Sen. Lott Undecided Whether to Settle or Go to Trial On Katrina Claim

March 26, 2007

  • March 29, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Dale says:
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    Mark, in case you haven\’t read all of adjusterjoe\’s previous posts, he has access to information about the legal proceedings in Mississippi that even State Farm lawyers don\’t have access to, so no need to debate, as he is all-knowing about everything State Farm, even though he doesn\’t have any association whatsoever with the company. Truly a well connected invidiual. I don\’t know where his obvious hatred of State Farm orignated from, but it runs deep with him. And you are right, he brings hearsay to everything with no basis in fact. He is hung up on punitive damges, which in Mississippi is a joke anyway, and \”bad case law\’ that we apparently solely responsible for. In all seriousness, he wants to be more informed or important than he actually is.

  • March 29, 2007 at 2:54 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    GOOD NEWS! Even Adjusterjoe will laud State Farms accomplishment by acknowledging that no other company could achieve such a feat. Look for him to lead the way in congratulating State Farm on thier excellence. By the way, adjusterjoe, lern too spel.

  • March 29, 2007 at 2:58 am
    Dale says:
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    He doesn\’t have time for trivial stuff like that, he is too busy getting top secret information from his \’sources\’. But rest assured, he will find some way to spin it against the farm.

  • March 29, 2007 at 3:14 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Look up bad faith in a legal dictionary and the first thing there is the State Farm logo. All of his wisdom spouted by Dale and Mark has no basis but they want to SPIN it right as Rust sent out a directive to make good on the public relations. Still waiting on an answer as to why it is only Nationwide and State Farm denying slab claims. If Mark is right, why did the other companies pay their claims without going to court? Why have they paid them in prior storms? Mark have you had any luck setting yourself up as God, so you can adjudicate all of the injustice in the world and inform the courts that they are wrong.

  • March 29, 2007 at 3:53 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    I expected from adjusterjoe. You mention
    a different experience regarding State Farm and Nationwide compared to other companies. Are all the respective contracts the same? I expect at the end of the day all involved parties to honor their commitment. That has been my experience with State Farm and not always
    other companies.

  • March 29, 2007 at 4:38 am
    Dale says:
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    He shows he ignorance repeatedly. \”Look up bad faith in the dictionary…\”, what are you, a teenager? No facts, he only spouts opinion and hearsay.

  • March 29, 2007 at 4:55 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Dale: Back to my original post, I applaud your loyalty. I would just suggest that you find and put your loyalty with a company with integrity.

  • March 29, 2007 at 4:56 am
    Dale says:
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    I have and do.

  • March 29, 2007 at 5:28 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Gill Fin:

    Having worked for State Farm in the past, they are a very arrogant demeaning company. It is their way or none at all. It matters not what the policy says. I am just saying the only companies that I have knowledge of that are denying slabs 100% are State Farm and Nationwide. Why did the other companies VOLUNTARILY pay from day one? Again, I have worked slab hurricane claims and always paid wind damage.

  • March 29, 2007 at 6:08 am
    Mark says:
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    I\’ll take this one point by point…

    \”Talk about someone trying to justify their position. It has been adjudicated and the ruling went against your position and now your opinion is right and the court\’s is wrong?\”
    Yes, my opinion is that Judge Senter is wrong in his understanding of the application of the anti-concurrent causation clause in the adjusting of \”slab\” losses. What is your interpretation of how the anti-concurrent causation clause applies to \”slab\” losses?

    Am I wrong to believe my opinion is right? Why would I hold on to my opinion, if I thought it was wrong?

    \”Maybe we should shut down our courts and allow Mark to adjudicate everything.\”
    Shutting down the courts won\’t be necessary, as I am running for \”Supreme Dictator\” in \’08 (but with a self-imposed, 18 month term). My first edict will be to exile all current officeholders and socialists, and then return this country to the capitalist republic it was intended to be.

    \”Unfortunately, it is clowns such as you that bring a bad name to our industry.\”
    If you mean \”clown\” as in approaches life with a sense of humor, thank you; but I hardly see that giving our industry a bad name.

    I\’m sure you meant \”clown\”, as in a staff adjuster that pays claims based on the policy language; trying to find coverage for the insured, but not afraid to deny a claim when there is no coverage.

    Gaining the most job satisfaction by handing a check to an insured to help them recover from their loss, but not afraid of that feeling of remorse when having to tell them that they have lost everything and my company will not be able to help.

    \”Please provide proof there are over 1000 suits against other carriers, other than State Farm and Nationwide, where they are standing up for denying slab cases in their entirety.\”
    Never said there were, so why do you ask for proof? I guess I could say that if all companies have the same ratio of claims to lawsuits, the company with the largest market saturation will receive the highest number of suits.

    \”I have handled claims in situations like this over the years and have ALWAYS paid the slab cases their applicable wind damage. Yes, even in Katrina in Mississippi!!\”
    It must be hard for an independent adjuster to fully deny a claim, when you are paid a percentage of the damage estimate total; No covered damage, no estimate, no money. By the way, I am paid by the hour.

    \”Again, you need to learn more about the insurance industry if you wish to be a responsible part of it.\”
    I\’m rubber, you\’re glue…

    \”Tell Dale hello and thanks for bringing in the local State Farm staff adjuster, who has not a clue (that would be you Mark).\”
    Hello Dale. Sorry adjusterjoe, but I\’m not the \”local\” staff adjuster.

    \”And why do you not address the problem State Farm has with making bad case law for the insurance industry.\”
    Because 87.2 percent of statistics are made up on the spot, and I would bet your statistic are just as flawed. But then again, you got this information from all these defense attorneys you know and since you can\’t think for yourself, you go with what they tell you.

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