Law Office Not Liable For Injuries Caused By Office Chair Collapse

September 12, 2008

  • September 12, 2008 at 3:27 am
    The ChairMan says:
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    I understand someone trying to defend the “big” guy, but to try and take this to court and make money does nothing but bring attention to yourself. I would seem to me that he was trying to award himself for being or large stature. Also, was the injured party 5’5″ and 330lbs or 6’8″ and 330lbs? One is obviuosly obese while the other is just a damn big person.

    When he was in court, do you think they gave him a reinforced chair to sit on?

  • September 12, 2008 at 3:30 am
    On Big Brotha's Side says:
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    Tooo Shay!… Tooo Shay! :)

  • September 12, 2008 at 3:38 am
    az says:
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    You have to be kidding? I will not wake up and be fatASS because I work towards NOT being one. Did that happen to you? Always the liberal looking to re-distribute the wealth the conservatives make for everyone. Typical liberal whiner.

  • September 12, 2008 at 3:46 am
    On Big Brotha's Side says:
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    Well, Well AZ!.. Teriffic for you! You may not have a fat a** but it seems like your head and ego is! And what if it did happen to me?…. be careful what you say! what goes up must come done!… “Typical liberal whiner.” takes one.. to really know one!

  • September 12, 2008 at 4:28 am
    lastbat says:
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    Shall we descend into the depths of “nuh-uh” and “are so” and “is too”? Give me a break.

    This is not a liberal/conservative thing. Conservatives file stupid lawsuits all the time looking for money. This is simply a stupid person looking for money from a deep pocket.

    His minor pain and embarrasement are worth nothing. This is a good call by the courts and I hope the guy has to pay all court costs for bringing this frivolous suit in the first place.

    *for az* This message brought to you by a non-conservative.

  • September 12, 2008 at 4:37 am
    On Big Brotha's Side says:
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    “His minor pain and embarrasement are worth nothing” …
    Yep, it is all fun and games and inconsiderate words with lifeless opinions about “someone else’s life” until.. it happens to you or hits close to home… Society is so funny, cruel and Opinionated! Liberal or Conservative- What ever!… Be human for once!… Such negativity and close minds! and you wonder why the world is the way it is today!?!

  • September 12, 2008 at 5:10 am
    the ChairMan says:
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    AZ- by your comment you may not be a fata**, but you sure are coming off as a dumba**! Again, how do you know that this person is fat versus BIG? He doesn’t deserve compensation based on the facts presented in the article.

    Also, I didn’t see any reference to his political affiliation. Again you are making an assumption. Personally I don’t lean to far into either party, but that doesn’t mean I have no common sense.
    Since this is Alaska, I will leave unfounded accusations up to the elected officals running the state..what party are they with?

  • September 12, 2008 at 5:20 am
    lastbat says:
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    Defender, get a grip. Minor pain and embarrasment are worth nothing no matter who suffers them. I have yet to sue for minor pain and embarrasment and never will. I don’t even see myself suing for major embarrasment. Yes it’s too bad he broke the chair and fell-down-go-boom. But unless this is a really freaky case the worst he got is a sore bum and maybe a backache for a few days. That’s not worth anything. As for embarrasment nobody has the right to never be embarrased. He can suck it up like the big boy he is (age-wise, not size-wise) and go on with life. Nowhere in this article does it state the lawyer sabotaged the chair, beat the man with sticks, or pointed his finger and laughed at him after the fall. There’s nothing here that deserves compensation. Why – specifically – do you think he should get money from the lawyer?

  • September 12, 2008 at 5:40 am
    KLS says:
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    I see some comments making a distinction between someone being tall and weighing a lot and someone being average height and weighing a lot.

    What’s the difference? Big is big. Girth is not always a choice. Just because some people can control their weight, that doesn’t mean everyone can.

    Not even 100 years ago, women and blacks were treated like second class citizens in this country. They couldn’t vote; they didn’t have the same rights as white men. But eventually, white men figured out that it was wrong to discriminate against someone merely for having dark skin or a vagina. Now I see large people as the new target for hateful behavior and discrimination. What gives? Must society always have a group upon which to unload their negativity?

    This guy’s law suit, in my opinion, was another game of courtroom lotto. He lost, which was the right decision on behalf of the court. But his size doesn’t give people license to dismiss him as a lesser person or treat him like trash.

    Maybe he is a total moron, I don’t know him to be certain either way. But I assure you, morons come in ALL shapes and sizes and their appearance has nothing to do with how they act.

  • September 13, 2008 at 12:57 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    so, let me see over 330 lbs, broke a chair….how many other chairs did he break? how would they have solved this in the court by getting a chair for him that is reinforced and who would foot that bill? taxpayer or attorney? um…um…

    so what did he hurt? his pride? or did he hit the table trying to save his behind from hitting the floor? what did he break an arm or leg? i think it was his ego infront of the client. sorry! this does not qualify for the can sue because!!!

    again, it’s been said over and over again, why can’t we start taking responbility of our own actions? if he has done this before, then he’d be negligent to provide this info to the current clientele to provide a for his use and then charge that to the appropriate file.

    back to the chair – who is suing the on behalf of the chair? i would because if he knew that he has broken chairs before, he has the obligation to say such. his weight might not have been able to hold. another issue, have you heard of chair maintence or pm (preventative maintence) schedule? i used to be in the navy and PM’s were never placed on chairs or desks.

    lousy piece of work for an attorney to think he could get money for himself and his client – only because they are both money grubbers. so who is going to lose? the client in this case, because the lawyer will still get paid – by the client for his services.

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