s indicting everyone who embraces Islam, but you have to admit, most acts of terrorism are rooted in Islam.

    I am originally from the Midwest, but had the mis-fortune of having to relocate to the NYC area for my job. On 9/11, the world changed. I was renting in lower Manhattan and watched the horrorific and cowardly acts of “Islamic Terrorists” as they destroyed lives, the Twin Towers, and almost the U.S. economy. Their only purpose in life is to kill. I put them on the same level of civility with Pit Bulls; only they wear head coverings to hide their cowardice.

    Now, as progress on the Freedom Tower is progressing quickly, they come out of the woodwork and want to build a mosque in the shadow of the most repulsive act of cowardice in the history of the world? WHY? Who’s bankrolling this project? This is one pricey piece of real estate across from City Hall. This mosque isn’t the answer to suspicion and hatred of Muslims and Islam. They need to change themselves. Stop dressing like they still live in their 3rd world country. Start speaking ENGLISH instead of babbling in their native language. While nobody is challenging their “right” to practice their religion, Everyone should challenge the “rightness” of the locations selected. There are plenty of other locations around the city. The property they selected has been available for long time and they never showed interest in it before. They are now showing their lack of understanding by getting in the face of Americans on whom THEIR COUNTRYMEN HAVE DECLARED WAR.

    I wouldn’t care about any other religion buidling anywhere…..but Muslims and Islam created their own problem.

  • September 1, 2010 at 8:31 am
    Arthur says:
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    I find it interesting that it’s been the liberal left in this nation that’s made all of the above possible.

    I think it’s also very telling you placed me the “preacher” (nope – conservative insurance agent) in the same sentence with the “basher and hater”.

    How’s the hope and change looking now?

  • September 1, 2010 at 8:41 am
    Tom says:
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    Wudchuck, your analogy fails due to a flawed fact base. I hope you could understand that if the Catholics bombed and killed half of the JW congregation a few blocks away, that the JWs would be justifiably concerned when they want to build a church next door to the new JW church that was being rebuilt. One can’t look at these issues in the pure light and intellectual vacuum of “legal” theory as the facts get in the way. When theory meets reality, things have a way of changing. Liberals seem to have an attitude that they don’t worry about people being murdered several blocks from their homes but only get worried about the reality of being murdered when their neighbor is found dead on their stoop.

  • September 1, 2010 at 8:51 am
    Tom says:
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    Polly, just because something is legal, doesn’t make it right. If a man flies off to Thailand to have sex with a 10 year old and there are no laws in Thailand against it, is that ok? Is it ok for a gay man to marry his brother? Was it ok to own other people (slaves) because it was legal? The point is that morality doesn’t come from laws, it is just the opposite and comes from a higher more spiritual source. And flawed immoral people can make laws that reflect and codify immoral behavior. My point is that these complicated issues don’t lend themselves to simple standards of right and wrong based on our current legal thoughts and theories.

  • September 1, 2010 at 10:29 am
    wudchuck says:
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    let’s put it this way.. how many countries practice muslim? how many countries are at war?

    if you think about it, are we technically still at war with North Korea? they are not muslim (that i know of). remember, that terrorists are mainly an offshoot the just literally want to make havoc on everyone.

    your analogy that one religion is wrong, would also be like the hitler and his beliefs and that all germans are the same. AND I KNOW THEY ARE NOT, because i am a German-American. how many folks initially think of germans and then think of hitler and the many wrong deeds he’s done. so the radical few become the weight of the many is that it? let’s get it straight. just because a few folks want to be terrorist and willing to kill their own kind, i hope that their own country and civilization will come to realize, they are wiping themselves out and need to help remove these violent folks. but to say that the same bunch of of folks that supposedly believe in the same book are all the same is not true. how many different branches of protestant? so do we put all of them in the same boat if one of them does violent acts?

  • September 1, 2010 at 10:47 am
    Tom says:
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    Wudchuck, I say this with respect but you need to do your homework. The Muslim terrorism issue is one of a clash of civilizations that is taking place along a fault line between modernity and radical Islam. There are not just a few “radicals” that need taming but a very large number of Muslims who embrace triumph of “believers” over “non believers” as one of their core tenets. You may want to try an convince yourself that a small minority is driving the issues but it is way deeper than that. One cannot take a simplistic view, as Americans tend to do, that these people are really “Americans” like me who are just misguided and that these misguided Americans are ultra thin minority who can be dealt with by educating them concerning the error of their ways. This is a real “war” but not between defined states but a war of civilizations that has at its nexus an ideology that transends borders. And please keep in mind what a “radical few” are capable of as evidenced by your reference to 20th Century German history.

  • September 1, 2010 at 11:38 am
    Ana says:
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    Bravo Tom, Bravo. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  • September 1, 2010 at 12:40 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    k.. i know that a couple of news agencies have talked with some of the clerics here in america and many don’t believe in this total radical approach. mind you i am a christian, but leave an open mind to understand others.

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