Smile, Speeders: South Carolina Town Using I-95 Speed Cameras

May 5, 2010

  • May 6, 2010 at 2:37 am
    TN says:
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    Personally, I’m hoping I’m around when this comes out:

    I’m guessing Belle doesn’t realize that a civil discussion is a lot more productive than an knuckle dragging, chest thumping “me right, you wrong” discussion. Oh well….

  • May 6, 2010 at 4:10 am
    Cynic says:
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    Maglev is a proven technology. I was on the Maglev train in Japan (Tokyo) and it is a weird sensation. Very smooth and fast. Eurostar is fast but it is also a train with multiple cars and bunches of passengers. The Skytran is individual transportation which offers security, privacy, and it is self parking. What a deal that is!

    The power driver system is also proven technology. I was designing with Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors in the 80s, and they have improved a lot since then. They make electric motors sing (literally) and are unbelievably efficient. Couple this transportation system with nuclear power generation and there should not be any CO2 left in the atmosphere (plants will start dying off and we will have to have a new tax to pipe CO2 to the forests).

    Note that this is something that Ames Research and the IEEE is working on, so it could be ready for prime time quickly. I think they had something similar to this for one of the Olympics or some other big deal a few years ago. It is still running and it pays its own way, no taxpayer subsidy (as is required by all other mass public transportation schemes).

    I did notice the enumeration and reference to all of the “green” power generation technologies, which is required if you want developmental subsidies from the government.

  • May 18, 2010 at 8:58 am
    Water Bug says:
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    Americans are just about the laziest, most careless, and ignorant drivers on the face of the Earth.

    I have driven many miles on the German Autobahns including the sections that have no speed limits. German drivers tend to be courteous, keep right except to pass, and don’t distract themselves with cell phones or cold drinks while they are driving. American drivers careen from place to place showing little concern for those around them. They drive horrid minivans stuffed with bratty larvae or they have cottage sized SUV’s with only the driver on board. They block the left lane on interstates and show no driving skills whatever.

    The speed cameras in the USA are used to nab drivers who exceed an arbitrary posted speed limit. The traffic cams in Germany nab drivers who are cutting in and out of traffic or showing discourtesy like flipping off a fellow driver. Americans need to take driving more seriously but they probably never will.

    BTW- the accident and death rates on the Autobahns are superior to those on US interstates.

    Oh well. I have effective countermeasures in my vehicles that protect me from the nanny cams, and yes they do work. I don’t drink and drive and I match the speed of traffic around me. I don’t whip from lane to lane and I NEVER exhibit road rage.

    When I’m on an interstate highway outside of city limits and there is no traffic I drive quickly and safely with no risk of injuring myself or those around me.

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