Louisiana House Votes to Repeal Motorcycle Helmet Law

June 5, 2009

  • June 9, 2009 at 2:14 am
    Hale2pay says:
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    So typical, people who don’t ride wanting to mandate the actions of those who do ride. If the purpose of wearing a helmet is to reduce/prevent head injuries think about how many people we could save if we passed a law that required you to wear a helmet in your car. It seem to me that all the same arguments about medical cost and being a burden on society would still apply, but I don’t see any of the people who judge my actions wearing a helmet in their car. Now that’s an argument I would like to see debated!

  • July 5, 2009 at 6:55 am
    kim says:
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    I should have the right to choose helmet or not along with the right to choose seat belt or no seat belt 42 years old iwould choose helmet but not seat belt

  • August 10, 2009 at 9:09 am
    Patriot Rider says:
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    First to address “Darth Vader” –
    It’s not just a “few folks” that don’t wan to wear helmets. There are a number of valid reasons why some situations would indeed be SAFER if the rider was NOT wearing a helmet. Your blanket statement that everyone’s insurance will automatically go up is incorrect at least in so much as this…In the wonderful state of Louisiana your insurance rates will go up with or without this repeal because the insurance commission in this state approves 7%+ increases for insurance companies on a regular basis with no provocation other than greed.
    Now, as far as the helmet law itself; I agree that it should be the rider’s choice. I ride and would more than likely continue to wear a helmet on cross country rides but feel as though I can keep better awareness of the surrounding environment without a helmet on, This is very important in an environment such as downtown, rush hour traffic, etc.
    By the way, your comment leads me to believe that you are one of those folks that wants the government to tell you when, where, how and why you can and can’t do everything. You sure you wouldn’t like them to send someone to your home to stand restroom guard and let you know when you can go and when you need to…you know, clean up and how to do it and for how long and with what.
    Since when have we as Americans gotten to the point where we accept that the politicians are in a position to decide what is best for us? Pathetic that our country has turned into a flock of subordinate sheep led by a panel of “experts” known as congress. Who, by the way, have a multitude of evidence (check criminal records, etc) proving that they, in fact, DO NOT even know what is best for them, let alone for you and I.
    There are more than just “a few” of us so…get over it.
    In closing, I submit that the safety level of motorcyclist would be dramatically improved if we encouraged the drivers of other vehicles to LOOK FOR US. I submit further that a more effective law would be to prohibit eating, putting on make-up, talking on the phone, smoking and the myriad of other activities that automobile drivers tend to be so self absorbed in when they are behind the wheel whereas bikers are always alert, scanning and evaluating their environment. Looking out for you SAFE drivers that only have to have MINIMAL coverage at best.
    I have an idea, take a ride with a biker on a busy Saturday in a decent size city or on the interstate and THEN, …tell me who are the safer group…drivers or riders.

  • March 8, 2010 at 12:23 pm
    Just a rider says:
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    I have been riding since 1974 so let me start by stating that I have ridden in every state east of the Mississippi and average around 10K a year, have to work sometimes! I have crashed twice; neither time had a helmet on, and walked away from both of them. Both were at approximately 45 mph. I still prefer to ride without a helmet. I have been researching this issue for years and the one thing that is always true is that out dated facts and personal emotions is what most people use in their arguments. I not only carry adequate insurance, but I also am a donor. I have a living will that prohibits my family keeping me alive. If I die riding without a helmet, my family will all know that I died doing what I love. Sure beats falling out of my chair at work due to a stress induced heart attack. This whole argument is more about controlling people than anything else. We all do things that can kill us in one form or another. I don’t care if you smoke, drink or eat fatty foods. I don’t even care what your opinion is on helmets. If you ride, those who don’t shouldn’t be in the discussion, wear a helmet if you wish. Better yet, take every driver safety course you can get. It will save you more often than a helmet will. Truth be told, most helmets don’t even pass the government required safety standards. The majority of them are worn incorrectly and for too many years. Not to mention after being dropped on the ground, per the manufacturer, it should be replaced. Riding a motorcycle is dangerous, if the rewards are not worth the risks then don’t do it. Unless you live a perfectly safe life, which doesn’t exist, why do you feel the need to tell me how to live mine? BTW, no study has ever been able to prove that motorcyclists with head trauma causes more than minimal costs to the taxpayer when compared to the same injuries related to car crashes. So, if you think motorcyclists should wear helmets, then surely you believe they should be required in automobiles too.

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