Nationwide Agrees to Readjust 500 Miss. Katrina Claims

April 20, 2007

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:34 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    The attempts by you and other State Farm apologists to deflect from the truth, no matter how irrelavant the questions, is an old tactic. When you are able to refute the truth (oh yeah, the truth is not refutable), then come back and ask your irelavant questions.

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:49 am
    Jewel says:
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    And did anyone state any of Joe\’s 7 points were not true? He puts the comments in there like we care about certain points which have no relevancy here.

    Well, except for #7 which he can SAY is true, but can never actually prove.

    Personally, #2 is my favorite. They haven\’t won any slab cases… how many have they lost? like 6? Out of hundreds, that hardly makes a dent… or a point.

    And again, he didn\’t answer anyone\’s questions.

    Stupid is as stupid does… that\’s Joe\’s motto.

  • April 25, 2007 at 10:52 am
    Jewel says:
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    Posted On: April 23, 2007, 3:36 pm CDT
    Posted By: Jewel
    Wow Joe, you\’re one to talk about reading selectivity.

    You left out the following information:

    \”Neva said he filed a report with Rimkus that blamed Katrina\’s wind for most of the damage to the Weisses\’ home, but Rogers later persuaded him to change his conclusions.\”

    It doesn\’t say forced or coerced or had a gun held to his head, but rather he was persuaded.

    \”I didn\’t feel pressure that I had to agree with any of the engineers if they came up with a different conclusion than I had,\’\’ Neva testified. Rogers had more experience on disaster claims, Neva said, noting that he didn\’t find any hard evidence of a tornado strike in the area.\”

    Hmm, so Rogers was more QUALIFIED. Interesting.

    \”Neva, who wasn\’t a licensed engineer in Louisiana, said he inspected about 125 storm damaged properties on the Gulf Coast. The Weisses\’ weren\’t given a copy of the report he submitted to Rimkus before Rogers rewrote it.\”

    He wasn\’t even LICENSED as an engineer in Louisiana. Hmm…

    Way to pick and choose the info you present Joe. I\’d expect nothing less from you.

    How much of the money they got from
    FEMA are the great people of Mississippi and Louisiana paying you Joe?

    *Note: I don\’t necessarily think this is true; I am just following Joe\’s logic here.

    I posted this on another thread in here. Since Joe was telling someone they were wrong, I provided FACTS to prove Joe was the one who was wrong.

    No response from him… that happens ALL the time. He got busted…

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:10 am
    M iddle of the Road says:
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    While I don\’t agree with Joe on everything, some of the points he makes are accurate to a point. State Farm lost their slab case and Allstate lost based on expert issues, which appear to be common in CAT claim adjusting.

    Because of the 2 bad rulings, one in MS and one in LA, both carriers are now re-evaluating their position to avoid further litigation. Does that make them wrong? Not necessarily. They are managing their risk and exposure based on cases that set precedent. Also, because of the rulings, Nationwide, who has not been involved in either case but has pending litigation in both states is evaluating their exposure and risk.

    These appear to be sound business decisions to protect assets/surplus. Are there carriers that paid \’slab\’ claims? I\’m sure there because the majority of litigation is against Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide, USAA. There are many more carriers in MS and LA. Lack of national attention and possible class action litigation is a rebuttable presumption that many carriers paid \’slab\’ claims as Joe opines.

    that\’s just my 2 cents worth.

  • April 25, 2007 at 3:17 am
    Dale says:
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    that testimony was given to a grand jury. Ed Rust and several executives provided testimony. Remember this, a grand jury indicted 4 innocent lacrosse players at Duke. Testifying before a grand jury means little. I agree that you need to put up or shut up and quit posting half truths and out right lies. Yes, for the 3rd time I am calling you a liar and you have nothing to refute it and you avoid statements you made that I have directly proven to be lies. When facts are presented, you turn tail and run to antoher board.

  • April 25, 2007 at 3:21 am
    Dale says:
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    You see Middle of the Road, you don\’t necessarily tow the State Farm line, but no one is attacking you as adjusterjoe would have you believe. I found your post articulate and well thought out. Jewel, Mark, and others that joe (smallcase was intentional)refers to as \’apologists\’ have stated all along that there were probably mistakes made. But this guy just has pure hatred for State farm for some reason. Anyway, thanks for the post and doing it in a civil, intelligent manner.

  • April 25, 2007 at 4:06 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Well I try and I try to read those random thoughts of melanie\’s but they are very hard to understand. The other night I tried drinking wine and then read her post, no sense. Tried a little mary jane and no luck either. Does anyone have a Crazy to English translation book? I would borrow adjusterjoe\’s book but he is too old and crotchety to share. Who is Lorna Doone, where does she live and how does one meet her?

  • April 25, 2007 at 4:08 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Oh joe you are so cute when your panties are in a bunch. i have to wear the tin foil hats to keep the crazies like you and melanie away from me.

  • April 25, 2007 at 4:21 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Excellent post Middle of the Road. It\’s something that many of us have tried to express (in our own way) to poor little joe.

  • April 25, 2007 at 4:57 am
    Jewel says:
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    for round 10 of repeating himself.

    He will stay away until he thinks we have forgotten that he hasn\’t answered our questions. Then he will be back!

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