Calif. Court Rules Illegal Immigrants Can Get Workers’ Comp

October 20, 2005

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:20 am
    David Mitchell MBA MAHR CIC says:
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    Certainly we can have empathy for the person who gets hurt on the job,but why should workers compensation have to pay if Farmers Coffee had knowledge of the hiring of illegal immigrants. Workers compensation language under exclusions reads,”This insurance does not cover:…3. bodily injury to an employee while employed in violation of law with your actual knowledge or the actual knowledge of any of your executive officers:…” National Council on Compensation Insurance 3 0f 6 WC-29. I am sure Farmers Coffee requires I-9’s when they hire employees.

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:24 am
    You are part of the problem says:
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    No! Persons who are in this country illegally are here by choice, no one drug them across borders against their will. Yes, employers should be fined and fined heavily for hiring them in the first place or even put out of business. However, illegals ARE here by choice and take those jobs BY CHOICE, no one forces them to do so. If they want to be here, they need to live by our laws and become legal citizens and PAY TAXES like the rest of us do. Unfortunately, those of us who pay taxes seem to get the short end of the stick and here is another good example of it! If you live here, do so legally. If you are not legal, you deserve to be sent back to where you came from and make it stick with strictly enforced borders and penalties include jail in their country of origin. No, I am not a Nazi, I am just one fed one taxpayer who is tired of seeing it go everywhere else but where it should.

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:42 am
    underbroker4 says:
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    ‘Fair and Ethical Treatment to all parties’

    a)The illegal immigrant should receive some compensation for his on the job injury. He should also be deported as soon as possible.
    b) The employer should pay all workers compensation expenses,and the expense of the deportation, as well as a fine for violating the law. If there is a frequency of illegal hiring practices the fine should be multiplied on each offense.

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:49 am
    Robertogrande says:
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    He was hired he was injured on the job. It is as simple as that. When did we become so selective as to color determining our opening our arms to the world? Oh yea, (slavery, Native American genocide, gay bashing) since this country’s inception. To “The Duke” and “further proof of why”; I am sure you profess to be Christians as well. You are idiots. Why don’t you go back to where your ancestors came from. You certainly could get a better education.

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:50 am
    IndAgent says:
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    The reason why people use the bad spelling argument is because they cannot debate the issues head on. Also, you are among the many confused folks who don’t understand the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. What an insult to all legal immigrants who took the neccessary measures, got an education, and came here on their own merits only to have some bad apples flip them off by coming here illegaly.

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:54 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Please cut this crap, illegal is an illegal, whether they are from Europe, Rusia, or Mexico. The reason why you used “color” is because you cannot debate the true issue. I am all for a guest worker program to allow honest laborers to come to America. I presume if you are for illegal activity, then you illegaly cheat you clients by collecting premiums and not placing their policy. Are you going to be in the IJ new next? Are you going to blame your fraud on racism???

  • October 21, 2005 at 1:56 am
    Robertogrande says:
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    To IndAgent,

    Don’t use the illegal crap. America is illegally involved in countries all over the world. Where is your outrage over that?

    Get your priorities in order. We are all in this together.

  • October 21, 2005 at 2:07 am
    Robertogrande says:
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    IndAgent, you have just confirmed you haven’t got a clue. I don’t write work comp and no I won’t be on the news. What an ignorant statement.

  • October 21, 2005 at 2:10 am
    Explain your broad statement says:
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    What does your statement have to do with our having to pay for illegals to get and do everything in the US without paying taxes? Put your money where your mouth is instead of making such broad statements (which incidentally show your ignorance because there are no details, just blah blah blah).

    Why don’t you house all of the illegals and pay for their keep? Probably because you are one of them and your house already has 24 relatives living off of people like me who work long hours for a living but have to pay our own way anyway.

  • October 21, 2005 at 2:14 am
    IndAgent says:
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    Roberto, if you don’t like America, why in the hell do you live here? Came from a country that is so corrupt you couldn’t stand it anymore? Now you are freeloading off America and the hardworking diverse population? You didn’t learn to have any pride because all you know is how to rip off society?

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