DFS Arrests Two S. Fla. Agents in $1.2 M Ponzi Scheme

May 17, 2005

  • May 30, 2006 at 10:06 am
    Eddy -Retired NY Detective says:
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    We were there and we agree whole heartedly with this Tina, let them have the opportunity at least to pay under a monitored program. Of course, it will take a long time to get the money back, but I\’d rather get it back slowly and anyway that I can rather than not at all. There stands no point in keeping these men in jail. I got up and said so myself. I wish Steve\’s lawyer had the opportunity to cross-examine me -I\’d have had my say. But the Judge was so quick to be done with it all and take a break that he ended the proceedings too quick. It wasn\’t fair that Steve was lumped in with Tom either. They should have been separated. I also believe that another Judge should be appointed for this case, I think he\’s prejudiced at this point. He can\’t see the forest for the trees – he\’s seeing Tom and all he has before him and he\’s seeing Steve the same way too, that\’s not right. Steve is an upright guy, he\’d make good on this. He has to be given the opportunity.

  • May 30, 2006 at 10:38 am
    Someone who was there! says:
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    You are so uninformed, yet opinionated! Bet you weren\’t even there on Friday. If you were you would know that Tom is responsible for having taken more than 3 times what Steve did and that Steve is the one that kept making interest payments to the victims till the state stopped him. He\’s the one that paid back plenty of money. That\’s all on the record. Crude and crass remarks are uncalled for, you should try and be less ruthless. The victims need to have restitution made, they followed the state like sheep and now \”they won\”, but aren\’t getting a nickel and they went into it on Friday not understanding that. \”We Won\” was their ignorant cry – won what? They\’re in jail, you don\’t get your money! These victims need to band together and get those two out so that they can make restitution. It\’s not too late, write letters to Judge Rapp. Something is a heck of a lot better than nothing. Let them live their lives on a smaller scale, but let them pay back. I\’d rather have half a piece of pie than none at all. Are we at least on the same page?

  • May 30, 2006 at 10:50 am
    Anonymous says:
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    You all still have nothing better to do than sit around like a bunch of hens…blah blah blah your all full of it.. no one knows everything that transpires between any business associates in every instance.. The investors knew they wouldnt see a return before 5 years.. What idiot invests EVERY penny they have?? Because Tom called you mom, because you might not have to pay for the grand kids education?? every penny.. not too bright.. parents life savings, and now they are old?? wow ever heard or medicaid or insurance?? You gambled, thats what investing is.. maybe some of you winners should have invested in \”Investing for dummies\” prior to handing over all your money to Tom. You would have all been paid back.. and thats from a source who has a clue unlike the rest of you who talk out your butts.. so keep kibitsing see where it gets you

  • May 30, 2006 at 12:09 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    Class and compusure from the wife of a convicted federal felon. All the money in the world doesn\’t buy class. The people in that courtroom wanted justice and restitution. Justice was served, restitution will follow. You make comments that make no sense at all, if you let them out all they will do is run, with your money as well as the rest of the investors.
    By the way, who got these interset payments that good old Steve was supposedly was paying? Not anyone I know. All these people were hurt by these two con men and desreve their money back. You must be very wealthy to be so cavalier about your losses. Wake up and smell the morning coffee.

  • May 30, 2006 at 12:22 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    You may think you/we got justice, but you/we didn\’t get it and won\’t get restitution unless they\’re out to make it. The only one who may run would be Tom to his off-shore account in Nicaragua, which on the record he admitted to. From the cease and decist ordered by the state in November till April, each and every investor got their interest payments from Steve, check your records – check your facts. If you invested with American Income that is, and not Tom\’s Palm Beach Financial Ponzi. Did you hear that Tom liened the two houses Steve put the dp\’s down on and maintained in Port St. Lucie for the company, so that when he tried to get the money out for restituion, it was all gone. I don\’t think you had your hearing aid turned up high enough.

  • May 30, 2006 at 12:29 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    Gambling pays you back once in awhile even when the house has the edge. The edge was not there with these two con men. You are obvisouly a friend of these two hoods otherwise you would be as upset as the rest of the people hurt by these felons. 25 years will serve them right. Not all these people gave them their life savings but trusted them to do the right thing.Steve old boy had to know what his boy was up to. Guilt by association is a weak defense. An intelleigent man,like he is described by so many of his supporters, should have and would have smelled Tom\’s game from the start. Don\’t judge these poor people who were royally screwed by the Abbott and Costello of financial investments. Three cheers for the judge, the prosecuter,and all the investors for their hard work in getting justice served. God Bless America.

  • May 30, 2006 at 2:13 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Three cheers for the Judge, the Investigators and the Investors – they all won! Won what you idiot? They don\’t get anything now! Nothing, nada, zippo, zilch! That\’s a great Win! Steve old Boy got as screwed by Tom as the rest of us, I lost money too! Probably more than most, but I know who tried and who didn\’t. I also know when I was desperate to get my phone calls answered and an ear, Steve was there. Tom ran and his like a little girl, not answering his calls, not making himself available. Steve let me come to his office and we talked about it. He showed me the documents. Tom showed nobody anything.
    You don\’t know anything about Joyce, Steve\’s wife – she\’s got more polish and more class than you can shake a stick at. She\’s the only one that still is taking calls and handling business. Plus, she\’s a knock out! What are you jealous, you were probably there with some old bag in polyester. She didn\’t have to buy her class she was born with that and a silver spoon in her mouth. You just don\’t know who or what you\’re talking about. She\’ll be just fine and why should she sell her house, she\’s probably very happy there.

  • May 30, 2006 at 3:06 am
    Anonymous says:
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    \”Sell her house and make restitution?\” Why should she? You clowns took her husband away from her! The house she\’s in now is a step down for her. You know nothing of her background or her family.

    Steve was willing to do that, it\’s not her responsibility! It was his and Tom\’s. At least Steve doesn\’t have money in an off-shore account, he was up front and willing to try – still is. Never his, was visable and is accountable.

    If any of you have a brain in your head and have any hope of getting restitution, you\’ll try to get them out so that can happen. Steve will pay and so will Tom (well for a while Tom will at least), and if it stops – then you lock him/them up again. But at least let them try, don\’t lock yourself out of getting our money back. I know I want my money.

    They didn\’t make any restitution because the state shut the company down and when it did, Steve still paid even after the cease and decist was in effect. Finally, he gave up, he had no help. It didn\’t seem to matter. No matter what he did no body was happy.

    Let them try again, monitored. Don\’t give up now. I want my money.

  • May 30, 2006 at 3:21 am
    Carla says:
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    3 cheers for the judge and lawyers, they got paid, you didn\’t, I didn\’t.. the prosecuter did.. Petracca gave te state money they didnt take it.

  • May 30, 2006 at 4:54 am
    Tina says:
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    You\’re right the state didn\’t take it and the offer is still on the table, with an offer for future full restituion. Steve is an upright guy, you know it or you wouldn\’t have written this.

    Tom is a sleaze, always has been, always will be. Someone wrote in earlier that he has another charge, try like 3 more, plus enhancements! But, he should get a chance, we all want and need our money. Let\’s face it, we all earned it, why not try and get it back.

    In court that woman from RI, Lima her name is, said they had two years and never paid – how could they pay? The State closed them down! Plus, Tom took all the money. Steve tried, but he couldn\’t do it alone. Who could?

    The State and a few members from the Sons\’ made their little stand, they proved their point. They were led by the nose by that Bobby Micelotta, \”We Won, We Won\” – they won the case and lost their money. How dumb is that?

    They proved their point, they did something wrong, give them the chance to make it right. If they fall short, then put them away.

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