my suit was settled thru arbitration Oct. 9,2014
medicare finish and billed April 29th 2015, amount was to
be sent to satisify the bill by the insurance co, to weeks later,
told my attorney, they hadn’t received a waiver to allow payment,
my lawyer has power of attorney. I still have not been paid.
Dupage County Health Dept lost to me in a federal case. Been 6 weeks and still no compensation.
However my attorney was a joke and sold me short in every way. Now I still wait with no information and no settlement
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my suit was settled thru arbitration Oct. 9,2014
medicare finish and billed April 29th 2015, amount was to
be sent to satisify the bill by the insurance co, to weeks later,
told my attorney, they hadn’t received a waiver to allow payment,
my lawyer has power of attorney. I still have not been paid.
Dupage County Health Dept lost to me in a federal case. Been 6 weeks and still no compensation.
However my attorney was a joke and sold me short in every way. Now I still wait with no information and no settlement