Four More Years for Bush; Kerry Concedes in Phone Call to President

November 3, 2004

  • November 5, 2004 at 2:28 am
    jen says:
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    Is Big Insurance George W. Bush? It sures sounds like it. So much name calling and little sense being made, it’s no wonder you voted for him.

    Bush could not admit any mistake he made (and we all know there are many, not the least of which is the 380,000 tons of missing weapons in Iraq – oh, that’s right, per Rudy Giuliani {Bush spokesperson}, that should be blamed on our TROOPS! Anyone but Bush!) Maybe we could turn that around to be Clinton’s fault too. God knows Bush has done everything right! Must be nice to live in your fantasy world. If we did live there, then everyone would be happy Bush was re-elected instead of being REALISTIC about the negative implications of his second term. Let’s hope it’s better than his first term, couldn’t be much worse!

  • November 5, 2004 at 4:42 am
    Big Insurance says:
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    Jen, your losing it babe. The New York Times’ trumped up hit piece refered to only 380 tons,1/1,000th of your estimate which by the way was probably destroyed along with the 400,000 tons of already discovered and destroyed weaponry.

    After Jimmy Carter, the self-appointed envoy to North Korea visited Kim Jung Il, and after Madeliene Albright visited the far east, after Wen Ho Lee the nuclear scientist leaked missile technology, after the Riyadi family funneled millions to the Clinton/Gore Campaign, after Al Gore got on television to make his “no controlling legal authority” defense, after Hillary rented out the Lincoln Bedroom, had “coffees” with drug dealers, the North Koreans got nuclear technology and the Chinese got better missile technology to deliver it in the form of a nuclear warhead – possibly to the United States. Our security was for sale to the highest bidder in exchange for campaign contributions. Anything to win!

    Is everything great with Bush? No scandal. No weapons of Mass Destruction? Not yet! Halliburton? Aren’t they still under a no-bid contract in Bosnia? The perjured, impeached, disbarred president is still idolized by you self-serving, myopic yuppies. Is the world turned on it’s head, or is it that with no basis for an absolute morality do we call black white and white black because it is really all justgray?

  • November 5, 2004 at 4:59 am
    Old Guy says:
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    I for one am very happy with the outcome of the election. Mr Bush may not be the most elegent public speaker but he does say what he means and he does not flip flop his comments so one will hear what they want to hear. I feel safe knowing he will use the “resources available” to protect me and the United States. Our country needs tort reform and now we have a chance (this would not be the case under the leadership of Kerry). Tort reform will benefit all, not just a few.
    Some of teary comments made below reflect very juvenail thought processes.

  • November 6, 2004 at 7:39 am
    Eric says:
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    Huh? Doesn’t flip flop? What again were his reasons for going into Iraq? When he first decided to appeal to Congress and the U.N., what were his reasons for wanting to go into Iraq? Answer that question before you answer the next one.

    Okay, now what are the reasons he’s giving now? “Saddam was a bad man. He killed his own people (now Bush is killing Saddam’s people). He MIGHT have helped Al Queda.” Bush is the biggest flip-flopper of them all.

    You are correct about one thing. He DOES NOT, “flip flop his comments so one will hear what they want to hear.” He flip flops his comments so one will hear what HE WANTS US to hear. If you cannot see the difference, it’s time, with all due respect, to go back to school Old Guy.

  • November 8, 2004 at 7:59 am
    KirkT says:
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    Somebody E-mailed these comments and it is amazing how blind to the issues some people can be. I am an AMERICAN SERVICE MEMBER and crew a medivac blackhawk helocopter. I have and will face any situation to save another person. My biggest fear was John Kerry and this is why. John Kerry had a world view. He wanted to deploy American Soldiers under U.N. control, under U.N. commanders that could careless about AMERICAN SERVICES MEMBERS and be held accountable to WORLD courts. Not only have I done two deployments but I am constanly serving in the U.S. Search and Rescue, medivac support. I can not speak for all service members but I have served under the last 4 Commander in Chiefs! I remember the first thing Clinton did was “don’t ask don’t tell”, and put solders under U.N. control.

  • November 8, 2004 at 8:38 am
    KirkT says:
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    You hit on 1 of the 10 reasons Bush went to Iraq. I guess you missed the memo… Everybody knew Sadam had the Weapons they just didn’t know where they were. Oh by the way they are still uncovering mass graves,,, what is the body count??? Isn’t it somewhere over 100,000 now, women, children and men? Guess how they were killed…. maybe chemical weapons!!! But they don’t matter. Isn’t a chemical weapon considered a weapon of mass destruction? Coulnd’t 400 tons of weapons build a weapon of mass destruction? I forgot it was Bush’s turn to guard those weapons.

    I bet you can’t guess what type of environment I have been trained to operate in during my Naval and Army career? 1 hint it includes a gas mask.

  • November 8, 2004 at 9:22 am
    jen says:
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    This is 2004 and you should no better than to refer to someone with sexist terminology like BABE! But whatever turns you on. Also, 380 tons is still a hell of a lot of missing weapons that could be used against us since we don’t really know if they “were probably destroyed” or not, don’t you agree?!

    I noticed all your rantings on democrats and Asia, but there were some more interesting Middle Eastern (since that’s what we’re currently dealing with)/Republican ties you failed to mention…such as Bush’s CIA training and arming Osama Bin Laden….paying and providing arms to Iran to fight against Iraq and vice versa…this could go on and on, but I’m sure you are already aware, but just failing to mention these significant items. You see America has propped up, provided weapons for and even trained these “evildoers” to “do their evil” against us. It’s not all Clinton and Carter’s fault. A lot of it is Reagan and Bush Sr.! But I’m sure you will find a way to spin the truth to blame it on some democrat.

    Next, if it is OK to impeach a President based on lying about a sexual relationship with an intern, no matter how inappropriate….it is a much bigger problem for a President to LIE to the American people about a reason to go to WAR with Iraq (i.e. weapons of mass destruction) and also to have our men and women killed for “flip-flopping” reasons when none are good enough! Bush should have been impeached, but instead our brilliant American public re-elected him.

  • November 8, 2004 at 1:12 am
    JB says:
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    It’s so refreshing to see Jen do such a thorough analysis of the American electorate.

    I guess we didn’t see it because we are so “brilliant” as she so eloquently states.

    Maybee, just maybee jen, you lack the insight to see how real issues have to be handled rather than the candyland vision of global responsibilities Clinton and Carter have. Loved that whole “Iranian Hostage crisis” Carter had and how he is a self-appointed liason to North Korea.

    Must have been somehow related to Big oil and Republican ties, but I fail to see how. maybee, just maybee the middle east is a cesspool that bogs down EVERY administration with tough real life choices.

    But then again, I am just one of the “brilliant” American majority who elected the President and don’t have your supreme, carter global perspective of “just leave them alone and they will be nice to us”.

  • November 8, 2004 at 2:44 am
    Big Insurance says:
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    I thought I’d get your ire with that! Seems you and I are both hardcore.

    It’s easy to dismiss 380 tons of explosives that were transported away almost 2 years earlier. Chances are they were discovered elsewhere and disposed of. As far as the “LIE”, it appears we bought Saddam’s bluff, as did the British. Saddam had the weapons, we just don’t know where they are yet. Do the insurgents have them? That is now their insinuation as to why we should back out of Fallujah, the implication being they are in their care, custody and control. As for “old” Europe, I suppose they we part of the conspiracy in the oil-for-food corruption. They were hiding. They’d rather we blow up Iraq than fess-up their corrupt behavior.

    In the end, the Democrats must learn that the U.S. Constitution provides for individual freedoms from the government, not government entitlements for the people. The “Big Mob” mentality of liberals has marginalized them, and along with them the Democrat Party to the point that their fight has become the party of death and disfunction. People don’t like to have their freedoms usurped by some self-serving judge or some sick Canadian like Michael J. Fox.

    There was a time that we as a society considered the work of Josef Mengele horrific, but we can justify the same experimentation on would-be people, just as easily as we tolerate the insertion of scissors into the skull of our own flesh and blood to have the brain “evacuated” because their unplanned arrival proved to hard or inconvenient.

  • November 9, 2004 at 7:37 am
    donnferg says:
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    It is time the Democrats got their act together and start acting like adults. It won’t change the election by their constant bleating. Face it the Republicans have the next four years…..again.
    Try for some sensible discussion about working together. Remember the Golden Rule?

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