Calif. Court Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Get Workers’ Comp

October 20, 2005

  • October 24, 2005 at 2:49 am
    IndAgent says:
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    I know the democrat really won Ohio big bob, only if all of them had glasses, they would have punched the right chad, I KNOW THE STORY, YOU BETTER BELEIVE I DO.

    Don’t forget, the GOP won’t win either in 2008 even though they will have full power once again, please take you pick on what will go wrong in 2008:

    1. The GOP fooled the democrat and told them for the first time elections will be held on Wednesday.

    2. The GOP guarded each polling place with guns

    3. The Ballots were printed wrong.

    You take your pick big bob, pick the one that is most appealing to you.

    With GOP victories in both the House, the Senate, the Governships, even here in California with Schwartzanegger is no victory as people accidently punced the wrong ballot, forgot to vote, or was restrained from voting — OH BOY, I KNOW THE STORY, OH YES I DO!

  • October 24, 2005 at 2:50 am
    caldudenomore says:
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    This went from illegal aliens receiving WC benefits to anti Bush? What in the …

    Pay the benefits, deport the individual, fine the company (huge). Make it expensive to hire illegals and companies will not hire illegals.

    Here endeth the lesson.


  • October 24, 2005 at 3:03 am
    BB says:
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    I can give you a lot of information but it would take days to place it all here.

    The last time I offered sources for someone to do their own resaerch, I was told they didn’t need to rely on websites to form an opinion. Their knowledge apparently just popped into their head.

    If you would like this info let me know and I will provide it. I am not going to do your reading for you.

    Informed Americans look up info using their intelligence to find information. They don’t just take someones word for it.

    Her are some clues;


    ‘WE MUST MARCH OCEAN TO OCEAN…IT IS THE DESTINY OF THE WHITE RACE.” (Rep.Giles of Maryland)lat 18th century
    Genocidal Wars against Native Americans.
    Seizure of nearly 1/2 of Mexico’s territory by 1848

    Invasion of Phillipines 1898-600,000 Filipinos dead

    Phillipines, Puert Rico and Guam colonized 1898

    Platt Amendment- Stipulates, for an “independent Cuba”, a US Navy base forever.
    Overthrow of Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani for a US Navy base, surrounded by Dole & Del Monte plantations.
    1903 Panama.s separation from Columbia, under orders of President Theodore Roosevelt. (The War President)

    Between 1898 & 1934 we invaded Cuba 4 times, Nicragua 5 times, Honduras 7 times, the Dominican Republic 4 times Haiti twice, Guatamala once, Panama twice, Mexico 3 times and Columbia 4 times. When we finally do leave we leave the countries in the hands of a friendley dictator.

    NSA 1946
    IRAN 1953
    KOREA 1950-1953
    VIETNAM 1964-1973
    LEBANON 1986-1983
    GRENADA 1983
    LIBYA 1986
    IRAQ 1991
    KOSOVO 1999
    AFGHANISTAN 2001-?
    IRAQ 2003-?

    Look these up and draw your own conclusions.

  • October 24, 2005 at 3:26 am
    BB says:
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    You just don’t get it do you? It doesn’t matter who is in office Republicans or Democrats, it is the secret governmnent (NSA 1946) that runs this country.

    Some sources for you to look up, unless you have all the info already in your head via ?

    Bill Moyers, “The Secret Governmnet”
    John Stockwell-ex CIA Station Chief
    Ramsey Clark- former US Attorney General
    Peter Dale Scott

    I am wasting my time you already know everything anyway, because you form an opinion without reading etc.

    Ever heard of the Pentagon’s “SCHOOL OF AMERICAS”

    Like I said do some research.

  • October 24, 2005 at 3:28 am
    Chris says:
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    Back, just for a moment, on the subject of the legal decision that started all of this diatribe; I am confused. How did the CA DOI approve the NCCI policy form that excludes coverage to workers that are knowingly hired illegally by the employer, if the Court is correct in ruling that the exclusion is contrary to state statute in regard to WC benefits available to illegal aliens?

    And, based upon the remark that this case now puts CA in line with the other states that have removed the exclusion, has NCCI revised the standard WC policy to reflect the fact that the exclusion is no longer valid, at least as far as being an illegal alien is concerned?

    And, now for the BIG question: Since the exclusion is ruled to be invalid, will WC premiums be adjusted to reflect the increased exposure to the CARRIERS, who will now have to pay these claims? Will the mod factors for states/industries where it is more likely that illegal aliens are being hired be increased?

    You may now resume your previous political bickering, already in progress.

  • October 24, 2005 at 3:31 am
    BB says:
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    The US is an illegal immigrant throughout the world since its inception.

    US governmnet (NSA) should be heavily fined and maybe we all should be deported.

  • October 24, 2005 at 3:52 am
    IndAgent says:
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    How dare I form my opinions without agreeing with you and taking everything you say at face value! Next time, I will read and obey you, just like the Democrats want every minority to read and obey what they do.

  • October 24, 2005 at 4:22 am
    caldudenomore says:
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    Well, that is such a lovely story, and you tell it so well and with so much enthusiasm…

    The beautiful thing about conspiracy theories is that everything fits so well. Especially when you combine it with a Marxist/Socialist agenda. My aunt provides me the same ravings as you Bob-O. She was schooled in the Haight, marched with the Students, praised the WeatherUnderground. Still waiting for the bloody revolution while sucking on the govt teat on “permanant disability” for plantar warts and shopping at Nordstrom’s. You folks crack me up.

    Give me a break.

  • October 25, 2005 at 4:44 am
    Russ Vollmer says:
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    While I think the court may have overstepped its bounds with respect to what the CA DOI apparently approved in the WC filing, one must consider that just maybe an illegal immigrant is entitled to protection as any employee hurt on the job – just by being an employee. However, the illegal’s payroll was probably never declared in the policy and that falls squarely on the employer’s shoulders. The insurer is entitled to premium for the exposure insured, although there’s probably no practical way to audit cash paid to illegal immigrants. The only way might be to pull surprise inspections at jobsites and factories and match those who are identified with payroll records. The tax people would probably have some interest in that, too.

    As for the anti-Bush aspect of all this, it’s no secret that he has maintained a hands-off policy on illegal immigration and has only offered the soft-handed approach of giving these people some amnesty over time. Doing that without securing the borders is certainly not the way this country should be handling the problem – it just invites more illegal immigration.

    Finally, it’s not just “rich business people” who are to blame for the problem, either, because in a sense, it is also all of us who want the cheapest product or service we can get. This creates a market for illegals who will work for low wages because even at that level, it’s more than they can make at home. Moreover, being part of a competitive world economy, US business is forced to cut its costs to the bone in order to compete with emerging nations where the cost of doing business is lower and there are no legacy costs like pensions, etc. to figure into the product, otherwise, our domestic companies will lose out to competitors in the world marketplace. For example, how many of the electronic devises we love so much here are even made here anymore? Cost sutting is another reason why so many of our jobs are shipped overseas, too. The first obligation of corporate officers is the survival of their companies, next to which is making a profit, without which the company cannot exist and would not be around to provide any jobs.

    The problem is not as simple as people on either side of the political spectrum would have us believe because of all the interconnecting ramifications in the larger world economy. This is not to defend those hiring illegal immigrants because they, too, are breaking the law. The only answer to the problem is to reinforce our borders to stem the flow, then find a way to deal with those who are here because we haven’t the resources or systems in place to deport the millions we already have. By not minding our borders, we have created a huge monster and we need to keep it from getting larger before dealing with it, not to mention the security and drug problems that also accompany illegal entry.

  • July 30, 2007 at 4:22 am
    chris says:
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    You know everybody is making a fuss about this immagration issue. What I see is that they come over here to make a living also for there family as well as we do. Yes everybody wants them gone but what about the work that needs to be done in a job for sure you will not see anybody but a mexican working 10-15hrs a day in the hot sun to provide for there family. Example who works in the fields, construction or any place else mexicans they will do anything to provide. Know what about the new thing of wanting to give the ex cons chances to get a job, homes but yet not a mexican to be citizens in the U.S cons have killed, raped, molested children but yet they want to help them. And raiding there homes looking apperantly for someone else and then asking them if there are legal I think that is very wrong for the police to do this. Why only mexicans they are not the only ones in the U.S that are illegal. Now thats discriminating and seperating the kids from their family thats also wrong.

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