Texas Court Allows $70M Judgment in Workers’ Comp Case to Stand

December 16, 2009

  • December 17, 2009 at 4:32 am
    Zeke says:
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    When wrong action is done. Consequences follows. Need this type of justice here in La. For injuried workers.

  • December 18, 2009 at 8:32 am
    T C says:
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    You tell em’ ZEKE !

  • December 21, 2009 at 11:46 am
    paul says:
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    Give me a break this shows how rediculisly people award what is write and what is wrong. AND more rediculase 2.5 million in lawyers fees. what ever

  • December 23, 2009 at 11:04 am
    Lone Ranger says:
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    The $70mm award — if accurately reported — for possible bad faith claim handling by the insurance company (article doesn’t give enough details – surprise)is absurd and destructive to our society.

    It is akin to having your local government execute your entire family because you didn’t pay a parking ticket.

    And Batman, in the Land of Infinite Entitlement where any business is evil and suspect – other than ACORN, mentioning to Annointed One makes sense.

  • January 14, 2010 at 5:46 am
    Larry says:
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    As long an insurance carrier is allowed to benefit from unlawful acts, no matter how small these acts are the public will continue to be subject to having their rights violated for monetary gain. The only thing that will stop unlawful claims handling is when it becomes just too costly to risk being caught..
    How would you feel if , if the shoe was on the other foot and the insurance carrier was handling your claim and was not following the law??

    Should Insurance carriers be allowed to save money by not complying with the law?

    Larry Nign Founder http://www.mystatefundstory.com

  • February 2, 2010 at 12:48 pm
    Rebekah says:
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    What many a lay person fails to comprehend is that the actions of companies like JI Specialty are reprehensible. A jury is not listening to evidence suddenly deciding, lets just throw the book at the company giving this individual a huge award.

    JI Specialty is an insurance company that provides WC insurance to businesses. The reason businesses provide WC insurance is to protect their workers who are hurt on the job. There was no dispute this worker was severely injured and entitled to the benefits his company paid to provide. The breakdown was the fact the insurance company failed to honor their part of their contact. They deliberately hurt this individual through non-payment of benefits then lied about it attempting to cover up their conduct they knew was in violation of not only Texas law but their own polices and contact with this man’s employer.

    These type of businesses have almost unlimited resources to attempt to fight these type of claims meaning the individual consumer is at a significant disadvantage. Even the smallest of cases can incur legal fees into the thousands by honest lawyers charging a fair rate. Deep pocket insurance companies will overwhelm the lawyers with discovery, depositions, motions and pleadings that require time and attention even when the Plaintiff’s lawyer is attempting to keep costs down. The insurance company’s lawyers go into these things knowing they are going to attempt to outspend the Plaintiff’s lawyer trying to get the Plaintiff to walk away. If you want to talk about how this costs the consumers realize if these insurance companies would honor their contracts and pay legitimate claims fairly and quickly, they would save everyone hundreds of thousands of dollars. I guarantee this insurance company spends more money annually on attorney fees fighting almost every single claim on some level than they will pay in this single award.

    But people don’t realize that and immediately think it’s all the fault of the injured party.

    Think about that the next time you are involved in an automobile collision and all you want is the insurance company of the negligent party to settle quickly and fairly. Then think about how much money you have paid toward premiums versus how much you have actually taken back. Then look at how long it took and the steps you had to take to negotiate a settlement that wasn’t fair to you and ask yourself again, what really is going on? It’s not the average consumer who is running up premiums, it’s the insurance companies in their endeavors to avoid ever paying a single claim!

  • June 8, 2010 at 8:49 am
    Felix Mojica says:
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    Very well deserved. My partner was injured at work and had more than four back surgeries. Workers comp in texas finally gave him a 10%impairment rate and after everything was approved by the doctor and workers comp, they just decided to lower it to 5%. My partner is disable and in pain for life. I think is unfair that we give dedicate our lifes working hard and at the end what do we get?

  • June 14, 2011 at 11:40 am
    Texas Injured Worker says:
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    There are plenty of fraudulent workers compensation claims made – and I have personally seen them “fly by” with not one problem from the worker’s comp carrier and/or company, namely a large police department in Texas. However, I have seen multiple LEGITIMATE workers comp claims of ON THE JOB INJURED EMPLOYEES be screwed over so badly, it is absolute abuse! The “red tape” bull—- that an injured worker goes through – not the fraudulent but actually true, valid, and fighting to only get medical care, treatment(s), surgery, etc. is a violation to them that surpasses any fictional stories ever seen or read. The Injured Workers Organization, TriStar Management, JI Specialty Services, Inc., are at best the most horrible, non-caring, screw you over people/companies I have ever encountered – they are worse than any mobster or organized crime gang(s) I have ever heard of, seen, and personally dealt with. The TWCC is no better!!! There is always two sides to a story and everyone has a right to their opinion but for those of us who suffer physically, emotionally, and financially at the hands of these monsters, there is no amount of money to compensate for that! They do not care about any injured employee – they attempt relentlessly to push and push to the point that the injured employee will give up even though it is physically harming the individual, even when the employee was forced to take a disability pension and is no longer able to work! They lie, cheat, ignore, and cause extreme harm to the injured worker. If you have never been through or are going through an experience like this, you would never believe this could actually happen to any human being.

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