Calif. Woman Spanked in Front of Co-Workers Seeks $1.2 Million

April 27, 2006

  • April 28, 2006 at 4:41 am
    Manguy says:
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    Mike from Boston:
    Cross your legs!

  • April 28, 2006 at 4:41 am
    Gloria says:
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    Have we in this industry become so jaded that we really don\’t see the point? The company was way out of line for even scheduling such an event. There are many reasons why people stay in abusive situations both at work and at home. Why don\’t we wait to see what comes out of the case before judging this woman.

  • April 28, 2006 at 4:44 am
    Just Thinking says:
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    I never disputed the fact that it was a hostile work environment. I was just wondering why she did not sue sooner?? If she was so offended and bothered by the hostile environment, why did it take until she was on the losing team to claim it was hostile and take action??

    And never once did I defend the company and their inane program. In fact, it is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

    I\’m too am saddened. Saddended by the fact that people these days are not willing to use their personal judgment and accept responsibility. It is everyone else\’s fault, but our own. She knew what the \”consequences\” were she when agreed to participate. She wasn\’t forced to; nor was it required of her job.

  • April 28, 2006 at 4:53 am
    MUD says:
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    You have already judged the company as being wrong. Why can\’t we actually use the grey matter under our skull for thinking instead of feeling. I can actually review facts and make an informed conclusion.
    Maybe I am not \’sensitive enough\’!! But I have never applied for a job where any of the qualifications involved \’sensitivity\’. Many opportunities involved the ability to think on my feet and process data accurately and quickly, but never sensitivity. The ability to not judge, thats a new one. Every time we think, not feel, we are making judgements. I think this route would be better than that route. That is judgement and judgement can and should be used in our lives!!!!

  • April 28, 2006 at 4:58 am
    WGF says:
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    So smelling what you are cooking ManGuy. I am all on board with a little \”losening up\” in the work place! Why stop at spankings tho? Companies need to install a keggerator and have a little more beer-thiry time and a little less who-can-we-sue time. A real company would step up to the plate and become a leader – how you ask? Paid drinking holidays such as St. Paddy\’s day, Cinco de Mayo, and, well…Fridays. You rock ManGuy – just hope you can bring those knuckle dragging, stuffed shirts into a new millineum.

  • April 28, 2006 at 5:11 am
    CA work comp expert says:
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    OK, you guys obviously did not read my comments below. I\’m telling you, this woman probably first filed a work comp claim for a psyche injury (yes, we pay them here in CA), lived off of $3000+ a month disability, and filed the EPL claim after her work comp claim settled for less than what her attorney was hoping for.

    I seriously doubt this woman walked into an attorney\’s office and said, I want to file an EPL claim.

    Read my firs comment in the string of all of this madness and you will see the growing trend in CA is EPL claims.

    Trust me! It\’s not about the injuries or harassment that this woman sustained. It is about the attorney\’s pocketbook!!!!!

  • April 28, 2006 at 5:34 am
    Working Mom says:
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    I have been working in the transportation business for over 15 years. I work with truck drivers, mechanics and shippers all over the company. I don\’t believe that ANYONE should be subject to anything that is degrading. The company in this case made a decision that clearly wasn\’t thought through.

    As a woman, I get tired of hearing the \”POOR ME\” excuse. Women go into the military and expect to be treated fairly. At the same time, when they are sent to the field for a 30 field problem, they demand to be sent in for a shower run every other day while the men go for weeks. (Been married to the military for 13 years, know from experience) The point I am trying to make is…don\’t scream for equal treatment and then turn it around when it suits you.

    In my industry, I have been put in MANY situations that I was not comfortable with. I spoke up and let management know I was not comfortable. They used common sense and removed me from or removed the situation. I am not talking about getting myself or anyone else fired.

    She does have a valid lawsuit according to the law. It doesn\’t excuse the fact that she made a bad decision by participating even thought she was uncomfortable. If you want the same pay, same benefits and the same respect as your male couterparts, don\’t pull the GENDER card when you are treated equally. If a situation makes you that \”humilated\”, remove yourself from it.

  • April 28, 2006 at 5:55 am
    Oh you boys says:
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    I think this would be interesting to see who says what about which side of the argument.

    Bottom line, anyone can sue anyone for anything in this country, right or wrong. That\’s what makes us not like Iraq or Iran. Women have rights. It took us a long time to get here.

    If this suit brings the end to such stupid office antics, good for her and her suit.

    Let me ask you all how many CEO\’s you know of carriers who are women? Equal under the eyes of the law, yes. Equal in the work environment, not completely, but we are getting there.

    Yes, I am a professional business woman, and proud of it. I worked hard to get where I am. My company? Very fair, they even throw wedding showers for the men who are getting married in the office.

    Sales competitions should be for trips to Vegas or Hawaii, not for slaps on the butt.

    You go girl!

  • April 28, 2006 at 6:24 am
    Manly Man says:
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    Women belong at home raising the babies and cooking and cleaning. If they stayed home and did their job, we wouldn\’t have all the problem latchkey children we have now.

  • April 28, 2006 at 6:34 am
    glad I\'m self employed says:
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    Worked for people who had strippers come in and take it all off for a birthday party, during work hours; worked for punks whose every other word in the office started with F; worked for creeps who told disgusting racist and misogynist
    jokes at business dinners; worked for married jerks who flagrantly carried on with their mistresses at work.

    There is just no end to the lack of class and decency exhibited by some people.

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