Schwarzenegger Proposes Sweeping Plan to Cover Uninsured

January 10, 2007

  • January 11, 2007 at 11:43 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Not everyone shares your assumptions. Let me be brutally honest: I DON\’T BELIEVE EVERYONE IS \”ENTITLED\” TO GOOD HEALTHCARE. There, I said it, and I feel better. AZUW, the current system is not a free market system. It is regulated and controlled. Regulations forc up costs, as when hospitals are mandated to provide service to anyone regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. The rest of us end up paying for that bit of legislation when we have to cover the unpaid bills. If hospitals were allowed to deny service costs would be lower and care more affordable. It would cause pain in the short term, but in the long run we all benefit. You disagree, but it\’s true. Guns are cheaper in Somalia because there\’s no regulation. The trick is finding a happy medium and I\’m afraid you are straying too far towards regulation.

    The crux of the problem is that you believe the simple act of being born entitles you to various \”rights\”. Let me refer you to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Those documents initially guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They were frameworks put in place to allow people to pursue personal dreams while government did the heavy lifting of external defence and limited internal organization.

    People like you have perverted it. Now, this country believes that everyone should have everything all the time, and that\’s simply not feasible. An earleir commenter asked how many of the \”working poor\” have cable and cell phones, but no healthcare, and that\’s a legit question.

    If you really are a single mom working a single shift at Denny\’s there are government programs (including health care) to help you. I know- my wife and I were forced to use them for a short while. If those programs aren\’t enough, get another job- I did. You\’re not guaranteed the good life or happiness- your only guarantee is the right to pursue them as you see fit, so long as you do not harm another human in the process. It\’s not easy to gain those things you want? Tough Shite.

  • January 11, 2007 at 11:52 am
    azuw says:
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    Mr. Recall,

    First of all, when did I say anything about illegals. I have never once made an argument that illegals should have the same privleges as citizens. I don\’t believe that, and I have never advocated that.


    We apparently have different definitions of happiness. If your pursuit of happiness does not include getting medical attention when you need it, so be it, but I disagree. And you\’re absolutely right, we do have a sense of entitlement in this country unheard of nearly anywhere in the world. We can get terrible gas mileage if we want, we can develop any part of the country that we want, we can live in a 10,000 ft2 house if we want. I don\’t equate those things with going to the doctor when I get sick. You\’ve indicated here that not everyone gets to have health care, and that\’s that. Fine, that\’s what you think. I believe differently. We\’ll have to see how the CA experiment works out. Massachusetts went first and so I imagine we\’ll see if this kind of programs has merit within the next year, albeit on a much smaller scale.

  • January 11, 2007 at 11:54 am
    azuw says:
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    By the way, I\’m not a waitress at Denny\’s, that was just an example. I\’m an insurance underwriter. I have always had health insurance (well except for a bad year in 2002).

  • January 11, 2007 at 12:08 pm
    Scott says:
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    Let me just say that it\’s great to see such lively debate. At least we still have the freedom of ideas and expression.

  • January 11, 2007 at 1:16 am
    The Late Milton Freidman says:
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    AZUW you are getting closer to the truth. \”Some socialism\”, is a good start for you. There is a difference between health care and health insurance. Hospitals can not deny health care to any individual when a life is threatened. To provide health insurance to all by the government is socialism. Medicaid is the insurance solution for those who qualify. For those who do not qualify, it is up to them to purchase health insurance, and if they do not, then they will be buying health care at their own expense. It is their choice. Instead of paying more in taxes, why don\’t you pick a family and buy their health insurance?

  • January 11, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Free Market says:
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    Keep an eye on Chavez & Venezuela to see how the socialism scenario turns out. Looks like we all are striving for some middle ground where everyone will be a little unhappy about the result.

  • January 11, 2007 at 2:29 am
    sleepydogg says:
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    Milton you are on crack if you think we have the best healthcare system in the world.

  • January 11, 2007 at 2:33 am
    bob laublaw says:
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    Jees Mjolnir could you get any more un-American?

  • January 11, 2007 at 3:06 am
    The Late Milton Freidman says:
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    Name one country with a better healthcare system. It will have to include discovery of life saving drugs, equipment and a qualified healthcare staff. Just because everyone has access to health care, does not constitiute a great program. If I go to the doctor and their not capable of curing me, that would not be a good system. Looking forward to your reply. No I do not like crack but I may have a glass of wine with dinner tonight.

  • January 11, 2007 at 3:26 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Sorry if I was unclear. Your screen name makes your career fairly clear. I used the waitress analogy that naothe rposter had used as an example. On this website the acronym \”AZUW\” has a high probability of standing for \”Arizona Underwriter.\”

    The thank you is for not going psycho and blasting me for my statements. Not everyone here can keep their emotions separate from debate. I\’m as guilty of that as the next sapien. The point is, thanks for a reasoned response.

    I do agree that we\’ll see what happens in Mass and Cali. My fear is that it will be an expensive failure much like Canada and Europe have experienced. It says nothing good that we wish for universal health care like they have and they wish for short lines at the hospital and lower taxes. I\’m sincerely afraid that there is no good answer, only bad ones.

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