Poor Service Leads to Fraudulent Insurance Claims, Survey Finds

September 22, 2010

  • September 24, 2010 at 10:38 am
    youngin' says:
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    Exactly which period in American history are we trying to get back to? Most of it seems like it was miserable, slavery and Jim Crow and workers being mistreated, the Great Depression and Dust Bowl and wartime rationing, Mcarthy-ism and the threat of nuclear annhiliation and spread of communism, stagflation . . .
    sounds like maybe the 50’s and early 60’s were pretty cool if you were a white conservative. Is that the America you’re trying to get back to? All things considered, I’m pretty happy with the America we have now, except for all the hateful rhetoric from the extreme ends of the political spectrum.

    I don’t know what the right wingnuts are smoking with this communist crap. Both Bush and Obama have largely ignored the middle class during the financial crisis. It was Bush who first took your dinner roll, but he gave it to a fat banker, not a poor worker. Obama was elected to stop the dinner roll thievery. He is not living up to the hype. I’m not sure what alternative you think we had though (McCain-Palin – it still makes me laugh).

  • September 24, 2010 at 10:48 am
    Another Reader says:
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    Not saying McCain/Palin would’ve been perfect, but at least McCain has a lot more experience with this nation than Obama ever thought about. He has no experience other than feeding everyone a bunch of bull — he’s quite the salesman. Bush definitely wasn’t the greatest president, but tell me where the Bush tax cuts (which greatly benefit all of us in the middle class) aren’t what we need to keep? Obama trying to get rid of them will destroy ALL of us and get us all in deeper trouble. If you read the facts (and not listen to just the nightly news) you will see that if those cuts expire, WE WILL ALL SUFFER. See the difference in your tax return and tell me that Obama didn’t destroy us. I could care less about the 1% of americans that are wealthy. It’s not like they’re taxed at all. They’re still taxed more than we are. But without them WE WON’T HAVE JOBS TO FEED OUR FAMILIES. they’ll continue to go bankrupt and NONE of us will benefit. Most of the wealthy didn’t become wealthy overnight. Most worked their way up from nothing (Warren B). They were smart with their investments and with their money. So they deserve what they make. Good for them. Can we all be that way? Absolutely not. But I don’t care. Life isn’t all about money. It’s about taking care of our wives and children. DOING AWAY WITH THE BUSH TAX CUTS will not help the middle class!! WAKE UP and research it instead of just listening to the BS that Obama and his team feed us. READ THE FACTS. Or you can wait and see how you’ll end up paying taxes come tax time…or at least get thousands less than you did when the Bush TAx cuts were in place.

  • September 27, 2010 at 12:14 pm
    cASSANDRA says:
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    Youngin, you are spot on. Another Reader, how can you seriously say that President Obama Has ‘destroyed” our country. Now check the statistics and look at what has in FACT happened to the middle class in the past decade, with wage decreases and job loss…and increases in every facet of taxation (mostly under the Bush years) on the state and local levels…

    You are WRONG, the Obama proposal is to keep all tax cuts of Bush for the middle class earning up to 250,000 year for a married couple; OVER 250,000 and ONLY over 250,000 is when the higher rates kick in for the increments earned over 250,000. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. And as for spending, where were you when Bush/Cheney started to bankrupt this country on the incursion into Iraq? Whatever his reasons, (maybe proving something to Daddy?…WMD being totally discredited) he surely didn’t recognize the real threat and enabled that threat to grow even greater…that’s IRAN, for those of you who don’t read and only listen to Glenn, Rush, and Fox.

    You are always entitled to your opinions, this country being what it is, thankfully, but PLEASE GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

    I cannot believe you may actually believe what you have written.

  • September 27, 2010 at 12:20 pm
    Realist says:
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    One fact, unemployment- is the telling factor in judging our economy (business confidence).
    BHO is a ship without a rudder and Biden too. Can’t believe he drops the F-bomb on TV and is proud of it. None of them have any class or respect for our country and it’s taxpayers. Look at BHO’s appointees.
    The World knows it too.

  • September 27, 2010 at 12:36 pm
    Cassandra says:
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    I see you didn’t bother to check out the stats on middle class wage loss. I see that you discount the fact that corps have been expoerting our white collar jobs overseas for a while now, and suffer no consequence for it taxwise.

    You crab about unemployment, what about the corps sitting on trillions in profits that they are not investing back into the economy? Uncertainty, you say, is the reason? Yeah, right! This is payback to the administration for the Consumer Protection Bill and the Healthcare bill.

    so be it. If I am drinking kool aid, your nostrils are FULL of sand.,

  • September 28, 2010 at 1:09 am
    Frustrated Adjuster says:
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    OF COURSE poor service leads to an increase in fraud. So does the current economy. So does the lack of faith in the current administration and corporate leadership (and I use that term very sarcastically) in general. But more than anything, it’s the apathy of the large carriers that do nothing to stop it. Instead of stepping up their SIU departments and increasing training – spending a little to save John Q. Publie a lot – they will just increase premiums to make up any shortfalls. They may have to cut back on some hiring/raises for their front line employees/advertising/building improvements/bribes to insurance commissioners and lobbyists, plus continue to work their dwindling under trained staffs to death – but hey – in the end – who ALWAYS pays for this crap. The honest ones. Certainly not the Executive Managements with their big separate bonus programs and corporate jets. Now that would be a travesty – any possibly get their attention. The guys in charge simply don’t give a crap about the folks really paying their bills. If they say otherwise, it’s smoke and mirrors and lip service 101. What is left of the middle class of our once great country has been outsourced. Maybe we should tear down that wall and head south. Or just away. Greed and corruption will be the downfall of our country. And it’s only just beginning.

  • September 27, 2010 at 2:15 am
    Nerd of Insurance says:
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    One thing you fail to metion Cassandra is you bash Bush (debatable on the WMD which I am inclided to agree with you on) but during the “Bush Years”, the Democrats were the majority in congress since 2006. the President (Obama included) can’t do much on his own.

    Also, Obama DOES have solicalist ideals (I like to think, socialist-lite). He was quoted, talking to Joe the Plumber (yea, you remember him, don’t you?) That he advicates that “the wealth be spread around”. You don’t have to take my word for it. It was caught on video. Now, I don’t fear socilism, but I feel that the capitalist system has the better system. It gives more insentive for people to work harder so they can aquire more. Other then “to benifit socity in general” thats really the only thing that keeps socilism going. How socity current is, people rarely care about the well-being of others. Now, Capitalism is not perfect. If it was, we would have cures for all sicknesses, there would be only wealth, not poverty for those who wants to work. Capitalism doesn’t address people that can not work, who are permently disabled.

  • September 27, 2010 at 2:44 am
    insurance_poster says:
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    The comments posted here illustrate he 2 types of people in the world. Those that carry the water, and those that drink the water. And for some of us… our backs are getting sore.

  • September 30, 2010 at 4:43 am
    Rusty says:
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    Someone mentioned PIP claims and it caused me to wonder how Obamacare will affect PIP coverage (and, for that matter, Workers Compensation). Anyone got an idea or seen any reference to that?

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