Smile, Speeders: South Carolina Town Using I-95 Speed Cameras

May 5, 2010

  • May 5, 2010 at 3:52 am
    W. Purcell says:
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    “Big Government telling us how to live”??? Are you serious? It’s a SPEED LIMIT. We’ve always had them. They work. Obey it and it’s all good. You are over the top. The cameras aren’t taking pictures of the occupants of the vehicles. They are monitoring speed. Driving the speed limit doesn’t cause bottle-necks.

  • May 5, 2010 at 3:56 am
    TN says:
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    Amazing, people want more control over things unless they’re the ones being controlled. (or at least believing their being controlled)

    Is anyone here in P/C Auto? If so, how many inj/fatal accidents include speed as a contributing factor? How many could be avoided entirely? I’ve read many many traffic homicide reports in my day, and the speed factor’s right up there with DUI.

    Revenue generator or not, what would you recommend to rectify the situation? More police presence? No, then you’d b$%^ and moan about police not paying attention to “real” crimes. Reduced limits? No, cause if they’re speeding at a 70MPH limit, a lower limit’s only going to make it worse.

    Personally I am amazed when people state that their rights are being violated from something that wouldn’t affect them at all if they simply obeyed the law. As the old saying goes…”don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing”

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:07 am
    Advocate says:
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    This particular area has always been a devils triangle for fatal accidents (not to mention a place where bodies are mysteriously dumped from other states)…

    Situation likely is that the SC Governor didn’t want that temporary Obama stimulus money for extra police officers. Then again if SC had gotten that extra money for police officers all that the various SC police depts would use it for would be to put more ticket writing officers on more roads (nevermind using officers regularly for anything else like crime fighting).

    So I guess this is outsourcing at it’s best, budget-cut creative financing with safety likely taking a 2nd place. Cheaper than payroll, payroll taxes, Workers Comp, & other employee benefits.

    I’d rather have a camera there than a wild driving ticket writing officer desperate to justify his job after wasteful Obama stimulus money runs out and he faces a job cut!

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:18 am
    stats says:
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    Statistically, Camera cause more accidents because drivers try to slow down or stop short at intersections and get rear ended. there is a town near tuscon that removed them because people were avoiding the area or got smart to the cameras and ended up costing the city money.

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:21 am
    TN says:
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    so basically what you’re saying is that a camera put up to curb speeding may actually cause people to slow down? Hmmmm don’t think I can argue too much with that.

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:33 am
    Nerd Of Insurance says:
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    I am interested to see what the stats are of accidents before and after the cameras are installed to see if they are really working. If they are, I say keep them, if not, ditch ’em. But one thing that a lot of people do not mention, with more cameras on the road, the existing cops can pay attention to more important crimes being commited (either that, or this would be a way to justify laying off more cops).

    And for those of you that are against the cameras… a police officer can catch a lot more violations then a camera. Right now, cameras only seem to catch speeding, running red lights, and failer to stop before making a turn. I havent seen them catch defective equipment, changing lanes in the middle of the intersection, following too close, failure to signal, etc.

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:33 am
    K. Eustis says:
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    So – it’s safer to allow speeding than to implement tools to enforce the law? Riiiight……

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:47 am
    Spins says:
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    How come a survillance camera can take a pix of driving doing 75mph and it’s clear as day and you see his/her nose hairs but the survillance camera at the bank or 7-11 taking a pix of the thug robbing the place looks like it was shot from Mars???!!!

  • May 5, 2010 at 5:39 am
    Cynic says:
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    Rear end collisions occur at traffic lights with cameras with greater frequency than at non-camera intersections. (Statistics work both ways.) Drivers slam on their brakes if they think the light might turn red and get them a ticket. I don’t blame them too much. If someone hits you in the tail end, it is their fault. Even though you end up with a no-fault accitent listed with CLUE. Not the best logic in the world, but it is not seriously flawed.

    I have watched drivers slow down as if to wait for the light to turn red so they get a “fresh green” to go through. Many people stop in the middle of an intersection when the light turns red, trying to avoid running the light. They never read the driver’s handbook, or at least the part where it says “clear the itersection once you enter it.” Most people do not know that once you cross the “stop bar” you are in the intersection and should proceed through, not back into the guy (gal) behind you trying to be “legal”.

    What they really need to do is mount a transponder in every car that sends a signal to the police when you go 1 mph over the speed limit or commit any moving violation. You would be required to appear in court and bring your “papers” and cash. ACLU where are you?

    Variations in speed keeps traffic from bunching up. Haven’t you all seen the “parades” that form when a timid driver takes 10 miles to pass a truck? The uniform speed will result in all traffic bunching up at whatever speed limit is set, and every accident will be a chain reaction and bunches of drivers will be killed or maimed at once. Makes for more efficient use of EMS vehicles, too. What aa great idea this is!

  • May 5, 2010 at 6:35 am
    Gene Pool says:
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    I love to read the comments. Reminds me it’s not the smartest, but the faster sperm that wins.

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