Four More Years for Bush; Kerry Concedes in Phone Call to President

November 3, 2004

  • November 10, 2004 at 2:50 am
    Where are your resources? says:
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    I Love the comments. Everybody wants to jump on Jenn with the “facts”. I have yet to see any “facts”. Sounds like a “Big Mob” mentality toward Jenn. Big Insurance, you say Saddam had the WMDs and we just have not found them YET. Not quite true. *** Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction, either overstated, or were not supported by, the underlying intelligence reporting.- SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE UNITED STATES SENATE*** All reports since the war began say that there were no WMDs. While we are at it how exactly do you know that the 380tons of explosives were moved out 2yrs earlier. Jeez, you would think if big insurance had this info the President would have known as well.*** The Iraqis told the nuclear agency the materials had been stolen and looted because of a lack of security at governmental installations, spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said***”We do not know what happened to the explosives or when they were looted,” said spokeswoman Melissa*** It seems you are the only one who knows what happened.

    How about you KirkT? I appreciate your service but I do not see what your job title has to do with these questions, unless of course you are a chemical or biological weapons expert or maybe even a forensics expert but. You say that 1 of 10 reason’s was identified by Jenn.*** Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade. This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens — leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to international inspections — then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world.- The President’s State of the Union Address The United States Capitol Washington, D.C.*** I only see one reason Kirk, WMDs. There is mention of families being killed but only to strengthen his case for WMDs. You also imply that the mass graves were caused “maybe chemical weapons!!!”, as it turns out maybe not.*** Each person had relatives, parents, and a family that was later forced to pay for the bullets used to kill them when a bill was dispatched to each household.*** I don’t believe bullets are require for chemical weapons to work. Now, you do pose an interesting question, Coulnd’t 400 tons of weapons build a weapon of mass destruction? Referring to the missing 380-tons of high explosives. As it turns out NO is the answer. ***Deputy White House spokesman Trent Duffy told FOX News that the Defense Department is looking into what happened to the missing explosives — which Duffy characterized as conventional, saying there’s nothing to suggest they’re nuclear weapons.- Wow, sounds like even the White House doesn’t believe the 380-tons are WMDs. You should call the White House and set them straight.

    Old Guy I did not forget you. “Mr Bush may not be the most elegent public speaker but he does say what he means and he does not flip flop his comments so one will hear what they want to hear.” Now, I will address this toward tort reform which you seem concerned with. ***”We’re one of the first states that said you can sue an HMO for denying you proper coverage… It’s time for our nation to come together and do what’s right for the people. And I think this is right for the people. You know, I support a national patients’ bill of rights, Mr. Vice President. And I want all people covered. I don’t want the law to supersede good law like we’ve got in Texas.”- Governor Bush, 10/17/00] And yet today he wants Tort reform. Sounds like he was against your thoughts and then flip-flopped so “one will hear what they want to hear”. You also mention “I feel safe knowing he will use the “resources available” to protect me and the United States.” That is as general a statement as anyone will make. Does that mean not giving incentives to North Korea to stop producing WMDs or does it mean he would support these incentives? If you look around at President Bush’s comments he has said both. I would add those comments as well but this is already too long. Let me know and I will send them to you though. Sorry, to not giving your section as much work.

    All in all pretty much everything you said is not true but gentlemen don’t let facts get in your way. I am awaiting your facts backed by resources.

  • November 10, 2004 at 3:42 am
    KirkT says:
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    Maybe my resorces aren’t as limited as you may think? You are right my CURRENT job doesn’t qualify me to make the statements on WMD’s. but you didn’t respond to my statement on John Kerry’s support on the U.N.
    Second do a little more reasearch on why Bush took us to war…beacuse I remember everybody screaming to go after Sadam the day of 911 and Bush waited. If you need refrences I’ll give them to you when I have the time to look them up. Point is he didn’t rush to war and believe me I follow this very closely because it affects me and my family first hand!
    Third do you remember the war Iraq was having with Iran? Did you know Sadam used CHEMICAL WEAPONS on the Iranians? How about the Kurds to the North, did Sadam gas them as well. Our military intel has known he has had them and would use them!! I have spent over 100 hours at MOPP 4 in the Gulf…. So even though CHEMICAL weapons weren’t use to kill everybody in IRAQ once is enough for me… CHANCES CAN’T BE TAKEN. Have you seen what they do to people? Are you willing to take that chance?
    Fourth- Do you know how to build a WMD? I takes a series of explosions… How about a dirty bomb… How about a ship loaded with explosives and chemical’s? Personally in my opinion Sadam with a pocket knife is a WMD…

  • November 10, 2004 at 3:50 am
    KirkT says:
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    Maybe my resorces aren’t as limited as you may think? You are right my CURRENT job doesn’t qualify me to make the statements on WMD’s. but you didn’t respond to my statement on John Kerry’s support on the U.N.
    Second do a little more reasearch on why Bush took us to war…beacuse I remember everybody screaming to go after Sadam the day of 911 and Bush waited. If you need refrences I’ll give them to you when I have the time to look them up. Point is he didn’t rush to war and believe me I follow this very closely because it affects me and my family first hand!
    Third do you remember the war Iraq was having with Iran? Did you know Sadam used CHEMICAL WEAPONS on the Iranians? How about the Kurds to the North, did Sadam gas them as well. Our military intel has known he has had them and would use them!! I have spent over 100 hours at MOPP 4 in the Gulf…. So even though CHEMICAL weapons weren’t use to kill everybody in IRAQ once is enough for me… CHANCES CAN’T BE TAKEN. Have you seen what they do to people? Are you willing to take that chance?
    Fourth- Do you know how to build a WMD? I takes a series of explosions… How about a dirty bomb… How about a ship loaded with explosives and chemical’s? Personally in my opinion Sadam with a pocket knife is a WMD…
    Senator McCain: “Saddam Hussein developed and used weapons of mass destruction; true?”

    David Kay: “Absolutely.”

    Senator McCain: “He used them against the Iranians and the Kurds; just yes or no.”

    David Kay: “Oh, yes.”

    Senator McCain: “OK. And U.N. inspectors found enormous quantities of banned chemical and biological weapons in Iraq in the ’90s.”

    David Kay: “Yes, sir.”

    Senator McCain: “We know that Saddam Hussein had once a very active nuclear program.”

    David Kay: “Yes.”

    Senator McCain: “And he realized and had ambitions to develop and use weapons of mass destruction.”

    David Kay: “Clearly.”

    Senator McCain: “So the point is, if he were in power today, there is no doubt that he would harbor ambitions for the development and use of weapons of mass destruction. Is there any doubt in your mind?”

    David Kay: “There’s absolutely no doubt. And I think I’ve said that, Senator.”

  • November 10, 2004 at 3:50 am
    KirkT says:
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    Maybe my resorces aren’t as limited as you may think? You are right my CURRENT job doesn’t qualify me to make the statements on WMD’s. but you didn’t respond to my statement on John Kerry’s support on the U.N.
    Second do a little more reasearch on why Bush took us to war…beacuse I remember everybody screaming to go after Sadam the day of 911 and Bush waited. If you need refrences I’ll give them to you when I have the time to look them up. Point is he didn’t rush to war and believe me I follow this very closely because it affects me and my family first hand!
    Third do you remember the war Iraq was having with Iran? Did you know Sadam used CHEMICAL WEAPONS on the Iranians? How about the Kurds to the North, did Sadam gas them as well. Our military intel has known he has had them and would use them!! I have spent over 100 hours at MOPP 4 in the Gulf…. So even though CHEMICAL weapons weren’t use to kill everybody in IRAQ once is enough for me… CHANCES CAN’T BE TAKEN. Have you seen what they do to people? Are you willing to take that chance?
    Fourth- Do you know how to build a WMD? I takes a series of explosions… How about a dirty bomb… How about a ship loaded with explosives and chemical’s? Personally in my opinion Sadam with a pocket knife is a WMD…
    Senator McCain: “Saddam Hussein developed and used weapons of mass destruction; true?”

    David Kay: “Absolutely.”

    Senator McCain: “He used them against the Iranians and the Kurds; just yes or no.”

    David Kay: “Oh, yes.”

    Senator McCain: “OK. And U.N. inspectors found enormous quantities of banned chemical and biological weapons in Iraq in the ’90s.”

    David Kay: “Yes, sir.”

    Senator McCain: “We know that Saddam Hussein had once a very active nuclear program.”

    David Kay: “Yes.”

    Senator McCain: “And he realized and had ambitions to develop and use weapons of mass destruction.”

    David Kay: “Clearly.”

    Senator McCain: “So the point is, if he were in power today, there is no doubt that he would harbor ambitions for the development and use of weapons of mass destruction. Is there any doubt in your mind?”

    David Kay: “There’s absolutely no doubt. And I think I’ve said that, Senator.”

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:02 am
    KirkT says:
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    Sorry, the system was busy and I posted the same responce more than once.

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:04 am
    Where are your resources? says:
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    Kirk please don’t be so defensive. I never said your sources were limited I said you did not provide any resources and that is still true. Make any comments you like but they are still just your comments and not facts.

    1st-I have yet to see any info that Kerry wanted to turn the US Army over to the UN. It would be difficult for me to get a quote for something that was never said.
    2nd-My research on the reason’s Bush went to war are taken from his State of the Union address. His words to the people. Now, the people you were around may have been clamoring for war but they are not the people making the decisions. So, post the comments if you like I posted the comment from the decision maker, the Commander-in-Chief. Nobody accused anyone of rushing to war. I don’t know where you got that from so that is not part of the discussion either.
    3rd-I have heard that he used chemical weapons on the Kurds and Iranians but that also is not the discussion. Nobody denies he had them 12-15yrs ago, the questions is when we went to war and the evidence is he did not have them at that time. My source was the Senate.
    4th-You said “Coulnd’t 400 tons of weapons build a weapon of mass destruction?” Not could they be used to detonate a WMD. So, the answer is still NO they were not WMDs. My source, the White House Spokesman. I do appreciate your adding the Sen McCain and David Kay comments but if you look closely at your own resource they say “So the point is, if he were in power today, there is no doubt that he would harbor ambitions for the development and use of weapons of mass destruction. Is there any doubt in your mind?” AMBITIONS. That is not the same as has WMDs. Many people have AMBITIONS of being rich but they can’t spend AMBITIONS and he can’t detonate AMBITIONS

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:15 am
    KirkT says:
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    Ok, Give a criminal a gun with no bullets, how long do you think it would take them to use it? You are very good at being selective about you address. The people I am around and I don’t have that option!

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:26 am
    Where are your Resources? says:
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    Kirk, again where are your facts backed by resources? Nobody is talking about a gun with no bullets. We are talking about a war being waged over WMDs that do not exist. I appreciate that you and the people you are around have to go where you are told and do what you are told but it has no bearing on the facts. I am not even sure what you mean by “You are very good at being selective about you address.” All I have asked is that you stay on topic and provide verifiable resources for your statements. If you cannot provide these verifiable facts then your statements are just comments and not true for the discussion. Again do not be so defensive. I only want to see you verify what you say with verifiable facts and not just talk.

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:31 am
    Keep it Up says:
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    You guys are great, I am getting a kick out of this. Good thing you guys don’t really have jobs or your employer might be mad you aren’t doing anything but posting on a web site

  • November 10, 2004 at 4:33 am
    Keep it Up says:
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    You guys are great, I am getting a kick out of this. Good thing you guys don’t really have jobs or your employer might be mad you aren’t doing anything but posting on a web site

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