Liberty Mutual Manages Workers’ Comp Using Group Health Analysis

November 16, 2005

  • April 13, 2010 at 11:31 am
    Ken Miller says:
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    I was injured by a coworker at Caterpillar. Ws hit from behind by a cushman cart and dragged 3 to 4 feet. Only stopped because my feet trapped under cart acted as a brake. Two co workers movded me 5 to 6 feet away from area where I was hit. The guy then ran into back of chair they had set me in about 10 to 15 minutes later. There was 4 people that witnessed the incident, and Liberty Mutual tried to say that I was not hurt by the cushman. Well numerous MRI’s and Ct scans later I have 4 disc in neck injured two of which are fused now. God only knows how many in mid back since I haven’t been able to get themto do another scan of that area. That scan showed 2 discs injured. And 3 discs in lower back injured, 1 which is now fused for second time, hardware came lose from first surgery. Yeah took me over a year to get the first 2 surgeries okayed. And they sent me back to work 2 weeks later with all that damage known. Also I have no love lost for Caterpillar, They just rolled over and closed their eyes to my treatment. I lost a $50,000 a year job and am trying to get on disablity, since I dropped alot of things from pinched nerve in neck and from the headaches that it causes. Let alone trying to walk with pain in lower back and middle back. Some days I can’t even walk 30 feet without wanting to scream out and cry. I guess I supported my country for 15 years in military for crap companies like Libert Mutual so squish under its heels like ants. Hoo rah.

  • November 11, 2010 at 11:25 am
    Anonymous says:
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    I agree about dc work finder it’s totally true I know I used to work for them their whole goal is to either place you in a low paying job to help the company they are working for lower their eventual payout, or to make you look uncooperative because you don’t want to go or don’t go to these low paying job interviews. They are paid to get you to screw up so the company you worked for does not have to pay out much or not at all to you

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