Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Has Record in Business Cases

May 27, 2009

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:05 am
    Bobba Louie says:
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    You seem to have a modicum of brains, until you labeled our President “Marxist”. After that you lost credibility.

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:10 am
    Boise says:
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    You are making a bigger pile of that stink stuff for yourself. Maybe, it’s the perfect place for you. One thing for sure, that’s your personality. You will never ever be happly, regardless of who is OUR PRESIDENT. If you think, you could do better, run for president for “outhouses”.

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:15 am
    not harvard says:
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    I’m not a Harvard grad! But, you’re still a literate idiot. You probably run “word and sentence structure check” on your computer. Or, maybe an editor helps. Who knows, and, who cares. Walt Whitman would still call you a “literate idiot”.

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:20 am
    Dr. Casey says:
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    Get a life!

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:52 am
    Bubba says:
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    “You seem to have a modicum of brains, until you labeled our President “Marxist”. After that you lost credibility.”
    That seems to be the direction we are headed, if we’re not already there. What else do you label him?

  • May 28, 2009 at 2:57 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Bubba …….

  • May 28, 2009 at 3:41 am
    Buckeye says:
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    I have to tell you, George, the criticism by you and others supporting Sotomayor sounds very similar to the same accusations made about conservatives who were adamantly opposed to Obama during the campaign.

    We were overreacting. We were uninformed. We were making personal attacks. Give him a chance and see if it works. Obama is all about hope and change, so stop being so mean-spirited. All Republicans are racists and hate mongers. Conservatives are nothing more than puppets of Limbaugh and other talk radio spewers of nonsense. Sound familiar?

    The bottom line is we researched, listened, observed and took a definitive and informed position. Unless one has his / her head in the sand or is simply not willing to admit a mistake, it appears rather obvious the Obama opponents during the campaign were on the money. Actually, he is even worse and more disingenuous than we thought.

    The problem with the mistake that is Obama and his Democrate comrades in the legislature is those of us who did not want them are stuck with them and their detrimental policies. It’s not just a matter of disagreeing. We have to endure the financial disaster resulting from hideous tax and spend policy. By the way, conservatives did not like the fiscal policies of Bush. However, even his policies would be a little slice of heaven compared to the Obama’s.

    If you want higher taxes, write an extra check to the Treasury every April as opposed to saddling all us with higher tax rates. If you believe in social welfare programs, give all of your money to the poor and less fortunate instead of redistributing my hard-earned money. If you don’t like a strong national defense, then move to another country with a second-rate military. If you want the government in every aspect of your life, move to Cuba or Venezuela.

    That is the problem with liberals. They are hypocrits that don’t practice what they preach. I guarantee they are not paying extra taxes or foregoing deductions to maximize the taxes they pay. I can’t imagine there are many that look for ways to give away 40-50% of their income to the poor. They also sleep well each night under the umbrella of freedom and liberty provided, in large part, by the strength and effectiveness of our military.

    There are days I simply cannot take the hypocrisy and illogical positions of liberals.

  • May 28, 2009 at 4:48 am
    Shield says:
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    Hey Buckeye,

    I’m a conservative as well. What your not understanding is that liberals don’t want you to control most of your own wealth. They honestly believe that they can control yours and mine better than we can and create some kind of utopia where there is this level playing field where they don’t have to feel bad because some poor guy in Africa or Timbuktoo or whereever doesn’t have as much as you and I. Somehow us having more, means that the guy in Africa is being cheated out of his share. Can you imagine a world where we all have exactly the same? We all wear the same color shirt and have the same amount of underwear in our drawer. We will all walk to work because we can’t harm the environment. We all live in a 2 bedroom apartment with our wife and one child (can’t have more than one because we need a negative population growth to save our planet from the parasite known as man. We won’t celebrate any holiday because we are sure to offend someone. We all will attend government schools to insure that we are all being properly socialized and will always get along and will know to tolerate any and all fringe groups and beliefs (except of course Christianity which has been proven to be a “hate” group.) Don’t worry about getting sick because you will have a universal government health care plan that will guarantee you a long wait in a Dr. office, where you are sure to be dispenced a free aspirin and a guaranteed spot on a long waiting list to actually see a Dr about the suspected cancerous growth bulging from your abdomen. Your wait probably won’t exceed a couple years. I could go on…..but I think I’ll stop. I’m depressing myself too much. Don’t worry about me being depressed and going and getting a gun and trying to hurt myself. The liberals will get those dangerous things out of our homes and we will all be so much safer.

  • May 28, 2009 at 5:33 am
    Bubba says:
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    “You are making a bigger pile of that stink stuff for yourself. Maybe, it’s the perfect place for you. One thing for sure, that’s your personality. You will never ever be happly, regardless of who is OUR PRESIDENT. If you think, you could do better, run for president for “outhouses”.

    It’s not about being happy, it’s about doing what is right for the country and having a real choice. George Bush adopted conservative principles on some things, but strayed on many things. Conservative were upset with him over things like open borders, pork spending, and bailouts. In the last election, we really didn’t have a choice. Barack Obama embraces progressive policies. John McCain was a moderate at best, and more likely a progressive republican. The only difference being that a democrat progressive maybe likes socialism a little more. Die hard republicans may have supported McCain. Conservatives were looking for a stark contrast to Obama. Guys like Romney, Fred Thompson, or Guliani, may not be as conservative as Reagan, but they would have at least offered something different. I tend to think that Romney or Guliani would have cleaned Obama’s clock in the debates.

  • May 28, 2009 at 6:02 am
    comapny gal says:
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    I read the IJ every day. I often read the comments because it seems to help get a sense of industry reaction.

    Reading these comments is really upsetting. Really, really upsetting.

    No matter what side you are on, your “team” was/is causing an increase in the deficit. If you are on the R side, it is the war and not increasing any taxes to pay for it. If is the Ds it is the stimulus and raising taxes to pay for it and the continued funding of the war.

    Pick your poison; neither side had a painless plan. It is clear from the tone of these comments that many of you should just drink the poison and move on!

    With respect to the SC – please, this woman is qualified, well qualified.

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