Sen. Lott Wants Insurance Gap Disclosure Enforced by Feds

April 2, 2007

  • April 6, 2007 at 1:13 am
    Joanna Eiermann says:
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    Boy, Joanna\’s really getting under your skin when you feel the urge to imply to a complete stranger that your I.Q. is in the double digits. There, there. Of course your smart. By the same token I\’m so confident that if you search for the facts of my questions in your state your I.Q will get even higher.

  • April 6, 2007 at 1:19 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    I now understand better…you just might be a Farmers agent. No wonder you have such a bitter perspective; you\’re probably trying to sell the product of one of the worst (in my personal opinion) carriers in the country…please, for you own sanity, try another carrier, or go independent. Unless you have twenty years or something, run for cover!

  • April 6, 2007 at 1:48 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”Boy, Joanna\’s really getting under your skin when you feel the urge to imply to a complete stranger that your I.Q. is in the double digits.\”

    You are definitely not wording that comment properly. I didn\’t imply YOUR IQ was in the double digits, nor that mine is… (mine is in the triple digits, thanks). I asked if yours had yet REACHED double digits… OK, anyway, on to what Anne said…

    You really do take people\’s posts out of context.. (Good post Anne)

    What coverage is not available Joanna? Please tell me and then maybe we can answer your question (you know when it\’s not completely vague).

    You still haven\’t schooled me on health insurance, fidelity and surety bonds, workers comp and the price of tea in China. When can I expect my first lesson?


  • April 6, 2007 at 1:53 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”There is coverage for almost anything, if you are willing to pay the price.\”

    Exactly! Unfortunately, we have seen through Joanna\’s previous posts that she* is not willing to pay the price. It is too high. So, let\’s pay $5 each and then cry when the insurers are insolvent and can\’t pay out the claims.

    *and apparently her clients… by the way, it seems you do live in CA Joanna… so tell your poor clients if they can\’t afford HO (and EQ) insurance, sell their house and move… if the average price in their area is $500k and up, they will be able to live quite nicely in Tennessee. Or, they could move to Tennessee and p*ss their money away there too.

  • April 6, 2007 at 3:29 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    African or European…I don\’t know-0-0-0-0

    Al, you are the sharpest presidential candidate on this web blog.

  • April 6, 2007 at 3:33 am
    Joanna Eiermann says:
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    Why do you say I must be a Farmers Insurance Agent? Why are they one of the worst to sell for?

    State Farm and Allstate aren\’t winning any PR awards this year from their policy holders.

  • April 6, 2007 at 3:45 am
    Joanna Eiermann says:
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    Thanks for the compliment and I would be more than happy to help answer your questions if you could be a little more specific. Although, policies and coverage differ from state to state as you may already know. Ya know.

    Oh, and your mimicking reminds me of a child with a high I.Q.

  • April 6, 2007 at 3:52 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    well, lets see:

    1. you quizzed on something most wouldn\’t know unless they were associated w/ Farmers or were associated. (Northridge reinsurance)

    2. you mentioned \’premier\’ in your quiz; that\’s a Farmers internal propoganda buzz word.

    3. Farmers is knows for reaching for extraordinary methods to \’massage\’ values out of claims to pay less, or do drive by denials on HO losses; I wouldn\’t be surprised if you have tired of trying to explain to your customers they didn\’t have hail damage because the claim rep drove by and didn\’t see it from their car.

    4. Farmers reserve/surplus has been known to shrink faster that a global warmers assessment on the Antarctic icepack

    5. Farmers agents have a real tough time competing in the market; their product is typically overpriced, if their insured makes a claim…yikes. The only reason they (the company) probably survive is the \”I\’ve always had my insurance with Bob Smith with Farmers because he\’s a good guy\” customer.\”

    6. I\’ve known a few FIG agents over the years…they haven\’t been too happy.

    7. You sound like a captive agent; captives agents with this company would be frustrated, unless they\’re getting ready for retirement.

    ***some wonderful people work with FIG, however, historically, their upper management does not have a long term vision, very myopic. Many stopgap measures over the years designed to stop the \’bleeding\’. The reinsurance fiasco prior to Northridge is a good example.

    Some agents have it easier than others; I don\’t envy those with this company. Good luck, but I\’ve met several agents who cannot make livings with this company.

    I know there are some real successful agents out there; it depends on where you are geographically. I\’m sure in some markets, they are competitive. They are not in my market (middle west state).

  • April 6, 2007 at 4:06 am
    Anne says:
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    This is getting boring, lets start a new subject on a recent Insurance Journal!

  • April 6, 2007 at 4:17 am
    Joanna Eiermann says:
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    How intriguing. You\’re much smarter than the rest and I would be feeling pretty confident too if I were you. So let\’s recap on what we\’ve learned thus far. Agent\’s aren\’t good at explaining coverage, policy holders don\’t know how to read, Farmers is a bad company, Joanna Eiermann is shameful and stupid, Anne is an engineer and Jewel has a triple I.Q. and probably gained 5 lbs from lunch. Oh, and Al Gore sounds like a bird.

    What do you think about State Farm?

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