38 More Miss. Katrina Suits Settled in Mediation, Judge Reports

April 6, 2007

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:26 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Please provide proof that any companies other than State Farm or Nationwide DENIED all slab cases. That is not one sided, it is the truth. When I know of any others, I will include them in the discussion.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:29 am
    adjustrjoe says:
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    State Farm or Nationwide has yet to win a slab case. In light of this do you think they are settling voluntarily. Their concurrent causation language has been overturned. Make no mistake, they have to settle or face the possibility of more punative damages.

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:24 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Careful Jewel, this guy doesn\’t have his foil hat on today and he\’s been off his meds for a while. Take anything he says with a major grain of salt. He\’s kinda off his rocker since katrina….

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:37 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Please provide the facts to refute anything I have said. I am truly sorry, you are \”clerical only\” at the agency where you work and do not have the knowledge or skills to be an agent. There is hope, if Dale can actually get an agent job, derelicts from the street can be agents. Have a nice day Mary B.

  • April 10, 2007 at 9:17 am
    David says:
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    Your experience is overwhelming but I\’ve been around a lot of people who have been in their jobs for over 30 years and still really not have a clue about the \”big picture\”. You appear to fall right in line with these individuals. Keep up the good work as an independent.
    You again possess ingnorance on topics in which you think you know a lot but really don\’t have a clue. The indicment of the CEO was a political stunt pulled by Trent Lott because he was insured with SF. Please tell me how many hurricanes have hit or effected the coast of Mississippi since you\’ve been in business for so long. How come now is all this such a pressing issue. Oh yeah, because this time it effected Trent Lott\’s home. His actions over the years show he not about the people of Mississipi but his own property. If his house would not have been damaged then this would not have been an issue. It kinda puts him between a rock and hard place if he were to fight for only his property and not everyone else. His brother-in-law is not much better since he is the high powered trial lawyer. Getting back to your point about the CEO, what came of the indicment. Oh yeah, nothing….so again I state it was a political stunt. The things you write only have surface value but it doesn\’t take much digging to find the real truth. Thanks for the job lead in Mississippi but unfortunately I don\’t ever visit that state but I will keep it in mind if I feel the need to move.

  • April 10, 2007 at 9:59 am
    adjustrjoe says:
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    Hurricanes hitting the gulf coast:
    Betsy 1965 more New Orleans
    Camille 1969
    Fredrick 1979
    Elena 1987
    Erin 1994 mainly Fla panhandle
    Opal 1994 mainly Fla panhandle
    Gorges 1990\’s early 2000\’s
    Katrina 2005
    There were probably others and tropical storms that I cannot recall.

    Now you display your total and complete ignorance of the Misissippi gulf coast. The flooding was not prseent in the prior hurricanes as it was in Katrina. Frederick actually had a negative tide in Mississippi. Camille had severe flood but the others mainly had low lying area flooding only. Just remember there were homes like Beauvoir which had been standinig for over a hundred years so the storms never had storm surge and flooding like Katrina.

    The indictments against key State Farm personel were put on hold as part of a plea deal that State Farm reopen and re-evaluate their position. As I understand it, the grand jury was released without predjudice and can be re-filed. BTW, you need a civics lesson; U S Senators do not conveign grand juries, nor do private attorneys. The grand jury in this case was conveigned by the Sec. of State, Jim Hood in state court.

    \”Thanks for the job lead in Mississippi but unfortunately I don\’t ever visit that state but I will keep it in mind if I feel the need to move.\”

    This is your most telling statement as you have absolutley no first hand knowledge of the area. Having lived and worked claims (including Katrina) there over the years, I have personal first hand knowlege. You just have your opinion, which is worthless.

  • April 10, 2007 at 10:39 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    I forgot to inclued Hurricane Ivan in 2004, also more to the east around Mobile. The only hurricane I recall having the similar arguments was Camille. And there were several successful cases from it where there was the flood vs wind question.

    Remember, Judge Senter is a federal judge, not a Mississippi state court judge. The home cooking you refer suggest is not prevelent in federal court.

    It is obvious you do not have a clue and are a newbie in the business. After you complete State Farm training school, please come back so you can quote the party line more succinctly.

  • April 10, 2007 at 10:54 am
    Jewel says:
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    Mary B.-

    Tinfoil hat huh? :) I shall go put mine on first. ::puts on tinfoil hat:: Okay, now I can try to talk to adjusterjoe.


    You keep asking people to name other companies who have denied slab cases 100%. It is getting annoying. I don\’t know because I am not familiar with HO insurance. I have it, but I do not sell it, underwrite it or adjust claims about it. We know you have asked about it a HUNDRED times. So, you can stop asking. Thanks.

    You might have a point with that (again, I wouldn\’t know) but your problem is you think you are right about everything. You have no clue if all the cases being settled even had to do with slabs being denied 100%. How could you know unless you stole internal documents from State Farm or the courts? Or, unless you work for State Farm. Hmm, maybe you do and you are bitter because they didn\’t give the janitors a Christmas bonus.

    I am not saying you are wrong about everything you have posted. What I am saying is that you really seem to be making assumptions about the cases that have been settled. Why don\’t you tell US all how you know FOR A FACT that \”State Farm or Nationwide has yet to win a slab case\”?

    Answer that one and I will ask someone to take a stab at your question.

  • April 10, 2007 at 11:18 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    All you have to do is check the archives of this site to see no slab cases have been won by State Farm or Nationwide. There have only been 4-6 slab cases go to trial and none have been won by State Farm. Court records are public, not hidden. The federal district court in Mississippi has records open to the public. Do you honestly think that the news media would not report it if State Farm won a case. Call the US district court and ask if there have been any rulings in favor of State Farm. Now have there been settled slab cases? Yes, under the heading of this article. I would welcome anyone to to provide proof where State Farm has won a slab case. The only reason State Fram is now settling cases is to avoid punitive damages.

    As far as finding anotehr carrier denying slab cases, it is a legitimate qestion. I have researched and cannot find one. If State Farm is so righteous, then why did not any other carriers follow their lead?

    It is dificult to show those like you, who openly admit they have no knowledge, the truth. You are in the insurance industry and loyal, which is understandable. The reality is that this is not an abberation about State Farm. It is their normal and usual arrogant attitude.

  • April 10, 2007 at 11:43 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”All you have to do is check the archives of this site to see no slab cases have been won by State Farm or Nationwide. There have only been 4-6 slab cases go to trial and none have been won by State Farm.\”

    First of all, I don\’t believe everything I read on this site. There was an article that stated a letter written by Teddy Roosevelt was written in 1990. Hmm… WRONG! Funny that this site doesn\’t always get its facts straight. Forgive me for not buying everything they\’re selling here.

    Second of all, you have done all this *****ing and complaining over 4-6 cases?!?!?! And that is causing you widespread panic? Give me a break! Is it 4 or 5 or 6? Not very accurate. As for the court records being public. Duh! I realize some of them are but do you really think everything is put into public record? And, also, please let me know when you personally reviewed all of these court documents. Time and place please.

    And begin…

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