Slavery Reparations Case to be Heard Sept. 27 in Chicago Courtroom

September 13, 2006

  • September 15, 2006 at 4:32 am
    misty says:
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    They should be able to. This is America after all and people do have the right to free speech EVEN IF it offends someone else. Don\’t like it? YOu have two options: get over it or walk/move away.

  • September 15, 2006 at 4:37 am
    sleepydogg says:
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    \”Truth\” you are a fool and an ignorant fool at that. Your extremely incorrect statement \”Do you think that a major corporation would pay a claim that could not be proven?\” had me spraying coffee out of my nose (ouch). Your ignorance kills me. Corporations PAY out money EVERY day to settle lawsuits in order to avoid the expense of litigation and runaway jurys and their verdicts.

  • September 15, 2006 at 4:42 am
    Realist says:
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    I agree with the Southern Agent and well said. People like bunny can not help themselves, they are like sheep that follow the herd and have the herd (PC) mentality. They can not and will not think for themselves. They are quick to scream racism but do not see how hypocritical they are by screaming an \”ism\”. It\’s sad.

  • September 16, 2006 at 4:59 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    Bunny and Truth (that screen name really cracks me up, Dostorted Truth would be more accurate)have labeled me as a racist because I find serious flaws with the reparations issue. I never once said I felt it was ok for the slavery of blacks to have occurred, nor the mistreatment or death during the Middle Passage and other injustices. I never said any of that was even remotely OK.

    What I DID say is that the debt for this wrong in one of America\’s darker moments in history has already been paid in full by America collectively. To keep asking for more, more and more (at the expense of those whose ancestors weren\’t even here at the time and at the expense of those whose ancestors did not participate in slavery) is fundamentally unfair and I stated my reasons why.

    But of course, that makes me a racist, according to Bunny and Truth. They also try to compare the Holocaust to slavery in the old South. Since Bunny and Truth need some Unreconstructed history, here it goes:

    1. The Holocaust was the result of Nazi occupied Europe under Hitler. Jews throughout Europe and the middle east were targeted for anhilation – not enslavement, but death. The Africans who were brought here 200 years ago under inhumane conditions known as the Middle Passage were not targeted for systematic premeditated, state-orchestrated anhilation like the Jews were under Hitler\’s Final Solution.

    2. Jewish Holocaust survivors – not ALL Jews, sought recompense for the recovery of their tangible property that the Nazis and their corporate collaborators stole from them (for which they had ample proof of rightful ownership) prior to stuffing them onto the death trains at gunpoint which would carry them to the gas chambers and crematoriums of Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Sobibor, Belzic, Treblinka and Majdanek. The Africans brought here to America in bondage did not have any property that was stolen from them and were themselves property in the custody of African chieftains and Arab slave traders who sold them to the whites. While some Africans died in the Middle Passage, care was taken by the slave brokers here in America and by the slave ship captains to try to avoid unnecessary deaths because the slaves had far more worth alive and healthy than they did dead. The Jews were not worthy of life in Nazi Europe and were deemed Untermentchen (German meaning sub-human)as lives unworthy of life by the Nazis. Care was NOT taken to try to preserve the lives of the Jews crammed onto barbed-wired cattle cars. Care was NOT taken to provide the Jews with enough food rations and access to medical care when they were forcibly put into overcrowded sealed and guarded ghettos by the SS, causing thousands to perish from disease and malnutrition in the sealed ghettos of Lodz, Krakow, Lublin and Warzaw before being transported to the death camps where 6 million would be gasses and burned in the industrial-sized crematorium ovens specially designed for mass body disposals.

    3. While there were abuses of the slaves, African slaves brought here were fed, housed, and clothed like human beings for the most part. Jews were stripped naked, shaved bald (their hair was used by the Nazis for insulation material in German U-boats), gassed and before being burned into oblivion in the ovens (5 bodies per oven muffle), their corpses were robbed of the gold and silver fillings in their teeth, their clothing and personal effects, including prosthetic limbs, were taken by the Nazis and shipped back to Germany to be redistributed to the Aryan German citizens.

    4. After the end of WWII, Jewish Holocaust survivors were killed by Polish and German cilians who were given the homes and businesses once owned by those Jews which were wrongfully taken from them by the Nazi government. After the abolishment of slavery in the US and after the War of Northern Agression, freed slaves were granted the same legal rights as any other citizen under the 13th, 14th and 15th Ammendments and were able to leave their former homes on the plantations to go west, go north or go anywhere they wanted to stake out claims for a homestead, build homes, build towns and own businesses. The Jewish victims of Nazi Europe were not given back their homes that they owned, their businesses that they owned or the jobs and positions they previously held and were threatened with death for trying to get back what was rightfully theirs when returning to their former homes that had since been inhabited by Poles, Czechs and Germans who basically received stolen property. As a result, the refugees were forced to flee to Israel and America with nothing but the clothes on their backs – clothes issued by the Displaced Persons Camps in post-war Europe.

    The European countries who appropriated Jewish property during Nazi rule did not give it back. Nor did the Jewish refugees get tons of government hand-outs from social programs like AFDC. They got no help beyond what relatives living in America and Israel provided out of their own pockets at their own expense. But the descendants of black American slaves got AFDC, public housing, jobs through affirmative action and Title VII, scholarships, etc when America attempted to make redress for the enslavement of their ancestors – even those blacks whose ancestors were never slaves to begin with (there have always been free blacks living here – not all were slaves). The average black American had a hell of alot more help from the government in getting a chance to make it than did the Jewish Holocaust survivors, many whom are in their 80\’s now and who are poor because they never could recover. To this day, most people think \”all Jews are rich and have all the money\” so when a poor Jew (yes, Virginia, there are poor Jews) gets discriminated out of a badly needed job due to anti-Semitic workplace cliques who think a Jew shouldn\’t be poor and need a job there at XYZ Company, the infamous EEOC – which favors blacks over any other protected class – NEVER gets the Jewish job discrimination claimant any money or their jobs back. But anyone who is black who gets terminated from jobs – even for just cause that has nothing to do with workplace politics, and they file discrimination complaints with the EEOC, they get ridiculously huge amounts of money for back pay, front pay, and lost health benefits in addition to getting reinstated in their jobs. In fact, the EEOC NEVER gets anyone any justice for economic discrimination – EXCEPT when the claimant is black and claims racism.

  • September 15, 2006 at 5:01 am
    Believer of Law says:
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    15 September 2006

    The Courts allow greedy lawyers to file these frivolous law suits, clotting up our Courts which don’t need frivolous suits added to there already slow movement. Course a Judge is appointed [in most cases] to a life term, you have the rest of your life to handle other immediate issues before the Courts. This is not a Case with one oz of standing and the cost to Free Enterprise will be past along to all of us. Courts apply the Constitutional and Rules of Law; send the plaintiff’s home with defendants legal costs hung around their neck.
    This is not about racial injustice or cruelty it’s about MONEY!

  • September 16, 2006 at 8:08 am
    W. M. Wilson says:
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    Race relations in America continue to be an emotionally charged issue; however, the American ideal is to achieve a peaceful and equitable resolution of this issue.

    For your consideration: Welfare, public housing, civil rights, and affirmative action benefit all Americans, the majority of whom all not the descendents of the American slavery system.

  • September 16, 2006 at 8:48 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    Please explain to me exactly how affirmative action and Title VII benefits ALL Americans? How does it benefit the economically disenfranchised middle-aged white male whose factory job went overseas who can\’t compete against the illegal immigrants for remaining blue-collar jobs and who can\’t get welfare regardless of how poor and down on his luck he may be, who gets passed over for chances for jobs he may be qualified for because the hiring employer discriminated against him due to his age and also had to hire X amount of black Americans instead? When nobody else who has been discriminated against for jobs gets economic redress from the EEOC because they are not black, how are they benefitting? The answer is they are not.

    Sorry but the last time I looked, my white skin didn\’t get me a good job, a free scolarship ride and guaranteed admission to an Ivy League law school like Harvard or Yale and preferential treatment in a prestigious career. My white skin color did not repay my student loans from the state college I had to settle for attending for lack of other affordable options. My white skin color didn\’t put food on my family\’s table either. My white skin hasn\’t guaranteed me enough of an income or earning opportunities to be able to afford health insurance on my own so I too can have access to medical and dental care.

    But this suit against Aetna will mean that struggling self-employed people like me who don\’t really have any other options for earning an income as an employee of a company which provides health benefits will be further harmed and priced out of being able to afford individual health insurance, resulting in even more Americans of ALL races, genders, religions and disabled or not joining the growing ranks of America\’s uninsured and left without access to medical and dental care as Aetna passes on its litigation costs to me and all other insureds, hurting us just so a few can get unjustly enriched, based on their race.

    Poor unemployed/under-employed middle aged people – including disabled Jewish women like me, don\’t count in the liberals\’ quest for racial and economic equality. So I guess affirmative action and the EEOC really do not benefit ALL Americans, do they?

  • September 16, 2006 at 2:46 am
    Truth says:
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    What does Dostorted mean? Good luck, this has been fun.

  • September 16, 2006 at 3:42 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    It was a typo, since the I key is located next to the O key, so it should have read Distorted instead of Dostorted. If you had half a brain in your head you would have been able to figure that out on your own.

  • September 16, 2006 at 4:47 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    The lawyer bringing this suit against Aetna and other carriers is a young black woman lawyer seeking to make a name for herself and get free money (from everybody else) that she\’s not entitled to since she benefitted from civil rights and affirmative action which were COnstitutionl remedies for redress for slavery and racial segregation that she may not have directly suffered from.

    She is someone who got to go to Harvard Law school. I am sure many underprivileged non-blacks who couldn\’t afford to go to ANY law school – never mind Harvard or Yale – can really sympathize with more-fortunate blacks like her who got ahead due to preferential treatment when there was no set-asides in jobs, special grants for business financing, scholarship monies and college admissions for them so they too could have the same life\’s chances at having the good life that she did.

    The struggling self-employed who are too old to get help to pay for law school (and not black so that rules out an NAACP scholarship and admission advantages) who are totally on their own for affording their own individual health insurance plans will be priced out, joining the growing ranks of America\’s uninsured as health insurance carriers like Aetna are forced to raise their premiums (which are already unaffordable)even higher to pass on the costs associated with litigation defense and huge settlements to their insureds. So now those insureds cannot afford it and will end up without health insurance and access to medical & dental care as a result – just so a few may be ubnjustly enriched and benefit by economically hurting anyone who is not black – which is in and of itself disenfranchising others based on race.

    If this suit is not dismissed or is settled at the expense and undue hardship it will pose on everyone else, I think the ONLY appropriate remedy then would be to abolish all the affirmative action, racial preferences in college scholarships, race-targeted business grants/loans, and civil rights laws completely.

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