Tennessee Tragedy: Family Had No Fire Service But Had Some Insurance

October 5, 2010

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:34 am
    Ned says:
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    Why is it better to remove personal responsibility? Why is it better to have government involved in collecting and redistributing funds? Do we have that little faith in the individual?

    I also found it interesting that this family forgot to pay in the past and got the service anyway. Could that have been incentive to forget again?

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:37 am
    Living in Tennessee says:
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    Those who comment negatively will one day have something horrible happen to them, and you will be reminded how you responded to what happened here. If they would put out the brush fire, then they should have put out the house fire. They let 3 animal lives die in that fire. Shame on anyone that would not try to do something to put out this fire. The reject who was talking about that he didn’t pay his water bill (making light of what happened to this situation) and his cat died. You are by far one of the most ignorant and self absorbed people I’ve heard. I hope they’re sued, they shouldn’t have stood by. Their neighbor’s were willing to pay their fee. These are older people paying $75, it’s like the mafia. Oh.. you want protection, you pay me, I protect you, if not, well if something happens.. oh well. Shame on everyone that is so cruel and without compassion. You wait, you’ll have your time when you’re in need and will not get it, you will be reminded of how cruel and heartless you are. There are people drinking and driving out there that HAVE car insurance, and because they have car insurance does that mean it’s ok for them to drink and drive. There can be so many debates on this. The bottom line? This fire department was in the wrong. They only saw a chance to make this family and EXAMPLE. One definition of communism is this: a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. Here we think we’re so awesome and no one at all should help someone else out. Shame on everyone that is so self involved that they couldn’t care less about the hurt someone else is feeling. I live in Tennessee and I’m totally ashamed that this sort of situation happened.

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:41 am
    nobody important says:
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    Try paragraphs Living in Tennessee. I don’t agree with your points, but it would be a lot easier to understand them if they didn’t look like one long sentence.

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:43 am
    Living in Tennessee says:
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    Kevin, you do not even make sense. When I stated that it’s communism it’s because that’s how they’re responding to it. This isn’t a car accident on the side of the road. Okay for all you ignorant sons of biscuit eaters. Let’s get something straight right freaking now. Let’s see, so say you see a child being attacked by a dog. Do you just stand there? or do you go help? The moral of this story is to HELP. Get that stupid $75 off your selfishly immature brains for 5 seconds. I don’t care if this man EVER pays the $75 the fact of the matter is that they were not responsible enough to SEE if there was EVEN a person inside. We’re not talking about FREAKING INSURANCE! Gawd get off your tripping. We’re talking about the FIRE DEPT charging an annual fee of $75. Stop putting INSURANCE in place of a annual fee. How moronic. Does anyone even remotely pay attention? This isn’t about INSURANCE good grief. So, what you careless and heartless people out there are saying is that if YOU personally SEE a human,dog or any other creature in a house, that heck yeah.. they haven’t paid their fee LET IT BURN BABY BURN… some of you are seriously in need of some SERIOUS checkups from the neckup. First this is NOT about insurance, electric, or any utility bills. This is about a FIRE and not one single one of them went to see if there was any LIFE in this house. So.. what should they have done? They first and FOREMOST should have took it upon themselves and been like ok we have to make sure there isn’t anyone in this house. So, they’ve not paid their annual bill. Okay, then let it burn since you all are so cold hearted. Remember now, there was life that could have been saved in that house, and you had grown adults acting like they couldn’t do anything for themselves. I hope they’re sued for every ounce of money that they have. Do not tell me that it’s the owners fault for the animals dying, because they weren’t even there or they would have ran into that home to save their pets. One day… ONE DAY all you people that keep judging this family will have a reality check. Why don’t you actually pay attention to what is going on instead of constantly running back to.. well if I didn’t pay my insurance, or utilities would I expect them to leave it on? Well, duh this isn’t a utlility bill. This is a fire.. TWO totally separate things, and it’s not insurance. If I see someone ground gasping for air cause they’re choking, do I just say.. Oh well, you ate that food, so choke. Good luck to every single one of you who do not have a heart, soul or a brain that you are able to LOGICALLY think.

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:52 am
    Ned says:
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    I don’t think the insurance company would have a case. The story said the policy had an exclusion if the customer didn’t pay a fire protection subscription. If they choose to pay when the contract says they don’t have to, the fire company isn’t liable for their loss.

  • October 6, 2010 at 10:54 am
    Kevin L says:
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    Aren’t you the compassionate one, too. Some of us look at this objectively and understand the homeowner made a choice, took a risk, and lost. Plus, they caused the fire through their own negligence. And you, oh compassionate one, are wishing bad fortune on us.

    I love dogs; can’t stand cats and birds, though I don’t wish them dead. But I’m sick and tired of animal lovers equating the death of a pet to the death of a human being. I tell you what. I’ll have one of my FDNY brothers take you into a burning building and see how quickly you would be willing to risk your life to save an animal. Still, sometimes they do it. Way above and beyond the call of duty.

    Somehow you think that it’s about the $75. It’s not. Letting someone pay for a pay-in-advance service AFTER the service only encourages others to do the same, and then you lose the service for everyone, since the provider doesn’t have the funds to survive. And shame on you for equating paid fire protection to a mafia shakedown. I suppose your insurance company is part of the Russian mob, since they won’t protect you unless you pay the premium. And of course my alarm company is strong-arming me because they want to be paid each month to monitor my home. Hmmm, why don’t I just wait until my alarm goes off to pay them?

    You cite communism. What you’re espousing is socialism. You want the government to assume all responsibility for the individual. There are plenty of places you can move if that’s what you want. Thank God, the United States still has individual freedoms. But with these freedoms comes responsibility.

    Unlike your unkind wishes for me and others on this forum, the only wish I have for you is you open your eyes and mind and clear the clouds from them.

  • October 6, 2010 at 11:04 am
    Lisa K says:
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    But here is the problem, the fire department had ALREADY ESTABLISHED a pattern of helping people who HAD NOT paid, and ALLOWING them to pay later. This is tantamount to an unwritten contract, and gives people a REASONABLE expectation for service.

    The fact that the fire chief decided after the fact NOT TO honor the unwritten contract THEY had established points to selective enforcement of a policy.

    Selective enforcement of policies — especially in cases like this — are not morally or legally enforceable.

    If someone decides 3 years after the establishment of an unwritten contract to change that contract — they must notify people of the change in writing, and BOTH parties must acknolwedge the change.

    Unwritten contracts are established by word and deed.

    Yes, the policies need to change. Yes, personal responsibility is important, HOWEVER, unwritten contracts ALSO have to be enforced. Selective enforcement leaves everyone unsure of expectations and policy implementation. THAT is the real problem that everyone seems to ignore.

  • October 6, 2010 at 11:08 am
    Cassandra says:
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    Fire the chief. This is an area where the fire department is paid for in taxes by the city of Fulton but the folks living in the county have no other source of fire protection, really. Fire protection is a necessary service. Stop the stupid debate over personal responsibility and put your selves in the shoes of the Cranicks watching your memories go up in flames as well as your home. You know NOTHING about their circumstances nor their troubles nor why they really did not pay that silly bill. The idiot county should be billing on the tax bill these charges, then there is NO debate. The charge is so tiny, really, that the money is probably not the real issue………..

    To those of you so big on personal responsibility, I am glad that you can foresee the future and know that you will NEVER lapse. I suppose that if you drive off the road after traveling too fast for conditions, and land in the river, you will slap aside the hand that reaches out to help you…because you are going to take personal responsibility and claw you and your family up the riverbed all by yourself. Sure, you BETCHA! I also bet you NEVER missed paying a bill in your lifetime and so therefore can afford to be so very sanctimonious.

    Some of you people are just idiots. The Cranicks should have paid; they didn’t. Was the consequence really commensurate for the lack of the $75 fee?

  • October 6, 2010 at 11:28 am
    Kevin L says:
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    So kind of you to fling insults at some of us. It’s amazing how rude the shelter of the internet has made some people.

    You, Cassandra, don’t know all the circumstances, either. There are very, very, few homeowners that can’t afford to pay $75 for a vital service. It’s evident these people could, since they were willing to pay it at the time of the fire. They have money for an RV, to travel, and to have pets. The CHOSE not to pay the $75, CHOSE not to adequately insure their home, CHOSE to irresponsibly burn trash next to their home, CHOSE to live outside the fire protection district, and are suffering the consequences. And we’re the idiots by your definition?

    Why is it the county’s responsibility to provide fire protection. Where does that responsibility end? If a person decides to live far out in a remote location, many miles from any town, who should be responsible for protecting their property? And are forgetting the homeowner pulled this stunt before – not paying for protection and having a fire?

    Thank goodness election day is less than four weeks and we can start getting this mindset that others will take care of us behind us.

  • October 6, 2010 at 12:02 pm
    sharon halsey says:
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    What in Gods name has happened to our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can anyone just stand there and watch a home being burnt, with possible lose of life!!!! I am just at awe!!! I am so upset, How dare you people, this has to be fixed and charges should be applied,and eye for and eye, and I strongly believe most americans feel the same way Its just NO one does anything, the government is to work for us,

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