A motorcycle is not a toy nor is it an automobile. You can say all you want about sharing the road but in a collision between a car and a cycle, bet on the car. Cycle drivers need to be extra cautious as they have no external protection. It will always be a dangerous undertaking.
There will probably be an increase in people riding motorcycles as the price of gas escalates. I am planning on getting a bike to ride to work in good weather. I will be a novice so I will be taking courses and will remember not to get cocky as my confidence builds.
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A motorcycle is not a toy nor is it an automobile. You can say all you want about sharing the road but in a collision between a car and a cycle, bet on the car. Cycle drivers need to be extra cautious as they have no external protection. It will always be a dangerous undertaking.
There will probably be an increase in people riding motorcycles as the price of gas escalates. I am planning on getting a bike to ride to work in good weather. I will be a novice so I will be taking courses and will remember not to get cocky as my confidence builds.