Bush Administration Rejects Pleas for Federal Disaster Plan

April 13, 2007

  • April 16, 2007 at 8:22 am
    Bradley says:
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    \”…the fund would cover all types of catastrophes in every region, such as earthquakes.\” What a joke… how do you explain to someone in Ohio that they\’ll have to subsidize property insurance for someone who choses to live below sea level in a hurricane prone area? Or the guy in the $130k home in Ohio who has to subsidize property insurance for the guy with the $1.5m beach-front estate? Ohio gets a +/- 3.0 earthquake every 10 years, a dozen or so minor tornadoes, remnants of a hurricane causing minor flooding every 40 years, no large scale wildfires in recent recorded history, etc. It\’s rediculous to suggest the country subsidize people who CHOOSE to live in high-risk areas. Its shocking to me that Republicans (who claim to represent personal responsibility and accountability) would play a wierd Robin Hood/Welfare/Redistribution of Wealth game with this issue.

  • April 16, 2007 at 11:14 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    It\’s only weird until you realize that the Republicans no longer stand for what they claim they stand for.

    Empirical evidence shows that (as currently constituted) the Republican Party should be re-named the National Socialist Democratic Party.

  • April 16, 2007 at 12:07 pm
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    Crist and other republicans who want us all to hold hands and share responsibility for homeowners with the greatest risk might be republicans, but only in regards to subject matters that do not effect their constituents (voters). It\’s all about the popularity contest; rates have to rise, if the gov doesn\’t dance to the tune the locals want to hear, he\’ll be hearing about the peach festival, as in impeachment festivities; even if he doesn\’t believe what he says, he has to sound like he believes it.

    How many politicians are there left who actually stick to the convictions? How many wouldn\’t take the baby they\’re kissing and drop it in a well if it would guarantee another xxx amount of votes?

    Most republicans aren\’t acting very conservative these days…don\’t even get me started on the rest. It\’s all about pointing fingers, blaming the others, and no taking responsibility. No wonder the same principle sounds great for transfer to insurability; I\’m not responsible for my risk, you should help me afford this.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:26 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    truth spoken chad!!!!!!

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