She heard of the McKinsey documents. McKinsey & Co. were hired by Liddy to figure out how to make Allstate’s bottom line bigger, and the answer was simple, delay claims, deny claims, and lowball claim settlements. The documents referred to are the McKinsey docs no doubt, Allstate has been fighting making them public for some time for obvious reasons.
the question I have that wasn’t addressed in this article is: what drove the plaintiff to pursue this lawsuit? she apparently got the policy limit, so the there is more to the story than just money?
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Was her motive to move forward…an “ethical issue”?
She heard of the McKinsey documents. McKinsey & Co. were hired by Liddy to figure out how to make Allstate’s bottom line bigger, and the answer was simple, delay claims, deny claims, and lowball claim settlements. The documents referred to are the McKinsey docs no doubt, Allstate has been fighting making them public for some time for obvious reasons.
the question I have that wasn’t addressed in this article is: what drove the plaintiff to pursue this lawsuit? she apparently got the policy limit, so the there is more to the story than just money?
Actually, the McKinsey documents were made public by Allstate some time ago.