DFS Arrests Two S. Fla. Agents in $1.2 M Ponzi Scheme

May 17, 2005

  • August 7, 2006 at 5:46 am
    mary says:
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    Then see you in court if your \”lovely day job\” permits!! Perhaps you will have the balls to use your name then not just your initials big shot.

  • August 8, 2006 at 9:42 am
    mary says:
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    I did invest and i want my money back!! I along with others want our money, not to see a great guy in jail, why are you hiding your name?? Did you invest a penny, probably not your just a busy body that will try to keep them in jail so hard working people like me and my friends loose our chance at payback you fool.

  • August 8, 2006 at 10:08 am
    The point is lost! says:
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    To Whom Ever \”gh\” and \”mary\” are, you\’ve both lost your perspective and the point of what this entire blog should be about.

    Tom definitely was the Master Mind behind the whole thing, if you\’ve in deed paid attention, he had been doing the same thing since long before Steve and his family ever even moved to Florida, those are charges he\’s still waiting to face, under a company he called Palm Beach Financial.

    But, with all that and that\’s a lot, having been said. He and Steve formed a company and before Steve knew what was going on, having been too trusting of a friend, too believing and too easily led -the same thing started to happen with the new company. He admitted his wrong doing, no question about that. He gave two statements to the State. Allocuted to it in the Court Room. No body ever proclaimed that he had a \”halo\” or even inferred that he was a saint. But, he sure is one hell of a nice guy, one that will do what he says he\’ll do or die trying. He\’s a true friend and had always been a good businessman. Hey, had he not, would all of those people have let him inves their money….it\’s been posted that we were all his clients for Years and Years! Never having been led astray before by him.

    What you need to realize here and what all the Investors need to realize, as well as the Judge, is the need for restitution far out weighs the need for incarceration, where NO BODY gets their money back. Think about it for a minute, Mary is right; you obviously are just a \”curious George\” and not an investor, because you\’re not objective and not in need enough of any pay back! If you were, getting your money would certainly be your objective, not the idea of slamming anyone and making hideous remarks about halos or anything else. You write like an idiot who has a vendetta, but not an investor whose interested in recouping your hard earned dollars.

    You wish their time behind bars is long and hard, well; I don\’t know that it is all that bad. I\’m sure that they miss certain people and the lives they were accoustomed to, however; I don\’t think their on a diet of bread and water. I hear those white collar prisons are pretty cushy with golf courses and tennis courts, libraries and movie studios. I\’m of the understanding they each have their own rooms with more than enough privacy for long distance phone calls and visitors with congugal visits.


    Wake up and smell the coffee and get back on track!

  • August 8, 2006 at 11:25 am
    Maybe a way out! says:
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    I think this is being understood by reads incorrectly.

    Veravest had a financial responsibility and they weren\’t on top of things. I think Veravest should be held accountable to the investors/victims for not making Tom Masciarelli more accountable for his actions and business practices. What does this say about Veravest?

  • August 8, 2006 at 3:59 am
    ced says:
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    Well Let me see….How many Companies do you know that hire convicted felons…and do Insurance companies bond felons? hmm??
    Think Not..McDonald\’s doesn\’t pay all that much to repay 31 investors…

  • August 8, 2006 at 5:13 am
    mary says:
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    Listen CHARLENE – there is already money on the table, not from your buddy Tom, but from Steve, his family, and he has plenty of offers to work for restitution… so no he would not be at McDonalds, he has a college degree. No one said insurance is the only thing he\’s cut out to sell. why dont u go take an aids test, i hear its catchy!! Wheres your daughters halo honey???

  • August 8, 2006 at 5:21 am
    gh says:
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    First of all, you know nothing about my investor status. Secondly, these two, sorry, one thief and his unsuspecting partner, are not coming up with any restitution. Their family and loyal friends should pony up the cash and pay back the investors.
    By the way, you make prison sound so good. Would you give up your current lifestyle in exchange for a 6×9? Don\’t think so. Oh, and as far as your comment about me writing like an idiot, you spelled conjugal wrong. Buy a dictionary.

  • August 8, 2006 at 5:29 am
    mary says:
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    you invested nothing and you know it! Otherwise you would want your money like the rest of us. Damn you for trying to keep me from my money, I am writing that judge telling him i want my money not those two guys to lay in bed, or relax for the rest of thier lives? are you from RI do you remember Joe Molocone?? Why don\’t we deserve restitution? They are ponying up as you say, there is money on the tanle, maybe only those of us who are cooperating will get it and thats fine by me, you are busy worried about spelling issues.

  • August 8, 2006 at 6:22 am
    gh says:
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    Hey Mary, you spelled table wrong. Use spell check next time. Have a nice day.

  • August 9, 2006 at 9:22 am
    More informed than GH says:
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    GH – You\’re rude and ignorant! There is no GH who made an investment, so come off it, you\’re just a \”butinski\” who wants to throw their two cents into the mix. If you were an Investor, you\’d not be concerning yourself with spelling errors, you\’d be concerning yourself with the issue at hand and that would be getting your money back. So, since you have no true vested interest, why not log onto PROJO.com and write something that the other fools do in the \”only in RI\” section, and find something there you can chat about that you might know something about.

    First of all, there are NO 6×9 cells, so you haven\’t even bothered to check that out and reported that fact correctly.

    There is money on the table Mary knows what she\’s talking about. Steve Petrarca does have a position to go to for earning potential and there happens to be other irons in the fire. So, really; why are you spouting off about something you know nothing about.

    What I find most disturbing about this site, more so than even you GH is the fact that some really good blogs get posted and they\’re on for 12 hours of so, then suddenly they \”hit home\” a little too offensively or defensively for someone and they get erased just like that!

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