Kan. Law Raises Concerns about Uninsured Drivers

August 22, 2007

  • August 22, 2007 at 5:32 am
    wudchuck says:
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    i like the idea of shackles, but we can also go back to labor force. i know many counties and cities need a work force for manual labor. if these folks want to live here without paying taxes, why not use them for the community work. mowing grass, picking up trash, etc. after that, why not ship them back to home! because they were here illegally.

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:06 am
    DWT says:
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    The issue isn’t just illegal immigrants, the issue is how do the states deal with uninsured drivers.

    Just because someone has a license to drive does not mean that they also have insurnace. Likewise, just because someone has a car, does not mean they also have insurance.

    Until the penalty for driving without insurance is adequate, there is nothing that any state can do to stop people who do not want to have insurnace(and I believe in more cases than not it is a choice).

    So what choices do the states have? My take is that if they are caught driving without insurance that the car they are driving is impounded. Tough, but it will get them off the streets.

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:17 am
    Swede says:
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    You’re right that it’s a choice, but it’s generally a choice between car insurance or putting food on the table. Which would you choose?

    In most instances, car insurance is too expensive for the low-income earner. Penalizing him or her with greater fines doesn’t solve the problem. Impounding the car also isn’t a solution, because now you’ve made even more difficult on them to get by. Make car insurance cheaper, including eliminating the use of credit scoring (which has nothing to do with one’s driving ability), and then I might agree with you.

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:25 am
    Swede says:
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    There has to be a better way than throwing people in shackles. They still are people, are they not? And what would you do in their position? Fine, what they’ve done is wrong and they should pay accordingly. However, where is all the discussion regarding the people hiring the illegal immigrants? Why are they not taking the biggest brunt of the criticism?

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:35 am
    Anon says:
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    This is terrible and a violation of their civil rights. Illegals should be allowed to get driver’s licenses just as easy as the rest of us and should pay exactly the same for auto insurance… These are honest people looking to do what’s right and not break any laws… well, anymore… starting now… okay, now… um, okay maybe just those imigration laws. Erm, oh yeah… and taxes… they don’t like those so much either. Yeah, pretty much other than that.

    Please. We don’t give them driver’s licenses and that’s going to create a flood of uninsured motorists? How much you want to bet they don’t have driver’s licenses now because they’re afraid of getting picked up in the DMV and when you’re working for $2/hr you don’t have money to buy insurance.

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:42 am
    DWT says:
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    So I guess we should just accept the fact that having insurance is a choice and if someone chooses not to have insurance it’s no big deal.

    I’m sorry, I can not accept that.

    Maybe what we ought to do is to charge .50 cents a gallon more and have the states automatically provide insurance coverage for everyone on the road…

  • August 23, 2007 at 9:53 am
    DWT says:
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    One last thing to consider… the economic cost that we have to assume for Uninsured Motorist Coverage. Gee, is there any relation between the cost of uninsured motorist and illegal immigrants?

    State UM Cost
    AZ 64 – 80
    FL 86 – 183
    GA 71
    IL 32
    KS 38
    OH 48
    WI 41

  • August 23, 2007 at 10:11 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Maybe people who can’t afford gas or repairs for their cars should have lower costs too or the government should pay for it. Let’s just give everyone with a lower income a free car, gas, insurance repairs and whatever else may make their lives more enjoyable. If you can’t afford something based on what it costs you shouldn’t have it. Sorry, but life isn’t always fair.

  • August 23, 2007 at 2:09 am
    steve says:
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    I so agree DWT, there are many citizens of this country that are either uninsured or underinsured. This really has nothing to do with illegal immigrants but it’s nice to try and tie the two together for political reasons.

    I have no sympathy for the Paula chick that had to pay out of pocket for stuff as a resutl of an accident. Why was she so stupid as to not have higher med pay on her policy or elect to have UM or UIM on her policy just in case she was involved in a non-fault loss with an under or uninsured driver. If she chose to not be prepared than that’s completely her fault.

  • August 23, 2007 at 2:14 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Well then buy insurance and then live on top ramen for the next week or two. It’s pretty simple to figure that one out.

    And don’t even start about this person having a family and the need to feed his children. If you can’t feed them then don’t breed them.

    Simple economics, can’t afford the basic neccessities in life then don’t start adding children to the mix.

    Anon – I seriously hope your first sentence of your (civil rights vio) post was dripping with sarcasm. Illegals have no rights in this country, civil or otherwise.

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