First, whether a party is or is not a resident of a State should have no bearing whatever on whether they are entitled to reimbursement. Second, Public Adjusters are, in N.J. and other States, are required to have written agreements with the parties they represent which outline their compensation arrangements. That contract should control. the compensation arrangements.. Repeated and intentional violations must result in license revocation, and/or a refund of all “excess” fees, and/or some combination of these penalties. In this case, I vote for “revocation”.
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First, whether a party is or is not a resident of a State should have no bearing whatever on whether they are entitled to reimbursement. Second, Public Adjusters are, in N.J. and other States, are required to have written agreements with the parties they represent which outline their compensation arrangements. That contract should control. the compensation arrangements.. Repeated and intentional violations must result in license revocation, and/or a refund of all “excess” fees, and/or some combination of these penalties. In this case, I vote for “revocation”.