Workers’ Compensation Research Institute News

Research Finds No Improvement in Worker Outcomes When Medical Prices Increase

When the price of physician services increases relative to group health rates, injured workers report fewer problems getting the care they want but no significant improvement in physical function or speedier return to work, according to a study released Thursday …

WCRI: States Without Work Comp Fee Schedules Paying the Price

The dwindling number of states that have no fee schedule, or that set fees according to a percentage of billed charges, are paying far more for outpatient surgery than states that have adopted some version of Medicare’s payment system, according …

Do High Health Plan Deductibles Lead to More Workers’ Compensation Claims?

Are employees injured at work more likely to file under workers’ compensation instead of group health insurance when their group health plan has a higher deductible? The Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) found evidence they do in a new study …

WCRI Study Examines Trends in N.Y. Workers’ Comp System

The Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) in Massachusetts has published a new report that examines the performance of the New York workers’ compensation system following reforms enacted in 2007. The new WCRI study, titled “Monitoring Trends in the New York …