South Carolina Teen Working to Pay for Car Insurance Attacked, Burned

July 16, 2008

  • July 21, 2008 at 2:47 am
    Not like you says:
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    So defensive everyone, with your “defense” being that this is talk about “business”…and now that we’ve seen more to the story [the part where someone was charged with the crime and the young injured man is hanging out in the ICU] I’m guesing it’s the role of the insurance “business” to always provide a one-sided “smell test”. It was apparent that there was more to the story–that was not a question. But that you would jump to the conclusions you did and then call it “business” is why the insurance industry on the whole has earned a not-so-warm-and-fuzzy reputation.

    I’ve worked in insurance–I understand its role in protecting my financial self and that it is a complex vehicle. But I also lament the fact that most people in insurance become so jaded over time that they believe everyone is lying and cheating and somehow trying to gyp the system. I wonder who is really a consumer’s advocate when they need help. I intellectually know it should be my agent–but I’m not sure that when the chips fall they’d actually be on my side. Makes you wonder what the value of the independent agency system is.

  • July 21, 2008 at 3:14 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Again, not like you, this is not the Oprah web site. It also is not the place where decisions are made. This is for people posting opinions. The opinions can be right or wrong and in this case they appear to be wrong. So what? Who is harmed? Is this an overall indication that everyone in the industry is jaded? Now who is being judgemental? I work with a lot of great and caring people and at a company that takes care of it’s claimants. So who are you to judge me or anyone on this site because you see a couple posts you don’t like? Lighten up and join in the discussions. If you are going to take offense any time you hear something you don’t like you are one miserable person.

  • July 22, 2008 at 5:27 am
    Rush Jr. says:
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    Not like you- Do you have nothing better to do than to cry about comments that random people make on a message board? Give me a break.

    Quit being so sensative. Its a message board for the insurance industry. Why do you give a Sh** anyways?

    Quit complaining Liberal and go back to work.

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