Santa Ana Winds Continue to Fuel Southern California Wildfires

October 24, 2007

  • October 24, 2007 at 4:59 am
    Californian says:
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    Well said my friend. Living through my first Santa Ana experience, I realized how stunningly quick it all happened. And I think others need to realize the Santa Ana winds started fires in 12 locations from San Diego all the way to Santa Clarita. And those two cities are not close together.

    My hats off to those brave fire fighters who did one hell of a job saving as much as they did. In Santa Clarita, they saved entire neighborhoods and blocked several fires from doing more damage. GREAT job on their part. I’m sure the same occurred down in San Diego.

  • October 24, 2007 at 5:25 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    ‘Do not listen to our liberal politicians crying the blues, they don’t represent the majority of our citizens.’

    Well Deb, I think they do represent a majority of your citizens, since they are elected. Maybe my statement was moronic. If so I stand rebuked. Maybe I am disappointed that everywhere infrastructure is failing due to neglect. Levee here, bridge there, not enough fire suppression over there.
    In my state we have to vote for medic one and fire stations every six years. Why do we have to vote on what should be a basic part of what my taxes should be for in the first place? And why is it that we are NEVER asked to vote on the latest liberal giveaway like free education or medicaid or drivers licenses for illegal aliens? Its high time those of us, including you Deb, ask what the heck we ARE getting for our tax dollars?

  • October 24, 2007 at 6:21 am
    DJ says:
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    Ohioan: I don’t know what you mean by not expecting anything more from a native Californian. You don’t know me so your statement is curious.

    I am under stress, but my barrage doesn’t have anything to do with the stress. I didn’t like the insinuations being made and your first comment just set me off.
    I just happen to be a proud Californian providing facts to those who don’t have them.

    Bureauracy is not confined to California, it is part of life and we all live with it.
    I don’t know of many politicians who actually act in the best interests of the people – if they did, the approval rating for Congress would be much higher.

    Prevention is not an option and and we do as much of that as we can. If you look at the enormity of the situation and the relatively small numbers of structures lost, you have to know that we have taken precautions but there are some things bigger than we can control. Had we not made changes in the past and had not taken precautions, the numbers of structures lost would have been much higher. Do you realize the numbers of structures in the path of the wind-driven flames ? Do you realize some of those winds were clocked at 108 mph ????? How do you protect against that ???

    If you watch what is going on in San Diego, we are reaching out and helping each other. Even those who have lost everything are helping others. Say what you want about “native Californians” but over all I’m awfully proud of how we have been handling the cards we’ve been dealt. That is how you truly judge the character of people.

  • October 24, 2007 at 6:54 am
    Deb says:
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    The politicians may be elected by the people, but that doesn’t mean that everything they say is what the majority of the citizens are thinking. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, to name the biggest offenders, are using this tragedy to further their personal agenda of lashing out against the war and the president. If you think for one minute, it’s anything other than that you are sadly mistaken. As a resident of this state, I monitor them closely and send letters of my disapproval on a regular basis.

    I agree, we shouldn’t have to vote on basic needs but not get a word on the freebies. If you know anything about CA at all, you’ll know that when these issues have been on the ballot before, they were passed but overturned by the courts. Prop 187 was a prime example. It was a FEDERAL judge who granted the restraining order against it, not the STATE.

    Gill, I do ask what we are getting for our tax dollars. I am political and my letters to the editors as well as to politicians are numerous. I know that they say you can’t fight City Hall, but I sure try.

    I apologize for the “moronic” statement. I do, however, resent the comment made about Californians being proud of burning down their houses again. I don’t enjoy seeing anyone suffer and much of my time and money is spent on charities that help out people who have suffered through disasters such as these. Never once have I turned my back on anyone because I felt they got what they deserved – I wouldn’t wish this kind of tragedy on my worse enemy.

  • October 25, 2007 at 10:48 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I was extremely impressed with the response in San Diego. The emergency set up at the stadium shown on tv last night did look like a big festival. All I could think of was, the New Orleans Louisiana governments should take classes from those people on disaster relief. Yes, I know fire and flood disasters are different, but the attitude and response was so positive and quick. These people should conduct classes. Great job San Diego.

  • October 25, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    concerned agent says:
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    What you are seeing on TV is exactly what is happening. The people of So. Calif have been hit by this catastrophe and have bounced back the way we do out here. We simply roll up our sleeves and move forward. Politicians stand before the TV cameras and pat themselves on the back, saying FEMA has learned and is responding well. Out here FEMA is doing what FEMA should do in every emergency-stand by and help if it is needed, otherwise, just stay out of our way. The people in California do not need FEMA. We know, as private citizens, what needs to be done. Had we waited for FEMA we would have suffered like Louisiana did. In contrast to that state, we IMMEDIATELY went to work. Private citizens should never have to wait for our government to come along and give us handouts. We will recover because we have faith in ourselves. The politicians will say how well the government did but don’t believe them. This was private citizens banding together for the common good. It is our hope the government stays the hell out of our way. We will not have planeloads of attorneys flying in to file lawsuits, either. We know that, in order to live in paradise, we must protect our investments so we insure ourselves properly. The vast majority of losses are insured and we have enough faith in the language of the policies to know that we are insured properly. This I can quarantee, the insurance claims will be paid because we paid the premium needed to live here. We did not gamble and say it would not happen. We knew it would happen and we protected ourselves.

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