Texas Leads Nation in Percentage without Health Coverage

August 30, 2007

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:51 am
    Happy Day says:
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    Well, I’m a Texan in the good ‘ol USA & if it’s so bad in FL, then why are you there with your family?

    As far as Wal-Mart & paying for employee insurance, not happening, need to look up not down. This is not a good place to work unless you are a teenager without any bills!

    If your employer pays your share, then what’s the problem with you being able to cover your family’s costs? Perhaps they pay for your health insurance, but apparently they are not paying you a decent wage.

    As far as throwing insults at your employer or your husbands, just maybe… you should actually see what it entails to run a small business on your own & not listen to your or your husbands employers who try to guilt you into staying with them when they know they are doing a disservice to their employees with their sad tales of woe… and unwillingness to really take care of them.

    Since you do believe our costs would drop drastically if the free ride for millions ended, what do you think we should do with those that are truly in need of assistance??? If you truly believe that you are entitled to NOT pay for others — you are definitely in the wrong country, as we do help those that need it & yes there are those that take advantage of the help provided…

    Finally, in response to your latest post, you are Dawn & from Florida, no one reads minds, but we do get something from your posts as to what your thought process is… I really don’t see how you were so insulted — perhaps the truth might eat at ya a little, but no real insults were thrown at ya… & if you are so sick & tired or paying for everyone that gets stuff free, move to another country where you have to do everything for yourself! That way you got no one to pay for nut you & your family… just an idea!

    In the last 2 years you say your homeowners has tripled — well then sell that place & get something that you can afford to pay for… health insurance doubled — same thing — find something you can afford… complaining about something doesn’t change it, it just keeps it as a very predominant problem center stage in your mind — get over it & find a way to make your life more enjoyable & if it means moving — just do it!

  • August 31, 2007 at 11:30 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’ve been accused of thinking I’m ‘entitled’ to free everything repeatedly on this thread. I’ve also been accused of making poor decisions, having crappy jobs, and a host of other things.

    As far as those who are truly in need of assistance? Put a few restrictions on it

    Proof of citizenship
    Drug test- we all have to take them to get paychecks, why should they be different
    A true inability to work, not just “I can’t” because they don’t want to.
    A limit on how many kids they can claim. Just because someone is physically able to have 10 kids doesn’t mean the gov’t (us) should pay for them.
    A time limit on how long you can be ‘looking’ for a job.
    If you get a job at McDonalds paying $7 an hour, a break on health ins instead of cutting it off entirely. Makes it not worth getting a job the way it is. I also feel if someone is willing to work, they should be encouraged. Anyone can actually make more money and get better health care by losing their job and going on welfare. We were ‘in the system’ about 10 years ago for 3 months. Don’t get started on ‘bad choices’. My boss died. Can’t plan for that. I lost money by getting a job. Lost a bunch health benefits, too.

    If someone who doesn’t want to work has 5 kids and is entitled to a free ride, why shouldn’t I expect at least a ‘break’ on what everything costs while I’m working my butt off to support them? I’m not asking for free, I’m asking to at least be able to afford the lifestyle I’ve carved out for myself. No Ferrari’s, so don’t go there. No McMansion, either. Don’t start about selling the house or changing jobs. Foreclosures in this country are at an all time high. Fla is the highest. Taxes and insurance are the number 1 reason people are losing homes they’ve had for 10 years or more. Can’t sell anything down here.

    I’m not making excuses or asking for handouts. We chose our location based on what we make and we chose our vehicle based on what we make. So after 7 years of paying my bills and staying in my means I’m the bad guy for getting ticked that ins premiums are pricing me right out of the life I’ve created? And yes, groceries and gas prices have contributed. But $500 more a month for homeowners and $700 more a month for health are the two big ones.

    I don’t know the answer. I never claimed to. But I do know the current system is not working. I’ve been asked about people who truly need assistance as well here today. Someone who retires after working for 50 years makes about half of what the current welfare recipient gets. And they have to pay for prescriptions, which the average elderly spends appx $500 a month on. They need help a whole lot more then the 25 year old that has 5 kids and no job. And they’ve contributed a lot more to the system that’s paying for the 25 year old. Why aren’t they entitled?

  • August 31, 2007 at 11:39 am
    Willy says:
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    You have an entitlement mentality, despite your opposition to people being on welfare entitlements! The solution is that we go backto the form of govt we were given – a constitutional republic. The federal govt has no authority whatsoever to tax you directly then to take that money and give it to anyone else in the form of foodstamps, health ins., farm subsidies, NOTHING. Less government and MUCH lower taxes are the answer. They are the only help that this government is allowed to give, that is, the govt could help us immensely by simply following the law of the land.

  • August 31, 2007 at 11:57 am
    RAL says:
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    Well Dawn, if you have been reading the posts, are you convinced that not many people on these post care about opinions, all they want to do is criticize and name call.

    Just like our great party system, one party trying to tear the other party down. That is why they can’t agree on anything. Even if a party tried to pass something that was good and needed, the other party would find a way to tear it apart. Notice, I am not siding for either party! They are all hypocrites! Don’t do as I do, do as I say!

  • August 31, 2007 at 12:05 pm
    Dawn says:
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    I would have no problem with that, Willy. I don’t have the entitlement mentality. I have to work, I feel that everyone should have to work in some way or other for what they get.

    Stop the free handouts. Fine. Lower taxes. Great. Stop providing medical care to the 25 year old with 5 kids and no job. My health ins goes down. Works for me. While we’re at it, why should we pay for inmates to have it better then we do? Cut the budget there. Arizona has it right. The Disney Channel and $.39 meals the inmates have to work for.
    I was also admonished on this board because people sometimes really need help. Do I believe that? Yes. There are people who work their entire lives to have something horrible happen to them. There are truly injured/handicapped people that can’t do for themselves. I have no problem helping them. But the percentage of them isn’t what’s killing the middle class.
    And I also have an ‘entitlement’ mentality because I believe a 75 year old that’s paid into the system for 50 years deserves more help?

  • August 31, 2007 at 12:32 pm
    CLR says:
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    For those that choose to complain & not do anything different to change their situations, who stay employed with dead end jobs, or those that have a minimal opportunity to prosper, pull your head out of your rectum, wipe the crap from your eyes & take a look around.

    Sometimes you can’t see what can happen because you are just focused on the what’s happening now.

    Take steps to achieve your goals & if you think you have already done that & are not where you need to be, then perhaps you need new goals or to learn how to take different steps.

    I wish you all well in your endeavors but feel that sometimes people sit in corner because they are just not willing to stand up & walk away. It is almost the same as staying in an abusive relationship. Why you ask & the response is overwhelmingly “because I love him/her” Well, that’s a sad way to express or accept love. That’s living with acceptance that you are not worthy to receive better so you accept what you get & wallow in your own self pity because you are truly jealous that others have & you have not.

    You have to want more to get more, otherwise you get stuck in those ruts & can end up there for years if you do not wake up.

    Happy Day, stay Happy!

  • August 31, 2007 at 12:46 pm
    RAL says:
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    You may as well give up. You will never get ahead of these Yahoos! They are so critical of everyone and every opinion that is not theirs. Evidently, this site is to criticize and not to have an informative discussion or opinion.

    I know exactly what you mean regarding the high cost of health and property insurance. There are some people we need to take care of but many just take advantage of the system.

  • August 31, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Johnny says:
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    Dawn — the neo-kkkons on this board don’t care about you, your situation or anybody else for that matter. They only care about themselves and that’s okay, for them. Best to ignore them and their name calling and remarks and move on. They have blinders and ear mittens on so they don’t have to see or hear ya. Good luck.

  • August 31, 2007 at 2:50 am
    Dawn says:
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    Oh, come on, if I didn’t give them something to pick on, they’d have to go amuse themselves elsewhere. We all know what happens with narrowminded people have nothing to do. George W Bush. LOL

    Have a good holiday weekend.

  • August 31, 2007 at 3:25 am
    Dawn says:
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    I would run if I believed you’d all actually leave.

    Keep going. if you’re thowing insults at me you’re not doing anymore damage anywhere else.

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