Richardson’s Stats Misleading in Defense of Immigrant Driver’s Licenses

November 19, 2007

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:10 am
    George says:
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    I am appalled at the racist comments here. Some people are crossing the line big time in their prejudices against hispanics. For the guy accussing Mr. Richardson’s mother of coming here to have her son born here, I would ask: were your ancestors always born here or did they come from some where else too? How much hypocritical can you be? Weren’t most of the immigrants that came over the last 150 years or so illegal for the most part? Do your homework and study immigration history befor spewing out your racist venom.

    Now, I am not in support of open borders and letting millions of people cross yearly without papers, but we must be realistic and acknowledge the fact that there are untold millions of people in this country without papers. These people are not going anywhere and it is ludicrous to propose mass deportations and the like. The sensible thing is to try to identify these people. I give credit to governor Richardson for standing up to the ignorant mass and coming up with ideas to solve this crisis. I was also impressed with governor Spitzer last week but am disappointed now after he caved in to the mass in New York and backtracked on a similar proposal to grant driver licenses.


  • November 19, 2007 at 4:27 am
    Tom says:
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    I re-read my initial post and I didn’t identify illegal immigrants as coming from any country in particular. Be that as it may, if there are 10,000,000 illegal immigrants in this country and the vast majority come from Hispanic countries, what’s racist about saying that?

    Nonetheless, you raise another “red herring” – the apologists always play the racist card rather than facing the issue.

    What if I were to decide that I wasn’t going to obey a federal law, say, paying my income tax? How far do I get with that one? When is it a legitimate response to say that since so many people are breaking the law, let’s just ignore it and not enforce it?

    The other “red herring” is to claim that everyone is the descendant of illegal immigrants. I don’t buy that. It’s another cop-out argument, as is the “gee, there are too many to deport.” Nonsense.

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:32 am
    Willy says:
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    A. No one here even used the word “Hispanic,” or any similar categorization, and no one said anything remotely racist. Liberals like you need to lie and make false accusations to make their stupid points because only deceived people believe liberal lies. So you are either deceived or a deceiver. I choose the latter. By the way, what race is Hispanic? Is it the same race as Mexican? I forget.

    B. Nearly 80% of those polled in NY opposed Spitzer’s stupid drivers license idea, which was also supported, opposed, mildly supported, strongly supported, mildly supported, opposed, and stgrongly not supported by Billary. So as usual, liberal liars are on the fringes of society.

    C. Your disrespect for the rule of law is evident in that you make excuses for illegals flooding into the country. What part of “illegal” don’t you understand? There is no excuse for breaking the law. Period. Those found here illegally should be deported within 24 hours. How do you know how many illegals are Muslims bent on blowing you up at a mall or a train?

    Grow up.

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:37 am
    george says:
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    You talk about red-herrings but your arguments are also the typical nice in theory but impractical in reality approached provided by all the people against the illegal hispanics. What we end up with is an impasse that will not be solved by you or I, but by some prez/congress with real leadership. Unfortunately we are governed today by weak leaders that only are interested in filling their own ego and coffers. Sad sad situation for our beloved nation.

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:45 am
    George says:
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    Since when are countries governed by polls? In the 1600s the majority of people wanted to burn witches at the stake. Was that moral and good? According to your flawed reasoning it would perfectly legal. Be careful what you wish for because some day it will be you the one at the stake!

    By the way I am not a liberal! Small mind people like you have to see everything in those terms (white or black, liberal or republican, etc).

  • November 19, 2007 at 4:55 am
    Willy says:
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    Liberal is as liberal does, and you argue like a liberal to achieve a liberal goal: excusing lawbreakers who will vote for those who enable, excuse and accomodate them. Plus you played the race card in the first ten seconds, evincing not only that you have no legitimate point to make but that you are, alas, a lib.

  • November 19, 2007 at 5:37 am
    wudchuck says:
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    isn’t that a priviledge?! i thought each country gives a license to those that can prove to drive and those here in the US should not be able to get one unless they are LEGAL! for example: here in VA, we had an illegal immigrant drive a veh and kill 2 folks and just got sentence to 24 years in jail – i have a problem with that – why in our jail?! why not deport him and not spend any further tax money on him. what good are we doing by sending him to jail? our jails are already crowded.

    again, it is a priviledge to drive and should be held accountable by LEGAL drivers! illegals – are not LEGAL, therefore need to deport. this would make more sense in spending our tax dollars!

    1) it does not make any sense, because they don’t even pay income tax either federal nor state by illegal.
    2) residency? if illegal, where are they being housed?
    3) if they have a job, are you not supposed to have a ssn to have one? again, ILLEGAL!

    so, let the driving be done by those whom are legal.

  • November 20, 2007 at 8:44 am
    Willy says:
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    How am I hiding, G? I am commenting, how does that equal hiding?

    You have dealt with nothing that I or anyone else has said, you are just denouncing those with whom you disagree. What don’t you understand about the word “illegal”?

    Two “logical and practical solutions” are 1. build a wall illegals can’t traverse, and 2. search for and deport all illegals who are here. Giving them drivers licenses, health care, education their kids, housing them in prisons when they break the law FURTHER than simply being here illegally (half of CA state inmates are Mexicans) and so on are all real problems we need to deal with.

    You offer NO solutions, you just say that we need solutions, and that you’d fire me if I worked for you. Whupdedoo.

    Go here read some facts about illegals driving cars here. Then go stand in the corner wearing a funny hat.

  • November 20, 2007 at 9:28 am
    G says:
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    the reason we have so many illegal workers is because there is disconnect between our government, various industries, and the general population. Many industries need workers and many labor intensive jobs are not being filled by American workers. As long as industries need workers people will come here to work. This is good for the economy and nothing to be ashamed of. What we need is for the congress to stop being afraid and support the president in the guest worker program. Only when we have a guest worker program in place we can discuss the other issues of immigration. This is the sensible thing to do for our country and our future.

  • November 20, 2007 at 9:42 am
    willy says:
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    =the reason we have so many illegal workers is because there is disconnect between our government, various industries, and the general population.

    I think the govt and inductry heard the general population loud and clear when the last immigration reform bill was loudly opposed and soundly defeated.

    =Many industries need workers and many labor intensive jobs are not being filled by American workers.

    The fact is that you don’t care if these jobs are filled by people paid next to nothing, meaning that they are being exploited. Apparently you’re ok with that. Or are you saying that Americans won’t work hard, is that what “labor intensive” means? Americans won’t work for peanuts, but Americans have no aversion to hard work with which I’m familiar. Maybe you know a lot of welfare queens, I don’t know.

    =As long as industries need workers people will come here to work.

    As long as there’s lax border security, people will come here to work.

    =This is good for the economy and nothing to be ashamed of.

    Expoliting foreigners who are poor and powerless is good for the economy and nothing to be ashamed of.

    Illegals commit crimes and traffic accidents wildly out of proportion to their numeric representation among the populace, but that’s just tough s**t, eh?

    =What we need is for the congress to stop being afraid and support the president in the guest worker program. Only when we have a guest worker program in place we can discuss the other issues of immigration. This is the sensible thing to do for our country and our future.

    This is ridiculous and arbitrary. By what logic is a “guest workerprogram” the necessary prerequite to controlling the border? None. Once we build a wall and deport all illegals then we can regulate and police the influx. A “guest worker program” only places and advance guard here to further facilitate the invasion of illegals. “Hey Julio, if you can sneak in you can live with me, I’m here on the guest worker program, but it takes two years to get through the application. So just sneak in and I’ll put you up and find you work.” Is that what you’re talking about? That’s what happened the last time we had a guest worker program.

    Oh, and thanks for ignoring everything I said in my last post.

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