Well, insurance carriers charge premiums from the claims data. If they cut costs, they are cutting their own throats. Why innovate when you can just charge more $? This is a response to outraged employers on a basic need. However, LMIC will be making $ on the network. COUNT ON IT.
LMIC is a cut throat atmosphere with slashers at the very top. Ted Kelley was a hatchet man prior to LM and remains so to this day. They care nothing about clients, employees or reforming antiquated business practices unless it increases the bottom line. The article is nice PR but essentially fodder for someone to post on the bulletin board.
I was ran over by a forklift a couple of years ago and I\’m in a crap load of pain everyday! Liberty Mutural doesn\’t care about the people who are truely hurt and now disabled for life! They wanted to push this through to get them more money and send people like me back to their (clients) work still in a crap load of pain and not able to do the job! I\’ve been to their doctors before and they SURE DON\’T CARE about us the workers that are screwed up for the rest of our lives!!
It is so true. Do like I am doing. Dispute everything and waste their money in the court room and at benefit review conferences. They want to deny my claim 3 yr. later, but i’m making sure that they still pay.
Liberty mutual has caused my husband unnessary suffering for over three months. His injury will now delay his return to work for an additional 4 to 6 months. They should be sued for inhumane treatment. Dogs are treated better at the pound. Employers beware when paying for workers comp insurance. They do not care about you or your employees.
I agree 100% They are the worst company to deal with when it comes to getting treatment for the injured under workers comp. My husband had a difficult time dealing with Liberty Mutual when they denied necessary treatment for him. It’s been 9 months and still no treatment. They are very rude when you call and try to get ANY kind if answers! I would like to see them investigated for unfair practices and the cruel treatment of human beings!!!! EMPLOYERS BEWARE!!!
I agree!! I have nothing but troubles with Liberty Mutual. Are they really an insurance company?
Guaranteed if they get hurt, there is no problems, etc
Watch out for DC Workfinders or Workfinders USA!!! They are out to screw you out of your benefits! Do not even give them the time of day! Will try to place you in low paying positions to save LM money.
I fell over two years ago and have tried everything to avoid back surgery and now be I really need it..Liberty Mutual have no remorse on the people who are honestly injured..You people are heartless..because of your ignorance and procrastination and failure to see the real scenario..I am getting worse by the day and can hardly walk..you call yourself human beings?????
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Faster, better, more efficient? What\’s not to like??? I just don\’t understand why this is suddenly an innovation
Well, insurance carriers charge premiums from the claims data. If they cut costs, they are cutting their own throats. Why innovate when you can just charge more $? This is a response to outraged employers on a basic need. However, LMIC will be making $ on the network. COUNT ON IT.
LMIC is a cut throat atmosphere with slashers at the very top. Ted Kelley was a hatchet man prior to LM and remains so to this day. They care nothing about clients, employees or reforming antiquated business practices unless it increases the bottom line. The article is nice PR but essentially fodder for someone to post on the bulletin board.
I was ran over by a forklift a couple of years ago and I\’m in a crap load of pain everyday! Liberty Mutural doesn\’t care about the people who are truely hurt and now disabled for life! They wanted to push this through to get them more money and send people like me back to their (clients) work still in a crap load of pain and not able to do the job! I\’ve been to their doctors before and they SURE DON\’T CARE about us the workers that are screwed up for the rest of our lives!!
It is so true. Do like I am doing. Dispute everything and waste their money in the court room and at benefit review conferences. They want to deny my claim 3 yr. later, but i’m making sure that they still pay.
Liberty mutual has caused my husband unnessary suffering for over three months. His injury will now delay his return to work for an additional 4 to 6 months. They should be sued for inhumane treatment. Dogs are treated better at the pound. Employers beware when paying for workers comp insurance. They do not care about you or your employees.
I agree 100% They are the worst company to deal with when it comes to getting treatment for the injured under workers comp. My husband had a difficult time dealing with Liberty Mutual when they denied necessary treatment for him. It’s been 9 months and still no treatment. They are very rude when you call and try to get ANY kind if answers! I would like to see them investigated for unfair practices and the cruel treatment of human beings!!!! EMPLOYERS BEWARE!!!
I agree!! I have nothing but troubles with Liberty Mutual. Are they really an insurance company?
Guaranteed if they get hurt, there is no problems, etc
Watch out for DC Workfinders or Workfinders USA!!! They are out to screw you out of your benefits! Do not even give them the time of day! Will try to place you in low paying positions to save LM money.
I fell over two years ago and have tried everything to avoid back surgery and now be I really need it..Liberty Mutual have no remorse on the people who are honestly injured..You people are heartless..because of your ignorance and procrastination and failure to see the real scenario..I am getting worse by the day and can hardly walk..you call yourself human beings?????