Ms. Johnson I think you missed another valuable point in that while TV may portray workers’ compensation fraud as a “victimless” crime, it also tends to give the public the perception that virtually all workers’ compensation claims are fraud. The source of your article are insurance carrier private investigators who do perform a valuable service in rooting out obvious fraud, but as one who has worked with claimants over the years, I can assure you that they should not be your only “go to” source for information.
The State and insurers are happy to perpetuate that “all claimants are frauds” perception with their own campaign of commmercials asking the public to report fraud.
What is rarely discussed it the unwarranted denial of valid claims by the insurers and their incredible profits from doing so.
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Ms. Johnson I think you missed another valuable point in that while TV may portray workers’ compensation fraud as a “victimless” crime, it also tends to give the public the perception that virtually all workers’ compensation claims are fraud. The source of your article are insurance carrier private investigators who do perform a valuable service in rooting out obvious fraud, but as one who has worked with claimants over the years, I can assure you that they should not be your only “go to” source for information.
The State and insurers are happy to perpetuate that “all claimants are frauds” perception with their own campaign of commmercials asking the public to report fraud.
What is rarely discussed it the unwarranted denial of valid claims by the insurers and their incredible profits from doing so.