Oregon Voters to Decide on Credit Scoring for Insurance

September 11, 2006

  • September 26, 2006 at 3:56 am
    Ray says:
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    Leah – Get real! Credit scoring is actuarily supported in relationship to loss potential.

    And there are enough laws on the books to preclude profiling racially or religiously, although religious folks do tend to feel that they can get away with more since it is \”God\’s will\”…

  • September 26, 2006 at 4:18 am
    Leah says:
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    so, where can I obtain this suported document. They need to also put into place protections for things besides race and religion, ect. I have NEVER been in an AT FAULT accident BUT have been HIT 3 times. They are wrong!!! The 16yr old does not have a credit score. The other 2 had good or better credit. It has to do with a whole lot more than credit rating (see 9/20 Leah) and it is unfair that I have to make up for others short commings. I was told by my agent that we all suplement each other. The old, young, ect. and that I could get into 3 accidents before my policy was increased. There is the underling problem not me with bad credit.

  • September 27, 2006 at 4:28 am
    Mike says:
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    I got my license before car insurance was required in Oregon. As a Polio victim I\’m ambulatory challenged and my driving privilege is very important to me. I\’ve not had an uninsured accident ever. While living on disability I\’ve always paid my premiums bi-annually. It\’s costing me 2/7 of my income twice a year to keep my insurance paid up. This ontop of the fuel costs everyone else is paying. I relocated to a rental after a recent divorce with plans to stick close and try to save my marriage. A few months after moving in the dwelling failed building codes and could have cost me my life. With nowhere else to stay I found myself staying at Walmart with the RV group until i could get my affairs in order and return to Oregon. Where I lived for most of my driving life. My credit has been severely damaged through all of this. What money this law(measure 42) takes from me should go toward my debtors not greedy insurance moguls. If a person looses their job because an employer favors to hire illegals in an effort to increase his bottom line. Your credit could go down and insurance go up. If your rebuilding your life in New Orleans it may in fact be some act of God that destroy\’s your credit. Hindsight is 20/20 you never know for sure what life will bring you. Going with credit based premiums seems like gambling with your future to drive. We all know of someone who was on top of the world one day and the bottom the next. Keep it simple keep what we have and say Yes on 42.

    The right to freedom of movement is a basic element of liberty.One of our basic freedoms, the freedom of movement has returned to imprison those least likely to afford a car let alone insurance as it is. While we are asked to rebuild bombed out nations that have moved to encrouch upon the American Life style and the freedoms we enjoy.

    I don\’t have a phone because of the costs of keeping a car.

  • September 26, 2006 at 5:18 am
    Anonymous says:
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    I think it is pretty clear Ray is working with the insurance industry. What we have here is simply a correlation. I have noticed the same thing with the Sun coming up and roosters crowing, however I can find no proof that one is actually causing the other

  • September 27, 2006 at 8:48 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    Let\’s get to the real issue here. Leah, why is your credit score so bad. Would you share that with us?

  • September 28, 2006 at 10:05 am
    Leah says:
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    Mike & Hello dumb as- I am one who thinks people need to be responsible for them selfs. Yes, support your self, but, helping others is important too. If you drive excesive miles per year, get speeding tickets, hit people with your car then you should pay more. This would make more sense than good or bad credit and I would not bok. I agree there are a lot of circumstances that happen in life that are out of our control such as my self(Mike) I planned and saved to move to eastern Oregon with my elderly father and disabled mother for several years. My father purchased 1100 acres to farm. A big dairy farmer purchased property all around our homes. Mine being a mobile home. We put our home 1/2 mile off the main dirt road to have privacy. When my father refused to sell his property to the dairy farmer he decided that putting his milking barn, sialage pit and settling pond 10-30 feet from our homes would force our hand. He was right. The stentch, flies and noise was so horific that we could not stand it. This was only 6 months after we moved. I contact the governor, congressmen, news papers, ect. 22 months later, only to be told that the cows have the right to live there I (we) did not. We were there only on a conditional use permit. I tried to sell the mobile home I purchased but could not. I did not have the money to buy property to move it on nor the money it would cost to move it(I put all I had into moving and buying it). The dairy man wanted my parents land and purchased that but told me he did not need my mobile home. I allowed the bank to reposess it. That is why I have bad credit. I was ready to go postal over the situation I was in. Should I have killed someone or walked. I thought it best to walk. So, I will suffer for this man\’s bad behavior. Burns Oregon has thousands of acres for sale or vacant he decided to be an $%^&*()( he could have put his farm anywhere. Incidently he went bankrupt him self. I guess what goes around comes around. The only point I am getting at is because you have good credit(money) does not make you a good driver! Let\’s get real the truth is you can just pay the premiums. In the 25 years I have been driving I have not hit anyone but I have been hit by lifes circumstances and 3 other drivers.

  • September 28, 2006 at 6:38 am
    Hello Dumb As_ says:
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    So all of you Yesers…You think that if 42 passes, your rates are going to decrease…? your mistaken…at best they will remain flat, and if your are as unlucky as the majority of the resposible folks, you\’ll see your rates increase…and increase significantly…I mean the avg. person out here is ignorant…If its not one thing its another…with these \”Woe is Me\” people…
    You want a discount because you old/married /disabled/white/blue/green what ever…I WANT A DISCOUNT FOR HAVING GOOD CREDIT, I mean get your Sh_t together, stop waiting for society to take care of you, turn your WIC vouchers in and get a job…Must be nice to get free milk and cheese…to bad you can\’t keep your Wine(ing) to your self…

  • September 29, 2006 at 7:18 am
    Mike says:
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    20 million+ Illegals aka undocumented folks within our borders. Ever greet a foreigner only to get a garbled response \”I don\’t speak english\”? Could it be they can\’t read it either? If ya can\’t read a sign that says STOP why would you? Much of the driving I\’ve witnessed resembles what I\’ve seen south of the border. Those folks have gotta be raising insurance rates for all of us. Not stopping, speeding, running traffic control devices, and road rage… the attitude if a cops not near its ok! All need to be dealt with harsher. And all you folks with Photo radar evading license plate covers on your sports cars etc. to protect your credit. Need to remove them asap. Before you hit someone and destroy their credit with medical bills. Because they couldn\’t identify your plate as you sped away.

  • October 27, 2006 at 6:36 am
    gary says:
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    Will all of you people with bad credit stop blaming the world for your problems? Additionally, have those among you that are actually literate noticed how poorly the posts are written that are submitted by the \”credit challenged?\” Maybe it\’s as simple as there may be a correlation between stupidity, ignorance and bad credit.
    For those of you who are under the incorrect impression that making a lot of money equals better credit, you need to try and actually learn something. Good credit is much more than making a lot of money. In fact, if you look at the statistics and consider a per capita breakdown of \”bad vs. good\” credit when considering income, there are more \”bad credit\” numbers associated with people who make in excess of $100,000 per year. Having and maintaining good credit is nothing more than responsibily accepting and handling only that credit that your income will support.
    While I fully understand that \”bad things happen to good people\” due to occurrences such as medical problems or divorce, I also know that bad things happen to BAD people more often.
    Part of me actually agrees with a previous post that states that those of you with poor credit should stop whining. Unless you are a victim of identity theft, huge medical bills, or a divorce, you people should stop blaming the rest of the world for your problems. Chances are that most of those problems are self-inflicted, and you are looking for the ballot measure process to bail you out. Good luck…latest polls show the measure going down by a 3-1 margin. Good thing, too.

  • October 28, 2006 at 6:59 am
    Mike says:
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    Theres no law that says you can\’t be from a state that has set a ban on credit scoring.
    Simply get licensed in that state. Many offer license renewals while away from home. And your trip can last as long as you need it to. :-)

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