athletes News

Nearly 400 Ex-Rugby, Soccer Players in Concussion Lawsuit

LONDON (AP) — The number of former players from rugby union, rugby league and soccer who are taking legal action against sports governing bodies on claims they suffered brain injuries during their careers has grown to nearly 400, a British …

Athletes Claim Lloyd’s Delays Policies, Changes Terms to Deny Claims

A player for the Jacksonville Jaguars football team is the latest of several athletes to sue Lloyd’s of London syndicates for allegedly making changes to disability insurance policies after premiums were paid and then denying coverage based on the amended …

Study Shows Age Not a Major Factor in Brain Changes Among Youth Football Players

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans performed at the beginning and end of football season show significant changes in the brain’s white matter in both youth and high school football players, reports a study in Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. The …