Insurer Doesn’t Have to Pay for Miss. Pastor’s Sex Charge Defense

September 6, 2007

  • September 13, 2007 at 2:02 am
    Al says:
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    =Ah, but Christians slaughtered millions of Muslims during the crusades because they refused to worship Christ. Christians also murdered millions of Jews during the Holocaust because they refused to worship Christ.

    Wrong on both counts. You are not just misinformed but apparently willfully so. The Crusades were defensive, in that the Eastern churches asked the pope for help defeating the Muslim hordes, w tenet of whose religion remains that Christians and Jews must be converted, subjugated, or killed. And Hitler was hardly a presiding over a Christian theocracy that was persecuting Jews!!! You are simply unqualified to have this discussion.

    =Jews, according to your and their holy book, slaughtered the entire land of Caanan because their god gave it to them and told them to kill everything there.

    Yes indeed. But there is no free standing order in the Bible to kill all unbelievers that won’t convert, as there is in the Koran. If God wanted a certain tribe killed because they were particularly rebellious, as was the case with the Canaanites, that’s his business. But the Bible does not say to kill non-Jews or non-Christians.

    =Muslims, actually one of the more tolerant of religions up until recently, have slaughtered many for offending their sensibilities.

    Another totally ignorant statement. Go here Everything you read will increase your knowledge of Islam, which is currently at zero.

    =The ones that don’t slaughter seem pretty much to be the non-Abrahamic religions. You don’t here of too many holy wars from shamanism, Buddism, Taoism, Confucionism, or even Satanism. When was the last time we saw any Satanists perpetrating holy war?

    Oh yes, those peace-loving satanists.

    =Have we ever? The point is that all religions have some basic tenets: treat others as they deserve to be treated and recognize there is something out there bigger than you. I have no problems with those tenets – it’s the dogma that chases my karma away.

    Buddhism is non-theistic. Buddhists invented Karate and Kung Fu etc. No violence there. Hindus were very warlike until the Brits tamed them, and made them stop burning widows alive. They still attack Christians, Muslims and Sikhs when the opportunity presents itself. Shamanism is whatever the shaman says it is, Confusionism is not a religion. As for Taoism, from the Tao Te Ching, Chapter LVII Verse 131: “Wage war by being crafty.” Taoism does not mean pacifism; and a Taoist war strategy, as described by Sun Tzu, is to avoid the enemy’s strength and instead undermine, like water, his weaknesses.

    Just go away.

  • September 13, 2007 at 3:30 am
    lastbat says:
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    Okay, so we agree that satanists have never waged a holy war. At least we agree on something.

  • September 13, 2007 at 3:37 am
    Al says:
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    Git back to work.

  • September 13, 2007 at 5:43 am
    steve says:
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    Uh catholics and christians have killed many thousands of people in the past, present and (most likely) in the future. Oh and don’t forget the fact that they love to rape little boys and girls.

    If you could just see past your blinders, you would note that you proved my point about all religions being the same so thanks. They all worship a fake deity, be it 1, 2, 12 or 1000 deities. All use some type of false book for worship and to strike fear into people so they will follow that particular religion.

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